Netflix’s Castlevania revolves around anti-heroes and layered villains. Trevor has a complex history as the last remaining family member of the long-heralded Belmonts, fighters of evil. However, after the church brainwashed its citizens, humanity turned against the Belmonts and ruined his family.

All the characters (except Sypha) have a troubled relationship with humanity, allowing viewers to sympathize with certain evil acts and mindsets. Put simply, it can be hard to discern which characters in Castlevania are “truly” evil. To find out, here is a list of the top 10 most evil characters in the third season of the Netflix series.

10 Trevor Belmont

At first an odd addition to this list, Trevor has every excuse to hate humanity. However, the same scale that the show uses to judge characters like Dracula and the forge masters should also be applied to him.

Many of the “evil” characters in the series have rationales behind their hatred for humanity and fall back on these stories. Trevor has no love for humanity and is quite aloof when it comes to saving it from its own destruction. While his grudge against the church is justified, not all of humanity deserves to suffer for his families’ ruin. In season 3, it seems, it is only Sypha’s insistence to help that brings Belmont on board. He does it for love more than justice.

9 Striga

Striga, while part of the council of sisters, is relatively low on the list. While she is certainly a bloodthirsty vampire, she is more of a soldier than a sadist. She can’t see Hector’s usefulness as a forge master and wants to kill him outright.

This bloodlust shows how she is more of a weapon than a mastermind. She is known as Styria’s greatest warrior. In addition, her great love for Morana seems earnest and heartfelt. Her conquests are as much for their love as it is for power.


8 Sumi/Taka

Sumi and Taka may be creatures of their upbringing, having spent their lives as slaves to the evil Cho, a vampire who rules in Japan. They learned that freedom can only be won through killing and violence and they seek out knowledge to save their fellow slaves.

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However, they fall prey to the sin of their ambition and may have created a whole new Dracula by betraying Alucard. After he brings them into his house, trains them, and feeds them, they betray him to find a shortcut, some imaginary magical way in which to save their friends. They’re willing to throw Alucard’s life away to get it.

7 Alucard Tepes

Alucard seemed to be humanity’s white knight during the first two seasons. He is a key player and a prophesized legend that will save humanity from Dracula. But he maintains a manipulative personality as he holds Sumi and Taka for his own selfish desires.

Alucard is suffering from loneliness and tries to delay Sumi and Taka from leaving to save their homeland. After they try to interrogate him for a way to save their home, he kills them and reenters the castle, foreshadowing him taking up his father’s vendetta. For someone “good” it didn’t take much to turn him evil.

6 Sala

As the leader of the Priory, Sala is supposed to be a holy man. The show seems to treat him as a man who has lost his way, aloof and oblivious to the villagers whose spiritual needs he is supposed to serve.

Though unlike the Church’s presence in past seasons – an oppressive, hypocritical, and misguided regime – Sala and his priests are fully devoted to resurrecting Dracula and don’t try to hide their feelings. Even though he seems a manipulated fanatic, Sala’s sacrifice of the entire village in order to open a portal to hell is, without question, an evil act.

5 Isaac

Isaac has no love for humanity, but season 3 seems to give him a redemptive arc. His actions certainly put him high on the list: Murdering civilians and soldiers in cities who “insult” him, forging the night creature who almost resurrects Dracula from hell, and freeing an entire city of people only to kill and enslave them as night creatures.

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Though Isaac’s initial sins are continually challenged and complicated. The end of the season sums this up. Instead of burning the magician’s city to the ground, he decides to leave it up wondering if others will settle there or if it will become a monument to the horrors of dark magic.

4 Morana

All four of the vampire sisters feature on this list, with Morana as the second most “evil.” It is her tactical mind that earns her this position, as Morana’s cunning is essential to making Carmilla’s plan work. As Striga is concerned about their numbers in fighting the human armies, Morana devises a plan to hire the mercenary soldiers that villages hire.

Effectively using money to pit human against human for the detriment of the entire race, Morana is using her wealth and power to crush any semblance of resistance. A bonus credit to her evil nature comes from Lenore who tells Hector, “Morana wants to torture you, not to get information out of you…just because she finds it calming.”

3 Carmilla

Carmilla would be higher up on this list if not for her sympathetic past. Her role as Queen of Styria, her ambition, and her rational mind seem to stem from being enslaved by the vampire who turned her.

Even with her past as a subservient, Carmilla certainly makes up for it. She not only foils Dracula’s plot to wipe out humanity, but she tricks Hector into becoming her slave. A truly evil act, by enslaving Hector she perpetuates the cruelty that was done to her by her former master. Just as she was promised a better life as a vampire, she promised Hector a better life under her service, only for both to be fooled.

2 Lenore

Season 3 definitely paints Lenore as the evilest sister. She calls herself a “diplomat” but she uses her manipulative mind to bring an already beaten down Hector into complete submission. Worse, she does not do it through power or pain but through love.

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By convincing Hector she cares for him, Lenore gets him to swear fealty to her and the rest of the council of sisters. Lenore’s plot is the lynchpin that will allow Carmilla’s plan to overtake the lands east of Styria. With his night creature armies, the council has the manpower to control the vast swath of land.

1 The Judge

Without a doubt the vilest character in season 3, the Judge is a man who uses his power to oppress his own citizens. Worse than all the vampire sisters, the judge is a man who pretends to do good, only to secretly perform horrifying acts.

The Judge is a child serial killer, who kills by deception and torture. He tricks children into going to his “apple tree” in search of food only to fall into a pit of spikes. He keeps their shoes as a trophy. A man who prides himself on running a just town only to murder its own children is no man at all.

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