All the main characters from Brooklyn Nine-Nine have their own quirky and unique personalities that fans love. Rosa’s seemingly badass and serious persona always reminds you of someone you know. There’s no doubt that everyone knows someone like Amy or Terry.

Each character holds their own in an interesting way throughout the show. But out of the entire squad, Scully and Hitchcock hold their own special place. They are not the most put-together detectives and they are most certainly not the most hygienic.

10 Pizza In The Bathroom (Season 3, Episode 3)

While Rosa and Terry try to prove that Scully and Hitchcock ate her Moose Tracks ice cream, the duo keeps denying it. It’s no surprise that Rosa suspects them, they have a long history of eating everything in sight.

Things get gross when by the end of the episode, Rosa and Terry trick them into eating pizza. They claim they’re lactose intolerant, which proves to be true. They’re stomachs gargle and they run to the bathroom while eating pizza. Scully U-turns to retrieve the pizza box. That way they can eat pizza while going number two.

9 Printer Pizza (Season 3, Episode 22)

This is only a short moment in the episode, but it leaves you with so many questions. The printer has always been an issue in the precinct. Scully and Hitchcock decide to fix it themselves. They oddly use a slice of pizza to test the ink instead of paper.

To make things bizarre, they actually manage to fix it. Cue gross moment. Scully eats the slice of pizza that is covered in printer ink. Cheese and ink don’t go together.


8  Old Street Food (Season 4, Episode 14)

There is a general rule to not eat food that has been laying on the street, especially when it’s New York City. Rosa is straight over the precinct possibly getting shut down and Jake assures her good things always happen.

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Scully pops up and says it’s true. He found an old bag in the street with a cupcake inside. One can accurately predict Scully will eat the cupcake without any regard to germs or bacteria.

7 Always Wet Hands (Season 5, Episode 13)

Hitchcock has to try and learn new tricks to impress a woman who is questioning detectives for the Commissioner position Holt is after. As Terry teaches him how to properly introduces himself, he notices Hitchcock’s hand is extremely wet.

Hitchcock thinks ahead and knows the answer is extremely disgusting and shouldn’t tell her. It makes you wonder, is it a gland issue? Or is it something he does daily that makes them wet? Regardless it makes you shiver at the idea.

6 Peanut Butter Mouse Trap (Season 4, Episode 13)

The precinct has a rat problem and the detectives are tasked with eliminating the problem. There is a hiccup, they are having trouble setting the traps. Scully keeps eating the peanut butter off that would bait the rats.

It’s a disgusting thing to do seeing as the trap is meant to lure a rat. Also, the rat will subsequently die an agonizing death once it’s lured and trapped by the peanut butter. You could also question if the traps have any chemicals or bacteria.

5 The Stink Up (Season 6, Episode 2)

Scully and Hitchcock are under investigation by IAB for an old drug bust case. Jake and Boyle are forced to be suspicious of them and take them to interrogation. Scully threatens Jake with his own disgusting tactic.

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He warns Jake that they had lunch an hour ago and they are trapped in a small room together. Scully and Hitchcock had a plethora of lactose related foods that could only lead to one thing. Scully explains the situation as “a dutch oven.” No man will be able to escape with their nostrils sintact.

4 Blood Pact (Season 3, Episode 16)

Blood pacts are highly dangerous due to infection and the transmitting of diseases. Scully and Hitchcock didn’t get the memo. In a flashback, Hitchcock made Scully promise to marry his wife if anything ever happened to him.

It’s a sweet gesture. Hitchcock couldn’t stand Scully being alone. To seal the deal they suggest a blood pact, to which Hitchcock agrees and thankfully he is already bleeding profusely from his hand. A blood pact combined with their long list of medical issues isn’t a good idea and disgusting.

3 It’s All Wart (Season 3, Episode 4)

Along with all the infections, fluids and medical issues, it’s hard to believe how Scully and Hitchcock are still standing. At a morning debriefing, Scully updates the crew that he has an anal canyon. That’s not a pretty picture to imagine.

Jake grumbles and wonders why Scully keeps telling them about his disgusting body. In a flashback, Scully shows Jake his foot to show his wart. Jake says he doesn’t see anything which leads Scully to explain his whole foot is a wart. Reacting accordingly, Jake is disgusted and spits out his food and runs away. It doesn’t help in the gross factor that Scully’s foot is a vibrant orange color.

2 Bathroom Chair (Season 3, Episode 16)

Fans know that Scully and Hitchcock love to do nothing and enjoy sitting at their desks. Hitchcock takes it to a new level that is plain gross. Instead of leaving his chair to use the restroom, he takes it with him.

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Hitchcock proceeds to pull down his pants while sitting on the chair and uses the urinal. Jake who is also using the facilities is absolutely baffled and disgusted. One can only imagine how often the chair is cleaned.

1 The Goldfish (Season 3, Episode 7)

When Scully tells Jake there a lemonade cart around the corner that lets you keep the glass mason jar, Jake already knows what’s about to happen. Hitchcock just bought a goldfish that’s swimming in the same exact type of jar.

Question is, will one of them mistake the correct cup and drink the goldfish? Disgustingly enough a minute later Hitchcock has the fish in his mouth and you can see the tail hanging out. He proceeds to eat it. It’s a new low on the gross meter for the pair of detectives.

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