No matter how far or what lengths Venom goes to, all roads seem to bring the symbiote villain/anti-hero back in conflict with Spider-Man. Their volatile relationship of being either allies or enemies is often decided on the present circumstances during the conflict and even who is Venom’s host at the time. Although Peter has beaten the formidable symbiote in the past, he’d never turn down a request for help doing so, especially from someone like Carol Danvers a.k.a Captain Marvel.

In Siege: Spider-Man #1 by writer Brian Reed and artist Marco Santucci, the Amazing Spider-Man has a bone to pick with Venom and its current host, the former Scorpion Mac Gargan. Although the Avengers and their allies battle with Norman Osborn and his forces on the floating city of Asgard, Spidey takes his back down to the mortal battlefield of Broxton, Oklahoma. In this rural community, the two fight with Spider-Man enraged and annoyed at Gargan’s impersonation of him on Norman’s Dark Avengers team. Although the ol’ webhead is winning with his usual playful banter, Venom appears to gain the upper hand until his Avengers teammate Carol Danvers, then known as Ms. Marvel, intervenes.


In the span of a few pages, Carol seamlessly goes from questioning Peter about why he isn’t fighting alongside the other heroes to getting the Cliff Notes about the hulking alien creature lunging toward her. Realizing Venom’s powers come from the symbiote instead of the host, Carol reacts by reaching into Venom’s overexposed mouth and simply yanks Gargan out. Drawn by Santucci in realistic yet sickening detail, Carol’s gross yet effective method immediately impresses Spider-Man who responds ” Why didn’t I think of that? It seems so…obvious.” The time for celebration is short as the hostless space goop beelines for its new chosen host, Carol Danvers.

Although Carol’s time as Ms. Venom is terrifying, it’s ultimately short due to Spider-Man’s intervention. The twice defeated symbiote returns to Gargan, who had been spectating naked the entire time. Spider-Man continues to take out his anger and frustration on Venom for the acts committed in his name, but in the end, his teamwork with Carol is what puts Venom down, or in the air, if you want to get technical. Reed keeps the story moving with a great balance of banter and action but can’t resist poking fun at the history of previous Venom fights, which could be stretched into a multiple issue arc. “You made my long day a lot shorter,” thanks Peter as they both vent about their villainous doppelgangers while heading back to the main battle in Asgard.

Although Venom was the first, the subject of symbiote heroes and villains has been expanded upon over the years and their interaction has continued to grow with more exposure to the Marvel universe at large. Although their strengths and weaknesses appear to be common knowledge, it would appear some lean more toward creative methods when dealing with alien enemies like Venom. Although this would not be the last time Spider-Man would fight Venom, one can hope the latter would think twice before fighting the-now Captain Marvel.

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