Pantheons in Civilization 6 are religious beliefs established in the early game dedicated to a minor deity or entity. Most of them provide a small passive buff that will typically last throughout the entire game and will always be present in a civilization’s cities regardless of what religion is dominant there. Only one can be chosen and there are many to pick from, so it can be difficult for a player to determine which one will best suit their needs. This guide will help new players that picked up the game recently to establish a pantheon and aid in their decision-making process by exploring which choices are more optimal.


Founding a Pantheon in Civilization 6

On standard game speed, players can choose a pantheon once they acquire 25 faith. The game will let the player know when they can pick one, as the icon for doing so appears in the bottom right corner similar to when the player is prompted to choose a new research technology. 25 faith, an expendable resource akin to currency, does not seem like a lot, but faith can be hard to accrue in the early game. The most straightforward way to get faith is to use the God-King policy, unlocked with the first civic, that increases gold and faith by +1 per turn in the capital. Considering it normally takes 15 turns to research the civic and 25 turns to gain enough faith, it may take 40 or so turns to gain a pantheon. Even if this is a guaranteed method, other civilizations may have picked the pantheon the player wanted by now. In addition, the Urban Planning policy, +1 production for all cities, is much more useful than God-King when it comes to building in the early game; only 1 economic policy can be chosen at a given time for the starting government in most scenarios.

Much easier methods of obtaining faith are done so through RNG (random number generator). Certain resources, like pearls, or natural wonders, like the Delicate Arch, yield faith that can then be used to found a pantheon quickly, provided the player’s capital has access to them. City-states provide +2 of their respective yield to the player’s capital for having one envoy there, so being the first to discover a Religious city-state, which will always net an envoy, will yield +2 faith per turn in the capital. Sometimes ancient ruins provide a helping of faith, around 20 if the player manages to find one. In most cases, it’s purely starting position chance that determines how early a Civilization acquires a pantheon. However, there are 2 civilizations that can acquire faith thanks to their unique abilities. Indonesia’s Gitarja gains +2 faith if her capital is next to a coast or lake, and Mansa Musa of the Mali gains +1 faith and food in his city centers for every desert tile. The quickest way to found a pantheon is to either play a Civilization that can do so easily or to explore as much as possible with scouts in the chance that a source of faith is nearby.

Choosing the Right Pantheon in Civilization 6

Now that the player has gotten enough faith for a pantheon, which one should they choose? Most pantheons can be categorized into 3 categories: useful for specific victories, useful for certain locations, and useful in general. The first few benefit religious victories the best because they improve the faith yields of a Holy Site, which is needed to continually purchase missionaries. Dance of the Aurora, +1 faith for adjacent tundra, and Desert Folklore, +1 faith for adjacent desert. Religious players will be building lots of Holy Sites, so they will make the most out of these beliefs. Other beliefs are only helpful in the early game, like God of the Forge, which grants 25% production towards Ancient and Classical era units. Players can have conquests without vying for a domination victory, so this belief is geared towards those who want to engage in early game combat and not necessarily dominate the world. When choosing a pantheon, players ought to consider the path they’re planning to go down during the game.

The most common Pantheon type provides bonus yields to certain resources. God of the Sea grants +1 production to fishing boats, God of the Open Sky grants +1 culture to pastures, and many more. The strength of these beliefs are highly dependent on the player’s starting position, and what resources are in the nearby areas they will be settling in. For instance, if there are many sheep, cattle, and horses nearby, then God of the Open Sky is a great choice. Scouting out the vicinity early will help players determine which of these pantheons will be most beneficial based on the surrounding resources. One strong pantheon to keep in mind is Earth Goddess, which grants +2 faith to all breathtaking tiles, (tiles with high appeal or natural beauty, which can be seen by toggling the appeal lens on). Acquiring faith can be helpful outside of religion, as the unit required to make national parks in the late game, the naturalist, requires faith to purchase. The special Soothsayer unit, exclusive to the New Frontier pass, is also purchased with faith. If there are lots of tiles with high appeal, Earth Goddess can help rack up faith over the course of the game without having to rely heavily on Holy Sites. Most of these pantheons are highly situational but can make a difference in the right scenarios.

While some pantheons are most suitable for specific situations or game plans, others are very useful regardless of the circumstances. Religious Settlements normally makes border acquisition 15% quicker, which lasts the entire game, but with the Gathering Storm expansion, it’s upgraded to include a free settler once the pantheon is chosen. This is an incredibly powerful gain in the early game, allowing the player to found a second city without spending production time creating a settler (which costs a lot). Fertility Rites is very similar, granting all cities 15% growth the entire game, but it includes a free builder with the Gathering Storm expansion. A free builder allows improvements to be built quicker around the capital, boosting the yields of the player’s first city. Both of these choices are popular, especially among the AI, so they might not be available. If there are no other pantheon options available or suitable for the player, then Divine Spark is a solid choice. It grants +1 great person points to Prophets, Scientists, and Writers if their appropriate districts and buildings have been built: Holy Sites, Libraries, and Amphitheaters respectively. This is helpful for recruiting Great Prophets before they’re all taken (they are limited based on map size), as well as building up great person points throughout the game. Civilizations that gain bonus great person points, like Brazil, Scotland, and Sweden, all synergize well with this pantheon.

Civilization 6’s pantheons can be a great boost in the early game but are not capable of propelling victory types on their own. For instance, gaining +1 culture per pasture can help players make progress though the civic tree in the earlier stages, but alone will not be enough to secure a Culture Victory. But that early boost in culture could help unlock civics earlier, like Theology, which can help religious Civilizations build temples earlier, and in turn purchase Apostles sooner than they normally could. Much like choosing a Civilization to play as before the game starts, choosing the right pantheon can help get the ball rolling and serve as a stepping stone to greatness.

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Sid Meier’s Civilization 6 is available for PC, Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and App Store.

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