When Buffy The Vampire Slayer made the move from the big screen to television, the series debuted Buffy’s friends and allies that would become her “Scooby Gang.” One of those was her rival Cordelia Chase. The most popular girl in Sunnydale, Cordelia didn’t seem like the kind of girl who would wind up dating the class clown and helping slay vampires, but she went through a lot in high school.

Her longest relationship was with Xander Harris during the run of the series. While Xander went on to find love with someone else on the show, Cordelia ended up on Angel and was written out of the series in a very complicated storyline where she also gained the power of a goddess. If she had the chance to find love as well, there are a lot of candidates she could have been with.

10 Angel

Cordelia was very much interested in Angel before she knew the details of his vampire persona. While Buffy and Angel were billed as the epic star-crossed lovers of the series, Angel eventually moved on from her in his own spin-off, where Cordelia joined him.

It could have been interesting to see what the Scooby Gang thought with just how close Cordelia and Angel became in the spin-off series. Even the post-tv comic book series never really addressed just how much Cordelia matured and changed after leaving Sunnydale behind. 

9 Riley

When Cordelia left the series, Riley joined it. A member of the Initiative, Riley was a soldier trained to fight the supernatural. He was a good guy and supportive of the Slayer, but also found it really difficult to have a woman stronger than him out in the field.

Riley was the stereotypical protector, someone who took the responsibility upon himself for the wellbeing of those he cared about. Though Cordelia was an incredibly capable woman once she learned the truth about vampires and demons, she would have welcomed his help instead of insisting on doing things herself. They would have made a great team. With Buffy and Cordelia consistently having the same taste in guys, it’s likely they would have hit it off.


8 Anya

Cordelia was never into women – as far as fans know. If she was, she might have found common ground with Anya. Like Cordelia, Anya also dated Xander during the run of the series.

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Anya and Cordelia were so much alike when Anya became human that this relationship probably would have seen the two butt heads quite a bit. They were both incredibly shallow and materialistic, but matured beyond that thanks to their experiences with the rest of the Scooby Gang. The two would have definitely understood one another better than most.

7 Wesley

There was a bit of a spark between Wesley and Cordelia when they first met. Unfortunately, Wesley was a little older than her – and a newly appointed Watcher. He also couldn’t seem to get beyond his awkwardness around her.

If Wesley could have reigned in his anxiety around Cordelia, the two might have really hit it off and become friends long before they met up again in the Angel spinoff series. Who knows if they would have become romantic then?

6 Harmony

Once, Harmony was one of Cordelia’s sidekicks. She was just as into being pretty and popular as Cordelia was. Following becoming a vampire on the day of their high school graduation, however, her life changed completely.

Harmony was exposed to a whole new world in an instant, just like Cordelia. Becoming a vampire meant that Harmony could still give into her selfish desires, but she also had more direction in life. It’s a shame when Harmony made the move from Sunnydale to Los Angeles that the two former friends didn’t become allies – or more.

5 Pike

If Buffy The Vampire Slayer fans are only familiar with the television series, Pike might not be a name they recognize. He originally appeared in the feature film as an ally (and love interest) for Buffy after his friend became a vampire. Though the series followed the movie, he didn’t appear. Likewise, a comic book series picked up where the television series left off. He did appear there, so he was still active in the world of vampires while the events of the television show took place.

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Pike was a bit of a rebel, and older than Buffy and Cordelia. He quickly adapted to the world of vampires, and didn’t have a problem with a woman calling the shots. Pike and Cordelia would certainly have made an interesting pair.

4 Faith

Despite Buffy getting on the nerves of the Watchers’ Council, she followed most of their rules. Faith, on the other hand, was a whole lot more reckless, and maybe just what Cordelia needed.

She relished her power as a Slayer instead of feeling like it was a burden, and she was ready to really cut loose on the bad guys. Her laid back attitude, and her penchant for girl power as well, could have helped Cordelia loosen up and become less consumed with her popularity in high school.

3 Oz

Oz and Cordelia were on opposite ends of the social spectrum, but he never seemed to be bothered by her sarcastic comments about his group of friends, taking her remarks in stride. They didn’t know one another particularly well in their time on the series, but they did date a pair of best friends.

While Cordelia dated Xander, Oz dated Willow, and they discovered their significant others were cheating on them – with each other – at the same time. It’s unfortunate that the two never bonded over their shared pain. They also could have bonded over the fact that they were both outsiders, even in the Scooby Gang. Cordelia and Oz, drawn together by their exes, could have actually learned a lot from each other.

2 Buffy

Rivals to romance is one of the oldest tropes on television. Cordelia saw Buffy as a threat to her popularity when the new girl came to Sunnydale. Despite their trading barbs every week, they seemed to have an understanding, if not a tentative friendship

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Some might argue that neither of them showed any interest in women, but Buffy did actually date a woman in the comic book continuation of the series. She would be open to dating someone with her same level of strength and determination, which Cordelia definitely had.

1 Someone New

When Cordelia left Buffy The Vampire Slayer, she had a dream. She wanted to leave the drama of Sunnydale behind and become an actress. That dream got derailed – and so did her social life. It seemed like after she and Xander went their separate ways, she couldn’t catch a break. Everyone in her life was connected to the supernatural.

What Cordelia really needed was someone “normal.” She needed a break from vampire slaying, demon hunting, and ancient curses. Cordelia deserved a shot at a normal relationship with someone completely new. 

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