In the latest developments surrounding the allegations of on-set abuse against Joss Whedon, Buffy the Vampire Slayer stars Anthony Stewart Head and Emma Caulfield are the most recent cast members to comment on the situation. Head, who played Rupert Giles, the school librarian and mentor to Buffy, was part of the original group of characters who kicked off the first season. Emma Caulfield joined the cast in season 3 as Anya, an ex-demon who befriends the gang. Both characters shared scenes with Charisma Carpenter’s Cordelia Chase.

Recently, Carpenter came forward with more important details about the alleged emotional abuse she experienced while working for Whedon on the Buffy spinoff show Angel. In an Instagram post, she accused Whedon of verbally berating her for gaining weight while pregnant, mocking her religious beliefs, and, ultimately, firing her soon after her pregnancy. Criticism of Whedon’s unprofessional behavior on-set has built up over the years, with Justice League star Ray Fisher criticizing the director for his abusive conduct during reshoots last year. Two members of the stunt team on Buffy, Jeff Pruitt and Sophia Crawford, shared similar accusations.


On Instagram, Caulfield reposted a statement released by Sarah Michelle Gellar, the titular lead of Buffy, and added, “In the wise words of my friend.” Her comment appears to endorse the sentiments expressed by Gellar’s post, which noted her appreciation for Buffy’s legacy while also acknowledging that she did not want to forever be associated with Whedon. In this same statement, Gellar also explicitly articulated her support for all abuse survivors.

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In an interview with This Morning, Head offered his thoughts on the rising number of allegations against Whedon:

“I’ve been up…most of the night just running through my memories, thinking, ‘What did I miss?’ Because this is not a man saying, ‘I didn’t see it, so it didn’t happen.’ I can’t—I am gutted, I’m seriously gutted. Because one of my fondest memories was that it was so empowering, not just in the words in the script, but just the family feel of the show…I’m really sad if people went through these experiences…I was sort of like a father figure…I would hope that someone would come to me and say, ‘I’m struggling, I just had a horrible conversation.’”

During the rest of his interview, Head seemed at a loss in terms of processing these revelations. After noting that much of Carpenter’s criticism stemmed from her time on Angel, not Buffy, he appeared to waffle on the overall matter. In a winded digression, he observed that the long hours on-set affected everyone and that he had witnessed cast members and directors yell at the crew in moments of pique. His assessment of the allegations left much to be desired, mainly because it veered away from the issue at hand: sustained verbal abuse over a long period. It was not a one-off event but a focused pattern of unprofessional behavior. While Head appears to be still grappling with this reality, other Buffy the Vampire Slayer actors, including Michelle Trachtenberg and Amber Benson, have offered their support to Carpenter.

Source: Emma Caulfield / This Morning

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