Castle was one of the most fun-loving shows on television. Airing between 2009 and 2016, it portrayed the ever-loving and ever-rocky relationship between NYPD detective Kate Beckett and mystery writer Richard Castle, played by Stana Katic and Nathan Fillion, respectively. Fans will argue that the show didn’t get a fitting ending, but that doesn’t take away from its merits.

At the end of the day, Castle still delivered memorable characters, gripping mysteries, and a love story impossible not to root for. It has immense rewatchable value, and it’s a key ingredient for those lazy Sunday afternoons on the couch. So let’s dive back into the world of Castle and take a look at ten things you never noticed about the main characters!

10 Hey, I Know That Book!

What prompts Castle and Beckett to work together in the first place is a murder case in which the perpetrator copies the scenarios described in Castle’s book. In fact, being a successful writer is a big part of his identity.

The showrunners always added subtle references to this fact, with one of them being Detective Ryan often carrying one of Castle’s books in the first few seasons.

9 Badge Numbers

Even die-hard fans of the show have trouble coming up with answers to some of the sneakiest questions. One, for instance, is the badge numbers of Beckett, Ryan, and Esposito.

Only by paying very close attention, you can see that they are 41319, 42344, and 41077. Curiously enough, Beckett’s badge number was 0334 during the first season but was then changed.


8 Subtle Naming

It took a while for Castle and Beckett to finally give in to the obvious feelings they harbored for each other. After seasons on end of denial, and then waiting, and then hoping, season five finally saw them become an official couple.

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And many great things came from this relationship, including adorable home scenes and, most notably, pet names. Castle starts calling Beckett by her first name, Kate, and Beckett uses the pet name “babe” here and there.

7 We Keep Seeing Your Faces!

Even though the show centers around Castle and Beckett, fans might be surprised to know that the latter wasn’t featured in every episode of the show. In fact, the only character to do so were Castle, Ryan, and Esposito. Beckett is absent for two episodes, Alexis for thirty, and Martha for twenty-seven.

6 Strained Relationship

Even though the chemistry between the two leads was burning hot, the relationship between Stana Katic and Nathan Fillion got worse and worse as the years passed. Apparently, things got so bad the two had to go to counseling together to try and patch things up.

The final seasons of the show featured plenty of storylines that demanded Castle and Beckett to spend quite a bit of time apart, something that was done so the two actors didn’t have to fil together as much.

5 Polite Martha

Martha Rodgers is Castle’s mom and one of the show’s most excentric and beloved characters. Marthe provided as many hilarious moments as she did words of wisdom – there’s nothing to dislike about her.

One of the most curious aspects of her character is how she’s the only one who calls Castle by his first name, Richard, and Beckett by her full first name, Katherine. We love polite Martha!

4 Left-Leaning Castle

Body language plays a significant part when it comes to bringing a certain character to life. The expression “actions speak louder than words” rings true for most actors who are proficient in their art.

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And in the case of Castle, actor Nathan Fillion came up with a set of interesting characteristics, the most notable one being how Castle tends to lean left every time he is put into a stressful situation.

3 Godfather References

Richard Castle has many gimmicks that make him a profound, interesting, complex character. He has a love for all things mystery and the occult, he’s an avid reader, a stellar writer, and enjoys fostering his inner child.

Plus, the man loves his references. If one were to commit to a Castle binge, one would realize just how many The Godfather references he makes – especially when it’s a mob case.

2 Lawyer Genes

The terrible death of Beckett’s mother is one of the bub-plots that consistently shifted the narrative forward. And as the show progressed, we learned that many of the decisions Kate made about her life had been somehow affected by the tragedy she endured.

Throughout the series, bits and pieces of information about Beckett are revealed. This includes the fact that, prior to her mom’s death, she was studying to become a lawyer, just like her. But once the murder took place, she opted for a career in the NYPD, to help put criminals behind bars.

1 Be With Kate

Even though it took them five whole seasons to finally get together, Castle and Beckett had feelings for each other long before that. So much so that, later in the show, we learned Castle added “be with Kate” to his bucket list.

To the joy of audiences, he achieved his dream, and the two went on to have a beautiful life together, including children, marriage, and a career they were both happy with.

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