There are three types of riders to choose from in Century Age of Ashes, and players will get to use all three classes from their first few matches. The options currently include the Marauder, who is a fighter hunter, the Windguard, who is a protector, and the Phantom, who is a mysterious stealth-type. The best way to choose a class to use in Century Age of Ashes is to consider the game mode players have selected or the type of skill their co-op team requires.

Century Age of Ashes is in its early stages and is off to a great start. It’s a fierce dragon-riding game that requires great aerial maneuvering skills to succeed. Players also need to be quick-thinking, making smart decisions about attacks, as some moves are more suitable for close combat and others for long-distance sniping. Choosing a specific class and dragon will affect which moves are available to them.


After completing the tutorial in Century Age of Ashes, players are prompted to complete achievements to progress and unlock different game modes, like a six versus six quickplay match. The first three tasks are to play at least one round with each of the classes. So, before players can really dive into the game and decide on a main class, they’ll have to give each one a try.

All Class Types and Skills in Century Age of Ashes

All classes in Century Age of Ashes have unique power moves and fighting styles. Players can find abilities for each class below:

The Marauder – A loner bounty hunter type who seeks out prey.

  • Gust: Destroys Enemy Fireballs
  • Frost Bolt: Releases three icy projectiles
  • Hunter’s Mark: Marks and tracks an enemy
  • Hunter’s Fury: Makes all enemies affected by hunters mark
  • Relentless Predator: Recharges abilities and powers when making eliminations
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Windguard – A defender and protector and member of the Skeld Army.

  • Smoke Trail: Leaves a poisonous trail behind the dragon
  • Blast: Launches exploding projectile
  • Salvation Surge: Grants healing in a rush to allies
  • Exaltation Surge: Enhances salvation and helps allies go berserk
  • Skeldian Resolve: Grants protection against shock arrows

Phantom – A mysterious class of dragon riders skilled at hiding in the skies

  • Mine: Sticks to surfaces and explodes
  • Blast: Launches an exploding projectile
  • Mystic Shroud: Grants temporary invisibility while shooting fireballs
  • Mortal Shroud: Grants temporary invisibility
  • Guard Shatterer: Deals massive damage to enemy shields

Players can use any of the three Century Age of Ashes classes for any match. However, there are a few choices better suited to specific match types. For example, the Windguard class may be preferred in co-op battles where players have to assist teammates. The Marauder or Phantom would be ideal classes for the Carnage or Skirmish modes which mainly involve eliminating enemies. The Phantom would be a good choice to use in the popular Century Age of Ashes Spoils of War game mode, which involves collecting enemy Gold and trying to stay out of view while transporting it to the team base. Ultimately, however, the choice of class is up to player preference.

Century Age of Ashes is available on Steam and is coming soon to console.

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