The X-Men‘s Phoenix Force rejected Captain Marvel. The Phoenix Force is one of the most powerful entities in the Marvel Universe. According to the Phoenix Force Handbook, it was “born of the void that exists between states of being,” and is a nexus of all the psychic energy of the entire Multiverse. The Phoenix essentially serves as the guardian of evolution itself, and it burns away the old in order to give birth to the new. So great is its power that it has burned away entire realities where evolution had slowed to a crawl.

2012’s “Avengers Vs. X-Men” event saw the Phoenix Force head towards Earth in order to judge humanity. The Phoenix has always been associated with Earth’s mutants, but the mutant race had suffered a series of tragedies. Millions of mutants had been slaughtered in an act of genocide on the island nation of Genosha. Not long after, Scarlet Witch – her mind fragmented, and under the influence of a demonic entity – uttered a curse that rewrote reality itself. “No more mutants,” she swore, and 98 percent of the world’s mutants were instantly depowered. Scarlet Witch’s action was essentially a crime against nature, and the Phoenix approached Earth in order to serve as judge. The X-Men saw this as an opportunity, believing the Phoenix could rekindle the mutant race; the Avengers feared the Phoenix would burn away the entire planet.


The Avengers sent a team of powerhouses into space in order to intercept the Phoenix Force. One of them was Carol Danvers, known to moviegoers as Captain Marvel but still operating under the Ms. Marvel codename at the time. In Secret Avengers #28, Carol took drastic measures to neutralize the threat of the Phoenix – she attempted to absorb the entire Phoenix Force into herself, essentially offering herself as the latest Phoenix Host.

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Ms. Marvel’s strategy was a bold one. She first unlocked her Binary powerset by tapping into a convenient local white hole; that supercharges her ability to absorb energy. It’s a dangerous strategy, because every time Carol Danvers goes Binary, she creates tears in the fabric of spacetime that can potentially wreak havoc. Beast had assured her these risks were minimal, but Hank McCoy hardly has a great reputation for being risk-averse. Still, thankfully he seems to have been right in this matter. Powered up substantially, Ms. Marvel then flew into the path of the Phoenix Force, and began to draw its energy into herself.

Secret Avengers #28 describes it as what theologian William James would call a mystical experience. “There was no more time or space,” Carol Danvers observes. “I could see things from all sides at once. My own life receded to such a small part of my consciousness. Fear was gone, as was the idea of human morality. All of what I was shrunk down to a pinpoint.” Then, to Carol Danvers’ heartbreak, the Phoenix Force rejected her. In truth, this was not the kind of relationship the Phoenix longs for; it hungers for a deep connection with mortal beings, not one in which it subsumes and consumes them. No doubt, to the Phoenix, Ms. Marvel’s strategy was one of hubris and pride; a mortal genuinely believing she could contain its unlimited potential and that she was worthy of it. As powerful as she may be, Carol Danvers was tossed aside. Carol Danvers – then Ms. Marvel, now Captain Marvel – was unworthy.

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