With Yvette Nicole Brown revealing the cast are willing to do a movie and Dan Harmon still thinking of new ways to make the project work (via IGN), many Community fans are excited that they might have a chance to see their favorite characters in action again. Not only will they be able to see if Britta became “a real psychologist,” but it will also give writers a chance to fix any mistakes and flaws too.

While the show’s humor relied heavily on (intentional) cringe comedy, there were a few times when the writers failed to execute it properly. This was particularly what most fans were feeling on Reddit, as they listed several scenes where the lines fell flat or were generally awkward. The characters might be lovable, but there were a few scenes where their reputations were tarnished by a terrible line or poor deed.


The Study Group Make Fun Of Vaughn’s Poem

While Vaughn might have only been a minor character on Community, he did accrue quite a fanbase after the viewers saw him get mistreated by the study group. For this Reddit user, they hated the scene where “Vaughn walks in on the study group and sees that they are all making fun of him for the poem he wrote for Britta” as this made them feel “uncomfortable.”

Considering that Vaughn had been nothing but kind and respectful to the study group, it was awful to see them make fun of his physical appearance, his mannerisms, and his interests. What makes it even worse was because it was done out of jealousy and spite. It just made it harder to like the study group at this moment.

Abed Telling Hickey His Drawings Are Stupid

Although Abed is seen to be one of the fan’s favorite characters, this doesn’t mean that he didn’t have his flaws or make any mistakes. As this Reddit user claims, Abed certainly crossed a line when he told “Hickey that his duck cartoons are bad” as it made them “feel uncomfortable” to see Hickey look so disheartened at his passion/hobby being criticized.

While everyone knows that Hickey wasn’t exactly the easiest person to get along with, the viewers did feel a wave of sympathy for him at this moment as they discovered that he had been working on his project for years. Considering that he had been hesitant to even show them in the first place, it was awful to watch Hickey’s face drop and hear how emotional he got when Abed called them “monuments to joylessness.” Hickey usually hid his feelings so fans knew this instance had really hurt him.

The Puppet Episode

Referred to by fans and the characters as the “Gas Leak” year, it doesn’t come as a surprise that many viewers hated the season 4 episodes. However, one episode that seemed to irritate fans, including Reddit u/Eamk, was “Intro To Felt Surrogacy” (otherwise known as the puppet, musical episode).

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Despite it featuring Sara Bareilles, not even the singer managed to convince Reddit u/Eamk to watch the episode “from start to finish” as they just couldn’t “listen to the songs.” While some of the songs were a little cheesy, there were others that were out-of-place too as the episode addressed some serious and deep topics. The two tones just didn’t seem to fit very well.

Britta’s Pizza Song

While there were plenty of iconic moments for Britta, there were also a few that proved to be hit-and-miss. For this Reddit user, they agree that Britta’s pizza song was one of the most awkward moments as “it seemed so out of place” for her as a character and the plot.

There’s certainly some truth to the statement as, out of all the characters on the show, Britta was the one who seemed to regress the most. Where she was once sensible and self-assertive, the writers eventually turned her into a caricature and made her do and say all sorts of cringe-worthy things (such as soiling herself while she was drunk and making her a ‘failure’ at everything). It really frustrated fans that she ended up becoming so unrecognizable.

Annie’s Meltdown During The Model UN Scene

According to IMDb ratings, season 3 is considered to be the best season of Community. However, that doesn’t mean all the episodes were that great. For some viewers, they didn’t like certain parts of “Geography of Global Conflict” as they believed the plot was a bit weak and the humor in it was a little poor.

For Reddit u/readerchick, they didn’t particularly like “the whole fart scene during Annie’s tantrum” as they believe that it was quite “cringeworthy.” While it’s clear that the writers were just trying to do a homage to Spartacus, it didn’t seem to fit in with this moment since it seemed to undermine the epiphany Annie just had about her immaturity.

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Britta Accepting The Award At The Dance

While there are a lot of moments in the show that have made fans feel embarrassed for the characters, there have also been a few times where the cringe comedy has actually worked effectively. For Reddit u/TripGodblossom, they believed this worked perfectly in season 1 when “Britta think[s] she’s won the Transfer Queen and takes the mic when the dean is just reading the nominees.”

It’s a brilliant piece of writing and one of the most memorable moments of the show as no one saw that twist coming. However, what makes it even better was the fact that Britta had begun her acceptance speech and was practically bragging about her victory to Slater. It was all so perfectly delivered.

Frankie Makes The Study Group Dress Up Like Babies

While Frankie was a necessary addition to the ‘Save Greendale’ Committee, there were a few times when the writers make it extremely difficult for the viewers to like her. For Reddit u/Zuzublue and u/Gygh, they thought one of the “worst scenes of all” had to be when “Frankie makes the gang pretend to be babies after the final paintball episode” as it made them cringe in embarrassment.

Although Frankie was right to be annoyed with the group since they promised not to play it anymore (as they were trying to improve the school’s reputation), this scene was so odd. Not only did it make Frankie look patronizing but it didn’t make sense to any of the fans either that the “gang” would allow her to humiliate them like this.

Annie Faking A Texan Accent

For Redditor Gremlin10159, one of the worst scenes for them came in “Mixology Certification” when Annie attempted to use a “texan accent” while she and the other members of the study group went to a bar. They said that “her scenes ruin it […and that they have] turned it off” several times because of them.

While it did sort of fit into Annie’s character since she often liked to create several aliases and give them all backstories, it is understandable why there are several viewers who are uncomfortable with the imitation since it was a stereotype.

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Jeff, Britta, And The High School Kids Mocking Each Other

For many Redditors, one scene they named to be the cringiest occurred at the end of “The Art Of Discourse” (which many users had dubbed the “Schmitty” episode). In reference to Jeff and Britta getting into a petty argument with a bunch of high school students, this Redditor believed that it “felt like Harmon & co legit couldn’t think of anything better” and that it was “below the cleverness of Community.”

Considering that many people enjoy Community because of the running gags or the quick-witted one-liners, it did feel like the writers might have just dropped the ball on this episode. It wasn’t really important to Britta and Jeff’s growth and just made it harder to like them.

Pierce Bullying Neil In The D&D Game

It’s no secret that Pierce’s character was pretty hit and miss with the Community fans as there were moments where he was completely unbearable. A prime example of this, as Reddit u/As_High_As_Hodor names, was “where Pierce kept going on at Neil” for no reason whatsoever in “the first D&D episode.”

This episode was one of the reasons why many Community fans considered Pierce to be a villain of the show, as he showed that he did not care that he was hurting Neil’s feelings (despite Neil having admitted he had been struggling in school). Not only did he mock Neil about his weight and his mental health, but he also tried to sabotage any new friendships he would form with the study group too. As another user said, it just made everyone feel “uncomfortable” and believe that there would be “no redemption for Pierce.”

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