In Marvel Comics, Captain America and Captain Marvel are wildly different superheroes, but in a story from the multiversal folds of the Venomverse, Carol Danvers gives Steve Rogers’ shield something it’s always been lacking. Suffice it to say, banking on a perfect ricochet for Cap’s shield to return to him is just too much work for Carol, especially when she can recall hers with a simple phrase.

Shown in 2017’s Venomverse event tie-in issue, Venomverse: War Stories #1, the short story titled “3, 2, 1,” by Magdalene Visaggio and Alex Arizmendi, sees a very different version of Captain America fighting the good fight against those that would wish to do her harm. Set around a highly psychotic Venomized version of Rocket Raccoon as he attempts to take the Kree bounty placed on this reality’s Cap, it’s revealed that this version of the character is none other than Captain Marvel aka Carol Danvers.


Obsessed with taking her in dead or alive, Venom Rocket gears up with an arsenal that would make War Machine jealous, making it clear that he’s going to cash in on this bounty one way or another. Not amused by Rocket’s determination to take her in, Carol gets ready for a fight, and it’s here that it’s shown exactly how she’s able to improve on the original Captain America’s shield in a way that gives it a much-needed tactical boost.

Bracing for Rocket’s attack, Carol utters the words, “To me, my shield,” and within moments her weapon of choice comes careening into frame, attaches to her arm, and, with her Kree powers still part of her move set in this reality, transforms into her slightly different — but still wildly cool — version of Captain America. Decked out in a costume that resembles both Cap’s original design and Carol’s OG Captain Marvel outfit, Carol brandishes her shield with purpose, showing just how perfect the power of recalling her shield can be in a pinch.

An ability once offered to Cap way back in the day by Iron Man himself, Tony Stark was able to put magnets and transistors in his shield to more or less mimic what Carol has here, but Cap ultimately decided against keeping the upgrade in the long run as he’s always preferred the perfect balance of his shield over any add-ons that make it feel different. So instead of relying on perfect ricochets like Steve, this version of Carol can call her shield in a very Mjolnir way, allowing her to keep her weapon at her side virtually at all times while giving her Captain America a huge leg-up on the competition.

In the Venomverse, anything can happen, and a variant of Carol Danvers having the perfect shield power for Earth-616’s Captain America proves that not all Caps are created equal. Captain Marvel may never truly become Captain America in Marvel’s main continuity, but if she ever does, this powerful shield upgrade needs to be part of her repertoire.

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