Charlie Cox reveals his opinion of Ben Affleck’s Daredevil film adaptation. Written and directed by Mark Steven Johnson, the 2003 movie starring Affleck as the Marvel superhero underperformed at the box office and was poorly received by critics. However, an improved director’s cut version was released on DVD in 2004 and Blu-ray in 2008 that addressed some of its detractors’ criticisms.

Cox played the titular hero in three seasons of the Daredevil Netflix series, which premiered in 2015, and recently reprised his role in Spider-Man: No Way Home. The renowned show is now headed to Disney+ after the streaming service acquired the rights to all the original Netflix Marvel series, including Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Punisher, and crossover-event The Defenders. Kevin Feige’s recent comment on Cox’s Daredevil has sparked rumors of a possible Daredevil season 4, or further MCU appearances in the upcoming She-Hulk and Echo shows.


At the Middle East Film and Comic Con stage in Abu Dhabi (via The Direct), Cox briefly shares his opinion on Affleck’s portrayal of Matt Murdock. While explaining that he enjoys Affleck’s performance, he isn’t so positive on the film himself. Cox says that the movie felt overly saturated and was “tonally confused,” adding that he is really not a fan of its Daredevil suit. Read his full response below:

No, after I got the role. I hadn’t seen it before I got the role. I watched it when I got the role and, to be fair… I think Ben Affleck does a really good Matt Murdock, I like his Matt Murdock… I don’t love the movie… I feel like the movie tried to do too much and it was a little tonally confused. They had everyone in that movie, they had Kingpin, they had Bullseye, they had Elektra, they had Karen Page, they had Foggy. It was saturated and it’s two hours. So that was part of that problem. And the suit sucks!

Unlike Cox’s suit, Affleck sported a glossy, red, leather biker suit, with the Marvel hero’s DD symbol printed on his chest. Ironically, Cox had recently pitched some ideas for a future version of his costume, with his only requirement that it in some way carry that comic-accurate crest. There were numerous costume changes during his time as the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, from his black-masked beginnings to the full, red-horned suit, with the shifting designs symbolically representing Murdock’s development.

Sometimes, the importance of comic-accurate costume design can be overlooked, but when done right, it can play an essential role in advancing a superhero’s storyline. Although there is no official confirmation that Cox will return for a Daredevil season 4, the actor has said that something is in the works, and Marvel Studios will no doubt find a way to work Matt Murdock into another MCU project. For now, viewers can revisit his beloved original run when Daredevil hits Disney+ on March 16, and wait patiently for news of his next appearance.

Source: The Direct

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