As soon as the first episode of Netflix’s miniseries Clickbait is over, it’s impossible not to keep watching. The mystery moves quickly and introduces viewers to a diverse cast of characters: main character Nick Brewer, his family, the detective and reporter who look into his disappearance and death, and the women who he is supposedly involved with online. When Nick’s sister Pia finds a video of Nick holding up a sign that says “At 5 million views I die,” she wonders if he could be responsible for the abuses that someone is accusing him of, and tries to find the truth.

Once the show’s wild twist is revealed that Nick’s co-worker Dawn has been catfishing as him, it’s the perfect time to look back on the main characters and see who makes the show addictive and interesting to watch.

10 Emma Beasley

Emma could star in one of the best episodes of Catfish, as Clickbait viewers learn that she has been fooled, thinking that she was in a real relationship with Nick. At first, it seems like she and Nick were engaged and that they had been in love, but it turns out that they have never met IRL and it’s been a fake online romance.

It’s tough for fans to feel sorry for Emma, since it’s easy to root for Nick and Sophie and hope that he has been faithful to his wife, but Emma is both a memorable and an important character. Without her, the mystery would unfold very differently and wouldn’t be as entertaining to watch.

9 Simon Burton

When Simon is introduced, the show really starts moving as fascinating information is revealed. In the sixth episode “The Brother,” fans find out that Simon believed that his sister Sarah dated Nick online and that Nick convinced her to kill herself. When Simon met Nick before he died, Simon realized that Nick didn’t know Sarah at all and that his assumption was completely wrong.

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Fans sympathize with Simon, who has gone through quite an ordeal, but since he does try to harm Nick, he’s not as likable as some of the other characters.


8 Andrea Brewer

While Pia and Nick’s mother Andrea doesn’t appear in many scenes, she’s an important character because she helps humanize Pia and allows fans to see how Pia has been struggling emotionally for a long time. Like the best TV moms, she’s a big part of her children’s lives.

Andrea loves her kids and wants them to be happy, but she’s tired of dealing with Pia’s moods and unstable behavior, and that ultimately makes Pia feel that Nick is the “perfect” child and she’s the one who keeps messing up. It’s easy to wish that Andrea would be kinder toward Pia, but it also makes sense that she feels frustrated over the turmoil that the family has been through.

7 Ethan Brewer

Ethan is another well-crafted character and he helps solve the mystery of what happened to Nick, making him a solid part of the series.

When Ethan starts talking to a girl named Alison online, he goes deeper into the world of catfishing, finding out that Nick and Emma didn’t actually know each other in person. Viewers feel badly for Ethan as he has to live without his father and he’s also very young to be involved in such a dark and disturbing situation.

6 Dawn Gleed

Dawn could be a memorable cast member on Catfish, as she’s the one behind the main mystery of the show. In a wild twist that people are still talking about, viewers learn that Dawn has been catfishing as Nick, using his pictures and information to hurt other people.

While Dawn is a terrible person who even tells Simon’s sister Sarah that she should end her life, which is horrible to think about, she can’t be ignored as one of the most dramatic characters on Clickbait thanks to the important role that she plays in the story.

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5 Ben Park

Ben is another powerful character, and his episode allows fans to learn about his ambitions as a reporter. It’s smart that the show adds this lens to the mystery, since Ben is more focused on getting this intense and dark story out than thinking about how Nick’s family is handling being in the public eye.

Ben may be a key character on this series, as he interviews Nick’s supposed mistress Emma and learns more about the women Nick is thought to have dated, but he’s definitely not very compassionate or caring. Ben’s partner Cameron is devastated that he is only thinking about the story, making fans realize that Ben isn’t a very sympathetic character.

4 Roshan Amiri

Fans connect with Roshan on a few different levels, as he’s a well-drawn character with many layers, making him one of the most interesting ones. Roshan can be considered one of the best TV police officers since he’s ambitious and passionate and wants to get promoted, but he seems to genuinely care about finding out what happened to Nick.

Roshan is ultimately the one who locates Nick thanks to an app called GeoNick, which is impressive and exciting to watch. And when Roshan finds that Nick has been murdered, he definitely feels terribly. Viewers might root for Pia and Sophie a bit more, since they’re directly related to Nick, but Roshan is still compelling and crucial.

3 Pia Brewer

Right away, fans are drawn into Pia’s story, realizing that she’s always looked up to her brother Nick. She loves that he’s all about family but is scared of being vulnerable in her own life, and when he goes missing after they fight at a party, she’s devastated.

Pia is the entry point into Nick’s disappearance as she finds the video and goes to the police for help, and she’s one of the best and most likable characters on the series. All Pia wants is to be with her brother again, and when she learns that he was killed, her fight for justice keeps people invested.

2 Sophie Brewer

While there are many TV shows about murder mysteries, Clickbait feels different and unique because of Nick’s wife Sophie. She’s determined to find her husband but feels incredibly guilty over cheating on him with Curtis.

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Even though fans wish that Sophie hadn’t strayed from her marriage, she’s an intelligent and successful person who is an amazing and caring parent, and she has enough layers to keep fans watching and cheering her on. Sophie proves that there’s always more going on than people originally assume and she makes viewers think.

1 Nick Brewer

Since Clickbait revolves around whether Nick was guilty or innocent, it’s a good thing that he’s a compelling character who fans struggle to understand until the answers are given in the season 1 finale.

At first, it seems that Nick has been cheating on his wife and that he has been abusive, as fans learn about his online dating profile and, of course, the video says that he has hurt people. Viewers slowly learn that Nick has been faithful to Sophie and that he only created a profile in the painful aftermath of Sophie’s affair, which makes sense. Nick is ultimately a kind person who got caught up with the wrong people, and his death is a tragedy.

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