Captain America‘s origin story is way darker than you think. Everyone knows the story of Captain America; how Steve Rogers was created as the first of America’s super-soldiers, but his creator Abraham Erskine was gunned down before any other super-soldiers could be created.

In both the comics and the MCU, the creation of Captain America was just the beginning of a phenomenal number of super-soldier programs. In the comics, Steve Rogers was Weapon I, and over the next few decades the US Government went to ever more extreme lengths. Weapon X was the tenth iteration of the program, enhancing a mutant’s skeleton with adamantium, creating Wolverine. Meanwhile, in the MCU the Cold War saw the US attempt multiple military projects, and General Ross reactivated them in the 2000s. One of these led to the creation of the Hulk.


But Spectacular Spider-Man #19 reveals the real reason for the super-soldier programs, one that has been concealed from the public and is still considered top-secret to this day. In 1938, nuclear physicists in Berlin made a discovery that opened up the possibility of developing nuclear weapons; the Nazis initiated their “uranium club” program shortly after, in April 1939. That was the beginning of an arms race between the US and Germany, and the United States Government feared they would lose it. The US was facing a possible nuclear apocalypse, and they didn’t need soldiers; they needed potential survivors.

By the same logic, the US Government continued to prioritize these programs during the Cold War, as the threat of nuclear war seemed to become ever greater; the comic focuses on the Cold War programs, but Captain America clearly suggests this goes back to his own creation. It’s a clever retcon, and it fits perfectly with real-world history. Scientists associated with the US Manhattan Project have openly admitted their greatest fear was that Nazi Germany had the bomb, or would have it before the US. A large number of their most prominent scientists were refugees from Germany who were aware of the “uranium club” program, and as a result the US believed they were on the back foot. It makes perfect sense that some parts of the US military would start looking at ways to ensure some Americans survived in the eventuality a nuke was dropped on the mainland.

This retcon would fit just as well with the MCU as it does with the comics themselves. There, the history of the various super-soldier programs is currently still shrouded in secrecy. Reports suggest that history is about to be rewritten in the upcoming Falcon & Winter Soldier Disney+ series, reportedly introducing a forgotten super-soldier named Isaiah Bradley. That’s one of the darker stories in Captain America history, so perhaps Marvel Studios will retcon this element into the lore as well.

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