The inspiring, entertaining, and groundbreaking teen show Buffy the Vampire Slayer still means so much to fans all of these years later. Sarah Michelle Gellar’s main character, Buffy Summers, was unique when compared to other high schoolers on TV around the same time — or even now.

The Buffy characters are all very different from one another and they make up a fascinating cast of teens and adults who are trying to make their way in the world (while saving it, of course). Like most TV casts, some characters are very popular, whereas others have never been fan favorites.

12 Dawn Summers

Sometimes fans feel sympathetic toward Dawn, but for the most part, this character (played by Michelle Trachtenberg) is the most hated person on the show.

Dawn complains a lot and doesn’t act her age, and then there are the issues with her character arc, since she appears out of nowhere and supposedly has always played a major role in Buffy’s story.

11 Spike

Fans may love watching Buffy and Spike together, but the character, played by James Marsters, doesn’t seem like the most likable character on the show.

Besides the fact that he’s an evil vampire and the polar opposite of Angel, he’s also too forceful with Buffy in a few scenes. He actually tries to assault her, and it’s something that fans can’t ignore.


10 Tara Maclay

Tara (Amber Benson) isn’t one of the most popular characters on Buffy The Vampire Slayer as many feel that she wasn’t given enough of a personality.

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While Willow and Tara’s romance is groundbreaking and important, Tara just isn’t compelling on her own.

9 Anya Jenkins

Fans feel lukewarm about Anya and the character, played by Emma Caulfield, isn’t very likable.

She doesn’t stand out as much as Buffy’s friends Willow and Xander, who are much more compelling. Not everyone is on board with Anya and Xander’s love story, either.

8 Faith

Faith (Eliza Dushku) isn’t by any means the worst character on Buffy The Vampire Slayer but she does take some warming up to.

She’s tough and independent, just like Buffy, so it’s hard to dislike her for having those personality traits. But she does make some bad decisions and because the two Slayers are pitted against each other often, fans are always going to take Buffy’s side.

7 Cordelia Chase

Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter) is definitely hilarious. She’s a California girl who can’t help but care about being beautiful, stylish, and popular over anything else.

As the series progresses, she becomes a bit nicer, but she’s mostly on the show for the funny and witty comments that she makes. Even though she can be self-centered, it’s hard not to love her. One of her best lines is, “People who think their problems are so huge craze me, like this time I sort of ran over this girl on her bike. It was the most traumatizing event of my life, and she’s trying to make it about her leg, like my pain meant nothing.”

6 Rupert Giles

Giles (Anthony Head) is Buffy’s Watcher, the school librarian and a huge part of the gang.

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Giles is a major player in many episodes and he’s smart, genuine, and kind. He wants to help Buffy no matter what, and his old-fashioned personality and nervous attitude are really charming.

5 Oz

Oz (Seth Green) is one of Willow’s early love interests, and he’s hilarious, quirky, and adorable.

It’s enthralling to watch his transformation into a werewolf, and while he doesn’t appear past the first few seasons, he’s a pretty big part of the show before then. It’s hard not to like Oz as he’s got a lot of wit and charm.

4 Angel

The Buffy spin-off Angel saw David Boreanaz reprising his role, and he’s definitely one of the most beloved characters on Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

Angel knows that vampires and Slayers shouldn’t fall in love, but he’s a good vampire and can’t help but feel something for the girl who is supposed to be his enemy. He treats Buffy well and is a positive presence in her life. However, Angel can’t be ranked higher because he breaks Buffy’s heart and it’s really painful and devastating to watch.

3 Xander Harris

Even if fans don’t all love that Xander (Nicholas Brendon) dates Anya, he is one of the most likeable characters on the show.

From the very start, he’s kind toward Buffy and befriends her, wanting her to feel comfortable at her new school and in her new town. He’s very friendly and supportive and seems like a great friend to have.

2 Willow Rosenberg

Alyson Hannigan’s Buffy The Vampire Slayer character, Willow, is sweet, shy, and naive. She’s one of Buffy’s best friends and so nice that it’s impossible not to love her and want to be her BFF.

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Sure, at first Willow might seem kind of wimpy, but after a while she learns how to kick butt and be strong just like Buffy. Her development into a witch also helps her find a sense of independence and power.

1 Buffy Summers

While some Buffy episodes are bad, Buffy Summers is always the best character on the show, hands down.

Buffy is strong, powerful, and inspiring. She’s a bit ditzy at times, especially in the first season, but that makes her funny and charming. Buffy is a unique character because she can make a hilarious comment in one breath and then kick some vampire butt in the next.

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