Warning! Spoilers for Captain Marvel #36 by Marvel Comics below

In a shocking turn of events, Captain Marvel’s binary form has gained its own sentience as it becomes a new hero apart from Carol Danvers. In Captain Marvel #36, the split form of the hero ends up showing off she’s more than just a simple power construct, as she lets out her fiery first words as Earth’s Mightiest Heroes put an end to Vox Supreme for good.

In the current Captain Marvel ongoing series from Marvel Comics, Carol Danvers used her powers in an incredible new way, as she conjured an energy being to help free herself from Vox Supreme’s trap. The fiery new form shared a striking resemblance to Captain Marvel’s Binary form and seemed to have a mind of its own after joining the fight against Vox Supreme’s army. Now, readers learn the Binary form of Captain Marvel has gained its own sentience, as it becomes its own hero in the Marvel Universe.


In Captain Marvel #36 by Kelly Thompson, Sergio Davila, Sean Parsons, Roberto Poggi, Erick Arciniega, and VC’s Clayton Cowles, Carol Danvers and her new Binary form team up with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to take down the villainous Vox Supreme. Captain Marvel notices that her power levels feel low and wonders if it’s related to her separate Binary form’s creation or if her existence is siphoning her powers. After the duo catches up to Vox Supreme, he reveals the Binary form was birthed of pure energy and infused with the Mar-Vell and Phoenix-rich planet surface to become something better. However, after Vox tells her the Binary creation will be his, the hero made from pure energy says her first words, telling him “no,” while destroying the villain with a fiery blast.

Captain Marvel tells her sentient energy form she reminds her of herself and asks for her name. The Binary creation responds with “Binary,” which Captain Marvel admits that she likes. In the end, Binary joins the Marvels as they agree to stick together following Vox Supreme’s defeat.

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Carol Danvers creating a new life-form from her powers is a stunning use of her abilities. Binary is a mighty being of pure energy and now one of Captain Marvel’s newest allies. Future issues will surely deal with exactly how creating a sentient energy hero is entirely possible, but for now, Captain Marvel is proud to call Binary a friend. Captain Marvel#36 by Marvel Comics is in comic book stores now.

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