Chris Evans recently made headlines when he announced that he will no longer play Captain America after the currently untitled Avengers 4. His portrayal of Captain Americahas been well-received by the masses, from die-hard comic book fans to casual moviegoers. Evans has made Captain America one of the most popular superheroes to ever grace the big screen, and an integral piece of the MCU’s success. Given how synonymous he’s become with both Captain America and Steve Rogers, it’s difficult to imagine anyone other than Evans in the role.

Many other characters have taken up the mantle of Captain America in the comics, some of whom are already established characters in the MCU. These people may continue on as Cap, but there’s also the option of recasting and rebooting the role entirely, in order to maintain the character within the MCU. Speculation around who the next actor behind the First Avenger will be is already beginning, featuring actors who competed with Evans for the role almost a decade ago, in addition to some new contenders.

Let’s take a look at Captain America: 8 Rumored Stars That Could Be Better Than Chris Evans (And 8 That Could Be Worse).

16 Worse: Channing Tatum

Channing Tatum’s name was among the mix when Captain America was first cast in the MCU. Tatum remains a popular actor in Hollywood, meaning he could be a legitimate choice for recasting and rebooting the First Avenger. Many would argue he’d fill out the suit and carry the shield rather nicely. But just because Tatum is still popular and may have the looks, doesn’t mean he has the acting chops for the role.

He’s mostly starred in mediocre-at-best films, remembered for his attractiveness and occasional flair of good comedy, than for substantial acting.

He is also tied up with the perpetually delayed Gambit film. If the character ever takes off, it is unlikely he will be able to take on two major, recurring superhero characters once.

15 Better: Anthony Mackie

Sam Wilson/Falcon has become a staple of the MCU ever since Anthony Mackie first played the character in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. As one of Captain America’s best friends and loyal allies, many fans believe Falcon is a natural successor to take up the shield. The relationship and history he already has with Steve Rogers would make the continuity of the Captain America character more meaningful than just plugging a completely new individual into the role.

The fan art above teases what an awesome blend of abilities and aesthetic Falcon would bring to the character. It’s shown in Winter Soldier and Captain America: Civil War that Sam Wilson is a man who sticks by his beliefs and his friends even when all the odds are stacked against him, and the consequences dire. If nothing else, that makes Mackie’s iteration of the character a worthy heir to his good friend.


14 Worse: Matthew McConaughey

While he never made it to auditions or any kind of short list, Matthew McConaughey was once rumored to be cast as Captain America. He isn’t getting any younger and seems more interested in challenging himself with a variety of roles across many genres than getting locked into one character within a potentially infinite franchise.

Some may want McConaughey as Cap, but if it wasn’t happening a decade ago, it won’t be happening now.

Age and professional interests aside, McConaughey’s mumbling, too-cool way of speaking doesn’t really gel well with the whole Captain America persona. At this point in his career, playing a smooth-talking, resourceful nemesis in one MCU film seems like a better fit for him than Captain America.

13 Better: Garrett Hedlund

Garrett Hedlund was among those who auditioned for Captain America last time. He may have even had a shot at the role, but instead turned it down to remain loyal to what he thought would be a long-running Tron franchise. Obviously the mega-franchise Hedlund envisioned for Tron never took off, while the MCU continues to flourish.

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Hedlund is a talented actor, but it seems like he’s never quite found the perfect role for his talents, unable to tap into his enormous potential. Given how far he made it last time, Marvel clearly saw something special in him. Now he may have the opportunity to tackle the character again, finally getting the perfect role that serves his talent and potential. To top it all off, he looks like he could rock the clean-shaven or bearded Captain America aesthetic.

12 Worse: John Krasinski

John Krasinski made it all the way to costumed auditions last time for Captain America. He hilariously refused to go any further after seeing Chris Hemsworth in costume as Thor. Back then, Krasinski was mostly known as Jim from The Office, and Jim certainly doesn’t seem like a natural choice for Captain America. 

While Krasinski has demonstrated his acting versatility and physique since, he still wouldn’t be a great fit for the role.

