Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has proven to be a top tier performer in the series joining the ranks of Modern Warfare II and Black Ops II. However, there is far more to aiming and shooting when it comes to playing the game. Button configurations, stick sensitivity, and crouch/melee behaviors will set aside casual players from professional players. One technique in particular is the Slide Cancel.

Players have DEFINITELY seen their favorite streamers moving around the map like the entire thing is a slip and slide. They aren’t doing it to show off, that’s what 360 Kick-flip No-Scopes are for. There is a point to the Slide Cancel. This article will teach players how to consistently execute the move as well as its best applications.


Slide Canceling in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has experienced its fair share of bugs and exploits since its release. Then again, every massive multiplayer goes through these same tribulations. Players remember ‘The Snake’ glitch which allowed players to slither around the Warzone map at sprint speed and kill enemies at the ankles. This came with a quick patch and Indian Jones was much happier for it. The Slide Cancel teeters the line between pro-technique and potential exploit, and here’s why.

Slide Canceling instantly recharges the Tactical Sprint and effectively allows players to Tactical Sprint indefinitely across the map (and away from encroaching poison gas) if they can execute properly. As mentioned, this is incredibly useful when escaping the gas, but can be even handier when running across an open field and evading sniper fire. A target that is moving quickly and constantly sliding across the ground is difficult to hit, even for the most elite snipers in Warzone. Keep in mind that the Warzone gas does move quickly as the 1st circle closes. Players too far from the zone will still be swallowed by the gas, even if they’re Slide Canceling like a pro.  

Slide Canceling isn’t just reserved for Warzone players though. The maneuver can be used effectively in regular multiplayer when rushing the enemy spawn in Search & Destroy or escaping a hot area in general. Players are no stranger to rounding a corner and being killed by someone bunny hopping around from the other side. There’s a point to the corner jump as well. It’s a way to exploit the frame rate of the game and quickly appear from around a corner rather than naturally run around it. Players being ‘Bunny Jumped’ will have significantly less time to react than if the enemy came sprinting around the corner. Sliding around the corner offers a similar effect, and slide canceling around corners is pretty much a guaranteed kill once players get the hang of it. Not only is a player low to the ground, but they are also coming around with their gun aimed and ready to fire.

So, how do the player’s slide cancel? Here’s a step by step.

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This video does a great job of explaining the Slide Cancel further.

Nobody said the maneuver was difficult, but executing it in rapid succession will take some practice. Those musically inclined may want to think in terms of beats. Slide – Slide/Jump = 1 ah-2.

Note that Slide Canceling can be effective, but it will take some time to commit to habit. Players first learning the maneuver will find themselves thinking too much about it, and wind up getting killed in the process. Practice in low stakes games or even private matches against bots.

Once players have mastered the Slide Cancel, they’ll find it saving their skin more times than not. They’ll be able to get the drop on unsuspecting enemies around corners. They’ll also cut down the number of times they’re being swallowed up by the Warzone gas.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One & PC

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