There are several great detectives on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, but none of them are quite as wise or as smooth as Detective Charles Boyle. Rarely does Charles get the credit he deserves as most people write him off as a bumbling goof whose main goal in life is to be best friends with Jake.

While all of this may be true, Charles does have his moments where he’s not a total goof. Actually quite often he is full of wisdom that only a Boyle man can possess and pass on to his very best friends in the most hilarious manner. So let’s take a look at Charles Boyle’s 10 best quotes:

10 “Tinker Bell is a loyal lieutenant and a real thorn in the side of Captain Hook.”

While Charles does love being a husband and a father, it does seem that his friendship with Jake takes precedence over everything else in his life. He is always ready to be Jake’s sidekick in whatever battle Detective Peralta is facing.

When Jake is left in charge of the precinct in season 2, episode 7 “Lockdown” Charles is all too eager to be the Tinkerbell to Jake’s Peter Pan. One thing to admire about Charles Boyle though, is he never goes back on what he says. When Rosa gives him a hard time about wanting to be the Tinkerbell in the situation, Charles without a hint of self doubt, quickly defends his opinion on Tinkerbell.

9 “What you did is the culinary equivalent of unprotected sex.”

Every Charles Boyle fan knows the one thing he takes more serious than his job as a detective, is the culinary arts. Charles does not mess around when it comes to anything regarding food whether it’s his pizza blog or the exotic cuisines he tries to get his friends to eat.

Charles is often the lighthearted, nice guy but when it comes to cooking he is rather ruthless even when speaking to Captain Holt. In season 2, episode 9 “The Road Trip” Charles attempts to teach Captain Holt about cooking, but to his dismay the captain is not the best student.


8 “Sexy train is leaving the station. Check out this caboose.”

Charles doesn’t always come across as the most confident man, but there are times when he gets a confidence boost and he has to let the world know. Unfortunately that confidence boost blinds him to his “full Boyle” antics such as proposing after only 20 days.

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But it’s fun to watch him enjoy his swag while he has it like when he sings “If You like Pina Coladas” while investigating a crime scene or when he announces to his quad, “Sexy train is leaving the station. Check out this caboose.”And then proceeds to say, “Later sluts.”

7 “Jake, piece of advice: just give up. It’s the Boyle way. It’s why our family crest is a white flag.”

Charles is not the man with the highest self esteem, but you can’t really blame him for it as he was raised believing it’s better to surrender than to fight. Most parents try to teach their children to stand up for themselves, but Charles’s dad seemed to do the opposite.

In season 5, episode 16 “NutriBoom” Jake and Charles find themselves trapped in a pyramid scheme and the two best friends have differing opinions on what to do about the situation. Jake believes they should battle their way out of the contract, but Charles wants to take the white flag route.

6 “Jake and Amy are getting married tonight. Title of my sex tape!”

No one was more excited for Jake and Amy’s wedding than Charles. Not even Jake and Amy were as giddy as Charles was. To be fair though Charles had been waiting for their wedding day ever since season 1 when he figured out his best bud like liked Amy.

While it’s sweet how excited Charles is for his two friends, he doesn’t express his emotions in the most polite manner as he refers to them getting married as the title of his sex tape. If only we  could all have a friend who is as supportive and happy for us as Boyle is for Jake and Amy.

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5 “We delay our decisions until the universe makes them for us. That way, we never make the a wrong choice.”

Charles Boyle has his own unique brand of life wisdom that has been passed down to him from generation after generation. Not only does the Boyle clan believe in giving up, but they also believe in never making a decision for themselves as they trust the universe to simply make it for them.

Probably not the best advice to give to someone, but you know what Charles has made it work for himself as he is a detective in the NYPD, is with the love of his life Genevieve, and the happy couple have an adorable son named Nikolaj. So you do you, Boyle.

4 “I’ve never been a bad influence on anyone! Should I bring my leather jacket?”

Everyone knows the number one rule to being a bad influence is having a leather jacket. Every bad boy needs a leather jacket unless you’re Charles Boyle because then your leather jacket is too nice as it’s ankle-length and fitted.

In season 4, episode 14 “Serve and Protect” Charles finally gets a chance to walk on the wild side as he convinces Captain Holt to go against protocol when they run into issues with their auditor since she’s Terry’s ex-girlfriend. No one can be a goody-goody all the time, not even Charles Boyle. Except maybe Amy.

3 “Yes! My fantasy threesome. Of cops on a case.”

Charles Boyle is a great guy as he is loyal, trustworthy, and caring. He’s basically a golden retriever in human form. Plus he is honest. Maybe too honest though. Charles seems to lack the ability to think before he speaks which means there are many thoughts he should keep to himself but doesn’t.

One example of this is in season 1, episode 4 “M.E. Time” when Charles is paired up with Detective Rosa Diaz, who he was majorly in love with at the time, and Detective Jake Peralta who is Charles’s best friend and hero. When Charles finds out all three of them will be working a case together, he can’t contain his excitement of being apart of the fantasy threesome.

2 “You can’t make bread with pride.”

Most of Boyle’s advice isn’t very helpful as he is usually advising people to give up and take the easy road. But the one thing we can all learn from Charles is to not be prideful. After all, pride isn’t an ingredient for bread.

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When Gina gains a Boyle family inheritance in season 4, episode 18 “Chasing Amy”, she uses it to make money off of Charles. However the deal goes bad for both parties as Gina burned the mother dough so she couldn’t sell it to Boyle. But we all learned a valuable lesson and that is pride is useless when baking bread.

1 “Because he actually asked her out.”

Over the course of Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s 7 seasons, fans have learned a great deal about life thanks to Charles Boyle such as it’s better to give up, let the universe make decisions for you, and you can’t bake bread with pride. But the best nugget of wisdom we gained from Charles was back in season 1, episode 19 “Tactical Village”.

When Jake is confused as to why Amy would go out with Teddy over him, Charles is there to teach him a lesson we all need to learn. If you want something in life you have to  pursue it. Whether you want a raise at work or a date, you have to actually ask for it. The worst they can say is no, but what if they say yes?

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