With four released installments and one supposedly on the way in 2022, the Modern Warfare series is running strong. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare masterfully reinvented the World War II video game series in 2007, receiving praise for everything from its gameplay to its graphics, story, and multiplayer.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 received a comparable response while Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3‘s was a tick down if not still very respectable. There was still praise for the fourth and most recent installment, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, with the exception of some multiplayer issues. However, even with all this praise, there are plenty of Redditors who take issue with the series.

8 Modern Warfare 2’s Multiplayer Was A Dumpster Fire

A now-deleted user said they “thought mw2’s multiplayer was overrated.” Another Redditor had harsher thoughts on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2‘s online playability. AgainstTheTides said, “I think it was a dumpster fire…It was loud, laggy, and made with instant gratification in mind.”

These two Redditors appear to be alone in their perspective, as the multiplayer was just one thing about Modern Warfare 2 that received critical acclaim. The latter user’s main issue was that it was too fast-paced (later games’ multiplayer would be even faster). Repliers questioned what’s wrong with a fast pace. At the very least, Modern Warfare 2 introduced one of the best 1 v 1 maps in Call of Duty history: Rust.

7 Modern Warfare (2019) Has Very Fast TTK (Time-To-Kill)

HaylingZar1996 thinks Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has “very fast TTK: makes dashing from cover to cover harder, encourages holding angles and punishes moving around the map.”  Essentially, they think players are encouraged to camp. Perhaps the Redditor needs to discover Call of Duty: Warzone, which was introduced via Modern Warfare. Camping in that will be an uneventful time.

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RufusSwink replied with “I have to disagree. The fast TTK goes both ways…more often than not the aggressive player running around will have the advantage of campers. Footsteps are loud sure but so inconsistent that they can’t be relied on.” The responder then mentioned how they can sneak up on someone without even using the Dead Silence perk, which is certainly possible in the game’s multiplayer.


6 Modern Warfare’s (2019) Skill-Based Matchmaking Is Like Unfair Tennis

One poster took issue with how Call of Duty: Modern Warfare groups players online via skill-based matchmaking. Their analogy, however, was a little jumbled. As fragger29 said, “SBMM is bad…If you play tennis and you want to improve, you don’t immediately go against Serena Williams.”

SBMM clumps groups of players who possess comparable levels of skill. The Redditor’s analogy doesn’t work, which FrostByte2048 agrees with, saying “You literally just gave the reason why SBMM is good?” Fair enough.

5 The Modern Warfare Series Isn’t The Best Of CoD

One Redditor doesn’t quite agree with the masses that the Modern Warfare series is the apex of Call of Duty. As Its-NinjaGeek said, “The Modern Warfare series are not the best COD games- Well I happen to believe that the Black Ops series are all the best COD games.”

The Redditor does qualify their comment by saying it’s close, but outside of the original Black Ops that series doesn’t hold a candle to the storytelling and technical achievements seen in Infinity Ward’s series. Furthermore, the Modern Warfare series has the best villains, like the mysterious and intense Lt. Gen. Shepherd.

4 Modern Warfare 3 Is The Best Of The MW Series

DrSavitski listed out several supposedly unpopular opinions about the Call of Duty series as a whole, including one specifically about the Modern Warfare series. As they said, “WW2 is a top 5 COD. No COD is even close to garbage yet. BO1 is the best of the BO series. MW3 is the best of the MW series.”

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The least popular of these opinions, if one were to ask Call of Duty fans at large, is the one about Call of Duty: WWII (which was plagued with lagging issues). However, saying Modern Warfare 3 is the best of the four Modern Warfare games is a stretch. Most would give that honor to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare or Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

3 Most MW2019 Maps Are Bad

Schwath had several complaints about Call of Duty, with one of them being about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare‘s multiplayer maps. As Schwath said: “Most MW2019 maps are bad, but not as bad as the community makes them out to be. The game and how it’s designed overall makes them play worse than they actually are.”

The word “most” could be viewed as unpopular. Standout maps like Gun Runner, Hackney Yard, Shoot House, Crash, Shipment, Rust, Hovec Sawmill, Scrapyard (for sniping), and Mialstor Tank Factory would beg to disagree.

2 Rust Is One Of The Worst Maps

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare‘s updated version of Rust easily stands as one of its best multiplayer maps. It’s viciously intense and has a perfect tower in the middle for snipers (that is a lot of fun to try and defend from multiple angles).

One Redditor, gh0stical, disagrees, “Rust is one of the worst maps there is – just the spawn logic doesn’t make sense.” It’s hard to understand what they mean by this, as players aren’t typically spawned in particularly disadvantageous positions. Rust remains one of the best Call of Duty maps in franchise history.

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1 CoD 4 Is One Of The Most Overrated CoD Games

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare has a fair claim to the title of best overall CoD game, but sellsomepapers disagrees. “Hear me out, yes it was and still is great and undeniably revolutionary for the genre…Black Ops for example was a much better game that like CoD 4 was grounded….”

The Redditor has a fine point about Black Ops being a great game, and even elaborates by saying Zombies increases replayability. However, even if Black Ops is also a fun (but different) game, that doesn’t mean Modern Warfare is overrated.

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