Netflix’s Castlevania series has just wrapped up with a final episode, clocking the show in at four seasons. While the first two sets up events that would eventually lead to a climactic showdown with Count Dracula, many fans felt that the third season lost its way, with story threads that ultimately ended up going nowhere by the time the final season rolled around.

Still, Castlevania is a win with critics and fans of the video game franchise. There are many moments that define the series, and remain as favorites with the fan base, be it a battle with the vampire lord himself, or deeply emotional moments that gripped viewers when they least expected it.

10 Dracula’s Wrath (Season 1)

After the death of his beloved wife Lisa, Dracula’s wrath against humanity had no bounds. His first order of business was to extend unusual mercy upon the people of Targoviste by granting them one full year to get out of Wallachia or suffer his wrath.

This was a pivotal scene designed to set the entire tone of the series moving forward. The religious leaders of Targoviste believed themselves stronger than the iconic Dracula, but they were massacred in horrific fashion by his armies of hell. It remains one of the most graphically violent and shocking scenes of the entire show.

9 Awakening Alucard (Season 1)

The Castlevania series borrows heavily from the lore of the video games, but it also takes its cues from later installments in the franchise, such as Symphony of the Night. Naturally, that game made enough of an impact that he had to be featured in his now canonized form on the Netflix show.

Trevor and Sypha awaken Alucard in their quest to find a fabled soldier who will fight against Dracula. The meeting does not go as planned, and both Trevor and Alucard engage in a vicious fight that nearly ends with both of them killing each other. Luckily, some interjection by the ever-charming Sypha is enough for them to give pause and realize they’re both fighting for the same cause.


8 Fighting Dracula (Season 2)

The climatic semi-final episode of season 2 centered around the battle against Count Dracula, and it was worth the wait. After battling through Castlevania’s hellish forces, Trevor, Alucard and Sypha confronted Dracula and engaged him in a brutal fight. It was time to show just how powerful the vampire lord really was, and it didn’t disappoint.

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Dracula’s fighting prowess was put on full display as he beat down all three of his opponents at once, before finally succumbing to defeat at the hands of his own son. It’s easily one of the most exciting and amazing scenes of the entire series, with a level of artistry rarely glimpsed in shows of this kind.

7 Alucard Weeps (Season 2)

The final episode of season 2 was an opportunity to wind down the narrative a bit, following the intense battle with Dracula in the previous episode. This meant wrapping up a few narrative loose ends while setting the stage for the events of season 3, which some fans never thought would happen.

One of the most powerful moments of the entire show occurs when Alucard picks up the pieces following Dracula’s death. In an unexpected moment, audiences were shocked to see Alucard break down in tears in isolation within the walls of his ancestral home. It is impossible for anyone to view that scene without being emotionally affected – unless they have a heart of pure stone.

6 Fighting Legion (Season 3)

Fans of the Castlevania video game franchise know the horrific boss Legion all too well. Naturally, such an iconic creature needed to make an appearance in the show.

Legion was unveiled in the semi-final episode of season 3 when Isaac enters a city to take down a magician who has enslaved the souls of the local populace. Even Isaac’s strength as a Forge Master was tested by this terrible monstrosity, but he managed to slay the magician and send the bodies tumbling to the ground.

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5 Trevor Battles The Visitor (Season 3)

In a rare twist for the show, much of the action takes place in the final episode, and it helps end a somewhat convoluted and misdirected season. Trevor and Sypha infiltrate the priory to put a stop to the dreaded Visitor’s plans to open a portal to Hell itself.

Trevor battles the Visitor with a spectacular display of skill as he wields both his traditional whip and the morning star in either hand. It may not make a lot of sense from a storytelling standpoint, but it was enough to land itself as one of the best scenes in the entire show.

4 Carmilla’s Final Stand (Season 4)

Following season 2, many fans felt that Castlevania’s story became more and more disjointed, with the writers painting themselves into several difficult corners. It became a challenge to wrap up all these loose threads in the final season, and Carmilla’s story arc was one of the most difficult.

Instead of seeing Carmilla make her move on the entire world in Dracula’s absence, her plans were caught short just shy of the drawing board by the arrival of former Dracula aid Isaac and his army of night creatures. Carmilla put up a good fight, but she was eventually taken down once and for all by her own hand.

3 The Fight Inside The Castle (Season 4)

It wouldn’t be a good sendoff to the series without Trevor and Sypha reuniting with Alucard for one last push against the forces of darkness. This time, they fought together as a unit within the halls of Castlevania, itself. Scores of night creatures set upon the trio, including a few familiar faces from the video game series.

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The battle itself leads to the final confrontation with the alchemical intersexed form used to house the spirits of Dracula and his wife, Lisa.

2 Trevor Vs. Death (Season 4)

As longtime Castlevania fans already know, Death is one of the principal antagonists of nearly every video game installment of the franchise. He shows up in one form or another with various attacks, usually dressed in typical grim reaper-style garb, and wielding a large scythe.

The TV show’s big Death reveal takes the creature concept one step farther, giving Trevor a truly monumental foe to overcome. The battle is bloody and brutal and leaves audiences wondering whether Trevor is going to make it out alive or die alongside his undead foe.

1 Trevor Survives (Season 4)

The final episode of Castlevania winds down the entire series with an introspective and peaceful aftermath. It picks up shortly after the final battle takes place, and sees the surviving humans building a community outside of Dracula’s castle, with Alucard as their protector. Sypha emerges from Castlevania after weeks of staying in solitude, believing she has lost Trevor.

Fans were left clinging to the edge of their seats before a horse carrying a mysterious cloaked figure approaches the castle, which is revealed to be a severely injured Trevor Belmont. It’s a beautifully heartwarming and hilarious scene that ends with Trevor and a very pregnant Sypha ready to begin a new life together.

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