Willow Rosenberg was one of the most beloved characters in Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Her personal journey as the series progressed was utterly amazing, and one of the most natural ever portrayed on television. Willow herself was also totally relatable, from high school student right up until college graduate.

Her magic powers only served to make Willow even more awesome, and then to top it all off, Willow began a relationship with Tara Maclay, becoming one of the first openly gay relationships on television. Despite all this, though, there were some aspects of Willow’s personality that did get worse as the show went on.

10 Becoming A Teacher

On the surface, this doesn’t sound at all bad, although it did occur as a direct result of some absolutely tragic circumstances. After Angel’s soul had been removed, he proceeded to kill Jenny Calendar, IT teacher and friend to the Scooby Gang.

Willow, in particular, looked up to Jenny, as they were both knowledgeable about computers. However, this only occurred in Season 2, and Willow was still in her awkward phase. Willow shouldn’t have had the confidence yet to take over her late mentor’s class, and it just felt a bit tacked on.

9 Her Magic Addiction

This was probably Willow’s biggest storyline of the series and it was a seriously compelling one to boot. It might have worked slightly better if it wasn’t carried out during the most depressing season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, but it was still effective.

By Season 6, Willow had become quite a strong and powerful witch, and a great ally to have on one’s side. However, Willow became dependent on her magic, leading to an addiction, which gradually got worse and worse over the course of the season.


8 Her Use Of Offensive Vocabulary

Intriguingly, this entry doesn’t actually get worse as the series progressed, but rather it becomes more awkward and offensive the more that time passes. For instance, Willow was a big user of words like ‘retard’ and ‘spaz’, which were perfectly acceptable in the 90s.

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However, Buffy ended almost 20 years ago, and words that were once acceptable are now considered to be taboo in modern society. Those aforementioned words are now viewed as degrading and insulting and make Willow seem worse and worse the more one watches.

7 Her Feud With Anya

Willow and Anya’s friendship didn’t get off to a great start in all honesty. Anya Jenkins was a vengeance demon who sent Cordelia Chase to the dark Sunnydale in an alternate reality, and she also helped bring vampire Willow to the real Sunnydale.

Even after Anya became a member of the Scooby Gang, she and Willow took a while to get used to each other. The main problem was, both women thought that the other would hurt Xander. However, this was regressive for Willow, as she had moved on from Xander a long time ago.

6 Her Recovery After Turning Evil

In Season 6, Willow’s addiction to magic eventually overcame her, and Willow was gone. In her place was Dark Willow, who possessed no morals and only cared about one thing: revenge. Xander managed to stop her, but not before Willow tried to destroy the world.

Afterward, Willow recovered from her turn to evil in England with Giles, who helped her to control her magic. However, losing your girlfriend and flaying someone alive has got to leave a mark, but Willow suffered no PTSD at all. This didn’t make any sense and would have been interesting to explore.

5 Cheating On Oz

During the first couple of seasons of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Willow was presented as a heroic, if also quiet and kind of mousy, young woman. She had an unrequited crush on Xander for the first couple of seasons until she met and fell in love with Oz.

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Willow and Oz were the perfect couple. They were cute, adorable and they were on totally equal footing. However, in Season 3, Willow cheated on Oz by kissing Xander. This was completely out of character for Willow, not just because she had gotten over Xander ages ago.

4 Dating Kennedy

Tara and Willow were the ultimate couple goals. They loved each other and everyone loved them together too. Unfortunately, they also went through their fair share of rough spots, including Willow’s magic addiction and, most critically, Tara’s tragic demise.

Willow was in incredible pain after watching her lover die in her arms and so she tried to kill the world. In Season 7, however, the writers felt the need to shove Willow into another relationship immediately, which is how she got with Kennedy. Incidentally, Kennedy was really annoying.

3 Turning On Buffy

For seven seasons, Willow and Buffy were the best of friends. From day one, Buffy leapt to Willow’s defense, and the two wonder women have been pretty much inseparable ever since. However, they have, on occasion, turned against each other.

The first time occurred in Season 4, when Buffy and the rest of the Scooby Gang had a massive blowout. However, in Season 7, all of Buffy’s allies turned against her and threw her out. After everything Buffy had done for Willow, this just seemed totally out of character.

2 Putting Back Angel’s Soul

Willow was the Scooby Gang’s resident witch for almost the entire series of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. By the end of the show, she was the most powerful witch in the whole of creation. In fact, she was so powerful, she broke the spell that limited the Slayer to one at a time.

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However, all of this took time, and when Willow started out, she was still just a novice who was trying to work out what to do as she went along. In Season 2, Willow was still trying to understand her magic, but then she returned Angel’s soul. She should never have been able to perform that spell, and yet she did because of plot convenience.

1 Using Computers Less

For the first few seasons of the show, Willow was all about computers. She was able to hack into anything, even without magic, and she clearly had a gift. One of Willow’s first jokes on the show revolved around her technical expertise, while simultaneously dishing out some fine nerd revenge.

However, as the series progressed, Willow began to ditch her computer hacking skills in favor of her magic. While it was true that Willow was becoming an incredibly skilled witch, her computing expertise was a fundamental part of her character, which was sorely missed.

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