Star Wars: The Clone Wars didn’t resolve the story of Count Dooku’s apprentice, Asajj Ventress, so what happened to her after the show ended? Ventress was originally created in the now non-canon Legends materials but was reintroduced through Clone Wars. Although she was an antagonist to Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and Obi-Wan Kenobi at first, the show sent Ventress on a fascinating story. Unfortuantely, the plans for her were cut short by Clone Wars‘ cancelation after five seasons.

The story of Clone Wars was planned to go beyond five seasons at first, with several “Lost Episodes” released as the sixth season on Netflix. But, it wasn’t until 2020 that The Clone Wars returned for season 7 on Disney+ to bring the show to a proper conclusion. However, Ventress didn’t make an appearance in any of the new episodes. Her story did receive a resolution, though, thanks to the novel Dark Disciple, which brought unproduced episode scripts to life in a new way.


Christie Golden’s 2015 novel continued Ventress’ story after she was last seen in Clone Wars aiding Ahsoka while she was on the run. After losing her dual red lightsabers, Ventress managed to gain possession of a yellow lightsaber off the black-market to aid her in her bounty-hunting duties. Dark Disciple‘s prequel short story Kindred Spirits detailed this portion of Ventress’ life, which saw her pose as a Jedi and take on Hondo Ohnaka’s gang. It isn’t long after Ventress’ encounter with the Ohnaka Gang that she comes into contact with an undercover Jedi Knight, Quinlan Vos.

The meeting of Ventress and Vos is no coincidence, as Vos was sent to partner up with her by the Jedi Council. Vos was tasked with assassinating Count Dooku and sought out Ventress to secretly learn more about his tactics. Ventress eventually discovered Vos’ true identity and motives, and the two of them began to develop a romantic relationship. When Vos finally confessed the truth about his identity and mission, she agreed to help him get ready to take on the Sith Master. The two went to Dathomir to so Ventress could train Vos in the ways of the dark side. They eventually fought General Grievous and Count Dooku, with the fight ending after Vos’ capture.

After failing to help Vos defeat her former Master, Ventress hired Boba Fett and other bounty hunters to help her try and save Vos. When she found him, Dooku had tortured Vos into believing Ventress set him up, embracing the dark side, and turning his trust to Dooku. This failure led her to team up with the Jedi Council to try and rescue Vos again, which eventually was successful and saw Vos return to the Jedi Order. Ventress and Vos later rekindled their romantic relationship and she agreed to help Vos’ final attempt to kill Dooku. However, Vos’ plan was to rescue Dooku with the hope of then killing him and Darth Sideous. Dooku attempted to kill Vos with Force lightning when he learned of this plot, but Ventress stepped in the way. She managed to save Vos’ life at the cost of her own, with Ventress dying in his arms on Christophsis, bringing an end to her Star Wars: The Clone Wars story.

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