Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition includes 45 playable party members. Each character has a unique elemental grid, which influences how much magic and consumables they can use in battle. Every person also has an innate color, which further boosts the corresponding attacks or makes the character vulnerable.

Chrono Cross takes place along two parallel worlds: Home and Another. This results in two sets of locations and people with alternate histories. Some party members can even be brought to meet the alternate versions of themselves.


Similar to characters in Triangle Strategy, not everyone can be obtained in a single playthrough. Use of New Game Plus can import previously met characters into the current game. Once obtaining the Chrono Cross key item, take it to Sprigg’s house at the Dimensional Vortex to summon everyone to the team.

Story Party Members in Chrono Cross

Much of the cast is introduced via the main story. Unmissable characters include Serge, Lynx, Sprigg, Radius, Norris, Grobyc, Orcha, Riddel, Viper, Fargo, Marcy, Leah, Starky, and Steena. However, at times players will be given multiple story branches which lead to different recruits, or people joining at a later time. Players will want to be mindful of the following choices:

  • Leena and Poshul: When Kid asks to join at the start of the game, reject her offer three times. Leena and Poshul will then automatically join at Arni Village.
  • Guile: When selecting how to infiltrate Viper Manor, agree to Korcha’s plan to sail in. Go to Termina’s bar and ask Guile to be the guide.
  • Pierre: Decide to assault Viper Manor’s main gate. Enter Zappa’s smithy and convince Pierre to lead the charge.
  • Nikki: Instead of picking the previous two options, go onboard the Magical Dreamers ship and talk to Miki. She will send players off to rescue Nikki from the Shadow Forest.
  • Glenn, Macha, and Doc: When Korcha asks what to do about Kid, tell him “I don’t know”. The story will then branch to introduce these three characters.
  • Razzly, Korcha, and Mel: As with the above choice, tell Korcha “Find a way to save her”. Players will help Korcha track down medicine.
  • Karsh or Zoah: Select which Deva will help rescue Riddel. The other will automatically join later in the game.
  • Kid: After beating FATE, return to Hermit’s Hideaway (Another) any time before the ending.
  • Harle: Complete Chrono Cross once. On New Game Plus, use the Time Egg key item while playing as Lynx to fight the final boss. Harle can now be imported on all subsequent playthroughs.

Optional Characters in Chrono Cross

Chrono Cross alternates between two main characters, Serge and Lynx. Certain recruits will join Serge at first, while others become available once switching to Lynx. Any character previously missed by one protagonist can be found after the return to Fort Dragonia guided by Steena.

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Serge Recruits

  • Mojo: In Arni Village (Home) speak to Kiki’s father to gain the Shark Tooth. Once arriving in Arni Village (Another) give the item to this version of Kiki’s father. Mojo will suddenly come to life and join the team.
  • Greco: Go to the southern river in Termina (Another) and find Greco presiding over a funeral. After the ceremony, enter his house and recruit him.
  • Neo Fio: In Guldove (Another), head to the bar and speak to the dwarf to gain the Green Tinkler. Now, go to Hydra Marshes and use the Green Tinkler to push away plants blocking the side paths. Deeper inside, loot the chest guarded by goblins to gain the Life Sparkle. With it, go to Viper Manor’s balcony to find Luccia tending to Neo Fio, who will now automatically come to life.
  • Luccia: After recruiting Neo Fio, go back down to the lab and speak to Luccia. She will now offer to join.
  • Skelly: Collect the bone pieces scattered in Another World’s versions of Shadow Forest, Hydra Marshes, Fossil Valley, Isle of the Damned chests; and from Guldove and Water Dragon Isle traders. Take them to Skelly’s Grandmother in Termina and she will reassemble him.
  • Pip: Recuse Pip from the lab cage during the story mission to Viper Manor. Later, on board the S.S. Invincible go to the bottom decks to find Pip running around. Chase after him and interact several times until he offers to join.
  • Orlha: Defeat Orlha during the story boss battle as Lynx. Then, as Serge, go to Guldove (Another), speak to Orlha, and show her the Sapphire Brooch she dropped.
  • Turnip: Go to Hermit’s Hideaway (Another) and use Ice Breath on the dark patch of ground. Put Poshul in the party and head to Hermit’s Hideaway (Home). In the exact same spot Poshul will dig up Turnip.

Lynx Recruits

  • Zappa: Put Radius in the party and travel to Termina (Home). Speak to Zappa in the smithy and Radius will ask him to join.
  • Van: At Termina (Home), enter Van’s mansion in the north. Tell him the party seeks the Frozen Flame and he will join.
  • Funguy: Head back to Viper Manor (Another) and jump down the well. Depending on if players pushed a boulder during the main story, either defeat the Wraith enemy (not pushed) or catch the roaming insect (pushed). Either will rescue a wanderer who will hand over a Mushroom key item. Exit towards Shadow Forest, into the waterfall cave, and feed the Mushroom to the man by the fireplace to transform him into Funguy.
  • Draggy: Go to Fossil Valley (Another) and steal the Big Egg from the Dodo nest. Travel to Fort Dragonia (Home) and take the elevator down to the incubation area. Place the Big Egg on the platform and Draggy will hatch out of it.
  • Janice: On board the S.S. Zelbess, enter the Grand Slam Tournament. One can dispatch any monster that Sprigg has delivered a killing blow to for her Doppelgang tech. Use very strong monsters to defeat Janice three times in a row to obtain her.
  • Irenes: After the Sage of Marbule boss fight, go to the Magical Dreamers ship. Inside Nikki’s dressing room Irenes will offer to join.
  • Sneff: After getting Irenes, go back to the S.S. Zelbess casino to watch Sneff best Fargo’s scam. When Sneff leaves, go to his magic show at the bar and recruit him.
  • Miki: After clearing out Marbule (Home) of monsters, enter the S.S. Zelbess restaurant and speak to Miki.

Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition is for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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