The upcoming Charmed season 4 promises significant changes, with a new group of showrunners at the helm of the rebooted series. With the death of Macy in season 3, the reboot will, like the original, introduce a new sister.

With Mel, Maggie, Harry and Jordan confirmed to return, three new characters fans don’t know much about, Dev (Kapil Talwalkar), Roxxi (Shi Ne Nielson), and Taryn (TBA), will also be introduced. That aside, there also are several characters from the reboot’s first few seasons whom fans would like to see again.


Marisol Vera

Marisol is the mother of the Charmed Ones and, although her death occurred in the first episode of season one, she has gone on to appear at least once in seasons two and three. Marisol is the most intelligent and experienced character on the show, even knowing more than Harry, a Whitelighter who has lived much longer than she has, mainly due to her power to see the future. She is not only a powerful witch but also an Elder who holds many secrets of the magical world and what is to come.

Fans expect to see Marisol again in season four to help Mel and Maggie through the grieving of Macy’s death. The death will be a primary storyline throughout the new season, and with a new sister coming into the mix, it is only fair that Marisol returns to stow wisdom and give answers.


An upper-level demon, Godric was introduced as the acolyte for the Demon Overlord. He soon turned on Parker Caine and began working with Abigael once Parker reunited with Maggie. Godric staged a coup to push Parker out of power, then attempted to deceive Abigael to become the new Overlord. He was defeated by Abigael but disappeared before she could vanquish him.

Godric was a promising character who only appeared in 5 episodes. He is a Primordial, the oldest demonic bloodline of the four lineages of The Underworld, and has shown he is a worthy adversary to the Charmed Ones. Fans are interested to see where his story can lead as he could be a significant threat down the line if he can gain control of The Underworld.

Ruby W.

Ruby is a bartender and the girlfriend of Mel. She is a retired witch who left the magical world after a demon attack made her realize the dangers of her abilities. She was put into Witchness Protection and stayed away from magic for years until meeting Mel.

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Ruby is still hesitant to use her powers, but her love for Mel has pushed her to utilize her abilities to help the sisters. Fans want to see more of Ruby and Mel’s relationship and, with Mel grieving the loss of Macy, Ruby should be by her side to give her some comfort during the difficult time.

Abigael Jameson-Caine

Abigael is a half-demon, half-witch, and half-sister of Parker Caine. She was assumed to be a victim and was rescued by Macy, only to be revealed as a villain set on overthrowing her brother and becoming the Demon Overlord. She accomplished her goal but eventually gave up her throne and left Seattle to be with her sister, Waverly, and niece.

Abigael is the perfect demon ally for the Charmed Ones. She was brute and deceitful at times, but she proved herself to be trustworthy. Abigael was continuously there to help the sisters and Harry when they needed her, even if they were not so eager to help her. She even eventually gained respect from Mel, who is notoriously skeptical and hated her from the start. Fans came to appreciate Abigael after seeing a new side of her when she interacted with her disgustingly abusive mother inside the Tomb of Chaos. Her time in the tomb gave fans an insight into Abigael’s backstory and how she grew up, making her a more sympathetic character. With her demonic form now seemingly under control, Abby could be the brutal asset the sisters need to defeat the unknown threat that will be causing chaos in season four.

Jada Shields

Jada is a Whitelighter-witch and member of the Sisters of Arcana. She is the ex-girlfriend of Mel and a rebel who refused to follow the rules set by the Elders. Jada is the only member of the Sisters of Arcana to survive the massacre at the hands of Fiona.

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Jada possesses the power to generate and project electricity, erase the memories of others, and control crows thanks to the membership of the Sarcana, along with her Whitelighter abilities of orbing and healing. She is a perfect ally for the sisters against their new mysterious threat, being that she is not one to back down or give in. It would also be interesting for fans to see the dynamic between her, Mel, and Mel’s new girlfriend, Ruby.

Josefina Reyes

The cousin of the Charmed Ones, Josefina, is a witch born without any powers. She fled Puerto Rico for Seattle to find her powers and prove to herself and her family that she was, in fact, a witch. She eventually found her strength and now possesses the ability to manipulate plant life.

Josefina moved back to Puerto Rico to attend university but has been mentioned to be keeping in contact with her cousins. With her power now active and the assumption that it has only strengthened over time, Josefina could be a great asset for the sisters. With the loss of Macy and the likelihood of tension with the new sister, Josefina may be a voice of reason the Charmed Ones need to move forward with their family.

Parker Caine

Parker was a half-demon, half-human, who was set to be the host of The Source of All Evil, although that plan was stopped when Macy accepted The Source herself. Parker later became the Demon Overlord and pledged to stop the war between demons and witches. However, Parker could not control his dark side after eating the forbidden fruit, and he attempted to force Maggie into marriage. Maggie got help from Abigael, who imprisoned Parker, which helped her bigger plot to take over The Underworld. Parker was eventually released and gave up his powers to live a life away from demons and magic.

Parker and Maggie emulated Cole and Phoebe from the original series as the extremely popular demon and witch love story. Parker was a beloved character by fans, with many wanting to see him return to be Maggie. Although Maggie is now with Jordan, it would be interesting to see a human Parker join the fray in an attempt to win back Maggie’s heart. There is also a good chance he could regain his powers and be an asset against the unknown threat. New showrunners have stated that it is not safe to assume that anyone is who they were before, so Parker could easily come back with a new goal and mindset.

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Macy Vaughn

An original Charmed One, Macy has been through a lot in her life. She was given up at birth by Marisol and forced to live away from her family, realized she was half-demon and learned how to control her demon powers, became the host for The Source of All Evil, and even fell in love with her Whitelighter, Harry.

Although Macy died in the finale of season three, with a new sister entering the family, there could be an excellent moment for the two to meet. While Mel and Maggie grieve the loss of Macy, it would be nice for Macy to come back, possibly in ghost form, to help the sisters in their grieving and give them the strength to defeat the unknown evil that threatens the magical world.

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