Today’s episode of See, “Forever,” saw the return of the dreaded Witchfinder named Tamacti Jun (played Christian Camargo). But after nearly two decades of hunting down Baba Voss (Jason Momoa, Aquaman) and his sighted children, Tamacti has realized he was backing the wrong Queen all along. What will the second season have in store for him?

Haunted by his past mistakes, Tamacti Jun is looking to be of service to his true queen, Maghra (Hera Hilmar, Mortal Engines). Thanks to his rebirth and reorientation, he serves as the show’s moral center and surprisingly winds up helping Baba’s family in new and unexpected ways.


Camargo spoke to Screen Rant about the many changes that came See‘s way in season 2, how Tamacti hopes to make amends, and what other aspects he’s most excited for fans to see.

Did you always know that Tamacti Jun would survive? When did you know that you would return?

Christian Camargo: No. We were debating the future of Tamacti Jun at the very end, but I had no idea whether I would return right away. I only committed to that first season, so it was a process. I think it was a couple months after we wrapped season 1 that I knew I was officially coming back.

It depended on where he was going, and what you would do with him. We had a few discussions, and I talked to Jason a lot about it. And we decided to make it happen.

It really is something of a rebirth for him, and now he has a different set of priorities after the tragedy of Kanzua. Can you talk his new goals and how you approached his role this season?

Christian Camargo: I think you’re going to watch a psyche in process, for lack of a better word. I think he is a man that comes from this horrible betrayal and acknowledgement that he was part of something absolutely horrible – and he backed the wrong queen. There’s a big part of him that – even though he’s still alive – is dead in some way. He’s a bit resolved and consumed with doubt in himself.

However, he still has his moral code, and he has his sense of honor reignited. If he can be of use and of service, he will do the best he can. He’s going into the pit of despair a little bit in this season – and whether he’s the Phoenix that rises or if he actually goes darker, that’s what we’ll see.

In your first episode back, we already see a lot more interactions with Maghra’s family. After spending 20 years attempting to hunt them, how awkward are those interactions onscreen? And how fun are they offscreen?

Christian Camargo: Yeah, they’re all so lovely. It’s easy to pretend that we’re all friends. But it’s fun to be in scenes together. If you told me this was gonna happen in season 1, I would have been like, “Dude, you’re on some sort of peyote trip. There’s no way Tamacti’s gonna hang out with Maghra’s family.” But here he is.

I think everyone is a bit hit over the head by the reversal of fortunes, and how the story has morphed and twisted and changed with all the circumstances shifting and changing, and the threats coming from different areas. In a weird way, it’s shutting down all of the animosity for each other, you know. This is what happens when you have polarizing figures that have to come together to because there’s some sort of absolute need.

I see that in our current environment, with all the chaos in the world. You have different sides of the political spectrum coming together to fight it, because that’s the common denominator. I think that’s what’s happening with this strange bunch: they’re coming together for a massive cause of retribution and setting things right.

Speaking of opposite ends of the political spectrum, Tamacti has already realized Queen Kane is the wrong choice. Does he really think that Maghra is the right one, or is she simply the only other option?

Christian Camargo: Yeah. I think she can truly be a great queen. And I think part of the impetus he has, whether he takes it or not, to stick around is to give guidance. Here is someone who would be a great Queen, but doesn’t have the experience to do that. Queen Maghra needs to have some sort of support, and Tamati feels that he owes that to her after not backing her in the beginning.

And he did the same thing, in his backstory, with Queen Kane. He was her support, and he figured out how to instill fear in so many people to help give her control.

Is there one dynamic or character that you are most excited for fans to see, or for Tamacti to interact with? Does any relationship stand out the most in your season 2 experience?

Christian Camargo: I think the most fun was in the first moment, really, when you see Baba and Tamacti in the same room. That dynamic is going to be fun for people.

And then after that, everyone will be looking forward to whether he’s ever going to get close to Queen Kane again. Let’s see what happens there.

Outside of your own character, See is expanding a lot in season 2 with new locations and characters. Is there any one that you’re most invested in as a fan?

Christian Camargo: Well, how could you not be a fan of David Bautista? That, to me, is going to be the most fun to watch. I really enjoy him as a person, but I also enjoy his work. I think the match up between the two is gonna be really exciting.

We are all coming back to See after a prolonged absence, partially due to the pandemic. How different was it to step back into this world after that time apart?

Christian Camargo: Yeah, it was quite different. Number one, we’ve changed locations. We’re in Toronto now as opposed to Vancouver – just personally speaking, that was a change. But also, the character did a whole 180. So, that was something that I had to wrap my head around. How’s that gonna work? How is that going to look? And how is that going to feel? So, that was big.

And then also, like we said, the cast has expanded. It really felt like we started a new show. Johnathan Tropper, obviously, is the show runner and everything. So, it’s going to be a different vibe.

Was there any aspect that either presented the biggest challenge or that you reaped the biggest reward from?

Christian Camargo: Yeah, I think Johnathan Tropper’s vision being different was on. At first, I was like, “Wait, what are you doing? This is See.” You’re being so protective over the character that you created and developed, so seeing how he was evolving the character led to a little bit of like, “I don’t want to go there. I don’t want to do this.”

But as soon as you embrace it, then you go, “Okay, I can see where there’s a lot of fun to be had here.” Luckily, I was able to get to that place.

Anders Engström took over directing for the majority of the season, after having worked on a few episodes of season 1. Would you say that added a sense of cohesion or continuity that might not have been there otherwise?

Christian Camargo: Yeah, I think it gave a little bit of comfort because we understood his language. He’s extremely passionate, and he loves the show. He loves being here. He’s not a director for just the job, if you know what I mean. That was very enjoyable to be around, as was the fact that he is very involved with the plots and stories.

When you do television, you have many different directors coming in, and they don’t always know the characters as well. They don’t know the trajectory and all that. To have a director who’s very clear with that makes it much easier to just trust the process.

Without spoilers, is there one episode this season that you feel is most important for Tamacti, or that you’re most excited for?

Christian Camargo: Yes, [episode 4]. “The Witchfinder” is the name of it. But there’s a moment where he goes down the spiral, and he either has to get himself together or he’s done. And that’s exciting.

New episodes of See season 2 premiere on Apple TV+ every Friday.

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