He would likely lean too heavily into the comedic part of the character. Chris Evans brilliantly balances Cap’s righteous seriousness with an appropriate dose of humor. Think about the lists of cultural elements he tries to catch up on in Winter Soldier, his admonishment of inappropriate language in Avengers: Age of Ultron, or the PSAs in Spider-Man: Homecoming. It’s difficult to imagine Krasinski being able to nail that balance as Evans does.

11 Better: Michael Jai White

As both an actor and mixed martial artist, Michael Jai White would bring a unique knowledge and background to the Captain America role. Beyond just being a new Captain America, many fans want White to play Isaiah Bradley or his grandson Elijah.

Isaiah Bradley was part of the African-American troops experimented on with the super-soldier serum in the comics. The project was considered a failure and the subjects were to be eliminated, but Isaiah broke out and used his abilities for vengeance. He and his grandson Elijah have been incarnations of Captain America at various points in the comics. White’s powerful voice, his acting abilities, and his skills as a mixed martial artist would make him a great fit for playing Isaiah or Elijah Bradley becoming Captain America.

It would certainly be a fresh backstory and potential road to take with the Captain America character.

10 Worse: Jensen Ackles

The Supernatural star is no stranger to the MCU as he’s previously auditioned for the roles of both Captain America and Hawkeye. Some fans would like to see Ackles in the conversation again, but he seems like the kind of actor who is better suited for television than movies. With no definite end in sight to the ever-popular Supernatural and his character Dean Winchester, it could be difficult for Ackles to juggle the television series while also playing a role as major as Captain America in the MCU.

Audiences may also struggle to disassociate him from Dean Winchester.

It also seems unlikely that Marvel will reach out to him for a third time, after things already didn’t work out with Captain America or Hawkeye nearly a decade ago.

9 Better: Scott Adkins

Like Michael Jai White, Scott Adkins is both an actor and martial artist. If Marvel decides to take Captain America down a darker path, Adkins would be a great choice for the role. He’s shown in previous roles the kind of raw anger that would be integral to a darker Cap, perhaps fueled by an unjust end for Steve Rogers and the beacon of hope he provided.

The martial arts background would make the fight scenes more authentic and riveting. Adkins has previously appeared in the MCU as one of the minions following Mads Mikkelsen’s villainous character Kaecilius in Dr. Strange. It was a small enough role, though, that it wouldn’t create any continuity issues, and he would look completely different wearing a Captain America costume.

8 Worse: Will Smith

Many audiences enjoyed Will Smith’s venture as a superhero in Hancock, making viewers hungry for more of Smith in a similar role. He was definitely in the conversation for a while when first casting the MCU’s Captain America. While it wasn’t meant to be, Smith did land a major role in the world of superheroes when he was chosen to play Deadshot in the DCEU.

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The MCU won’t cast Smith as a key player while he’s still playing a character like Deadshot in the DCEU.

More importantly, Smith’s characters tend to be cavalier – a quality that doesn’t work with Captain America. That attitude works with other MCU characters, but not Cap. In the world of superheroes and supervillains, it’s best for Smith to stick with Deadshot for now.

7 Better: Jon Bernthal

Many fans are still awaiting a substantial crossover between the MCU films and television shows. The connectivity tends to exist solely within the films or the shows, but rarely between the two entities. Jon Bernthal’s Frank Castle/Punisher becoming Captain America could be the catalyst for such a crossover.

The Punisher wore the Captain America suit for a short time in the comics after the passing of Steve Rogers.

If Steve passes away in the MCU, a similar series of events could transpire. It would be an incredibly dark and bold turn for Captain America, but it would keep the character alive while taking it in a new direction worthy of continuing. No one could complain the MCU was rehashing the Captain America character, and story we’ve been presented with so far.

6 Worse: Sam Worthington

Between Avatar, Terminator Salvation, and Clash of the Titans, Sam Worthington once seemed to carry a lot of star power. While he’s still active in Hollywood, his star power potential isn’t what it once was, though that may change with the upcoming slew of Avatar sequels. Even then, few would argue that those movies were popular, or did well at the box office, mainly because of Worthington’s acting abilities.

He was in the conversation for initially casting Captain America in the MCU, but it probably had more to do with his stardom at the time than anything else. No matter the hero he’s played, his performances always came off as flat and not very convincing. That will not work for the new Captain America, as the MCU has largely thrived because of the well-received performances from their superheroes. Worthington will likely be busy with the Avatar sequels for quite awhile anyway.

5 Better: Hayley Atwell

Peggy Carter as Captain America is not as crazy as one might think. It has happened before in the comics, and is in fact currently happening right now. Peggy’s unique relationship and history with Steve Rogers makes her a natural candidate to take up the shield. Atwell is already enormously popular with fans, many of whom are still crushed over the cancellation of the television series Agent Carter, and want to see more of her in future MCU projects.

The biggest hurdles are that Peggy Carter passed away from old age in Captain America: Civil War.

It’s difficult to imagine how the MCU can get around those circumstances without completely reshaping the established history and timeline. Ultimately, Atwell would probably be incredible as Captain America, but the logistics of what’s already occurred in the MCU will prevent it from happening.

4 Worse: Max Thieriot

Max Thieriot’s name has been tossed around as a candidate to play the next Captain America. The Bates Motel star may have the acting chops for the role, but he definitely doesn’t have the physique for it. Chris Evans has been so well-received because he perfectly encapsulates both the personality and look of Captain America/Steve Rogers.

The MCU would also be a very different kind of genre and long-term project for Thieriot than what he’s done in the past. His acting versatility may prove he’s up for the challenge, but it may be too much of a stretch for him. In addition, his physique not fitting with the role doesn’t make him an ideal candidate to be the next Captain America.

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3 Better: Emily VanCamp

Peggy Carter’s niece Sharon Carter/Agent 13 has already made a name for herself within the MCU as a resourceful ally to Steve Rogers. She is one of the few significant, living MCU characters who will not appear in Avengers: Infinity War, leaving many fans wondering what her future looks like in the franchise. Much like her Aunt Peggy in the comics, Sharon’s unique relationship and history with Steve Rogers could lead to her becoming Captain America.

Emily VanCamp’s Sharon Carter could become the first female Captain America to ever grace the big screen.

As a former agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a current C.I.A. agent, she has the training and background that gives her the skills to take up the shield. More importantly, she’s shown in Winter Soldier and Civil War that she fights for what she believes is right, even when her bosses or the government tell her otherwise.

2 Worse: Scott Porter

Scott Porter made it all the way to auditions when Captain America was initially cast in the MCU. Like Jensen Ackles, Porter has the challenge of being associated to the television role that made him famous in the first place. Porter will always be remembered as Jason Street from NBC’s Friday Night Lights, making it difficult to see him as anything else.

He also often comes off as a bit too much of a pretty boy. With Chris Evans occupying the role, there’s always been a certain toughness behind Cap’s good looks that transcends the pretty boy look. Now, Evans is providing a more rugged aesthetic heading into Avengers: Infinity War. Whoever plays the character next needs to be flexible in that regard, but Porter doesn’t seem like a good fit.

1 Better: Sebastian Stan

The best replacement for Captain America is arguably the character that knows him best. As Bucky Barnes, Sebastian Stan has played the man nearest and dearest to the heart of the First Avenger. He was the best friend, and practically an older brother to Steve Rogers before he ever became Captain America. As the Winter Soldier, he’s faced his old friend on the battlefield, and later fought against his brainwashing to take back control of his life.

Both Steve and Bucky have sacrificed so much for each other.

Their bond is one of the deepest in all of the MCU. Continuing his redemptive arc, it seems only fitting that Bucky should be the one to take up the shield, as no one understands what it means to be Captain America and follow in Steve Rogers’ footsteps better than he does.

Who do you think would make a great or terrible Captain America once Chris Evans leaves the role? Let us know in the comments!

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