When Community ended in 2015, no one would have predicted that it would accrue an even bigger following a few years later. When fans think of the show, the fondest memories they hold are of the Greendale Seven. Troy and Abed had the ultimate bromance, Jeff inspired hundreds with his speeches, even Britta wasn’t always the worst.

However, some fans would agree that there are certain aspects of the group they would have loved to change. Take Annie’s character development, for example. Although she grew more confident and assertive, there was also a level of arrogance that came with that. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg…she almost became the worst for these reasons alone.

10 Her Relationship With Jeff

Although Jeff and Annie’s relationship is one of the show’s memorable aspects, some fans believe the way it unfolded was terrible. Despite Alison Brie and Joel McHale’s natural chemistry, fans grew frustrated with the will-they-won’t-they arc that was interwoven throughout the show.

For six years, the viewers saw Annie pine after Jeff while he continued to give her mixed signals. One minute, Jeff was rejecting his feelings, but the next he was sabotaging her relationships. Annie would say she was moving on but would then refute this a couple of episodes later. It would have been better to get it out in the open so she could have had more independent storylines…

9 High-Strung

While Annie liked to believe she had matured over the years, many moments showed she was still immature as ever. Remember when she stormed out of Jeff’s class because he outsmarted her? Or when she caused a riot because she got a minus grade on one of her projects?

Although fans were sympathetic to Annie’s struggles at first, it got a little frustrating to watch her whine when things didn’t go her way — especially when she started having temper tantrums, even at the age of 24. It just made her look petulant and extremely high-strung.


8 A Lot Meaner

Maybe it’s because of Jeff’s influence, but most fans will agree that Annie became a lot meaner and sarcastic as the seasons progressed. When the viewers first met her, Annie was quite a compassionate and friendly person. She was even interested in Britta’s political and social beliefs.

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However, as time went on, Annie changed. She started to mock Britta, took advantage of her friends, and would even disrespect the Dean. Let’s not forget how she publicly humiliated Jeff to win a debate. If this was how Annie treated her friends, what would she do to enemies?

7 Emotionally Manipulative

One aspect of Annie’s personality that got worse was her emotional manipulation. Straight from the get-go, it was clear that Annie was quite a manipulative person. She would often use her “Disney face” to try and guilt people into helping her or doing her bidding.

This was something she did a lot on the show. However, while it was humorous at first, it started to become a little grating once she started manipulating people over stupid things (e.g. the model UN & the Ruffles incident). She knew it was wrong, yet she still did it.

6 Selfish Streak

While fans loved the fact that Annie was ambitious and driven, the one thing they couldn’t stand was how she hurt people to get to the top. Everyone knew Annie had a selfish streak, but fans hoped she would eventually learn to put other people’s needs ahead of her own. Unfortunately, this did not happen.

In fact, Annie became a lot more selfish. She moaned about Jeff ruining her senior year by graduating early, and asked her friends to avoid Chang’s play because she got kicked out of it. Let’s also not forget her making Frankie quit because she didn’t like her usurping role as the Committee’s chair.

5 Her Jealousy

Along with her selfish streak, Annie’s jealousy issues also got worse. As mentioned, Annie had a superiority complex, and if anyone challenged her position, she would make sure their life was a living hell. The first time fans saw it was during her rivalry with Annie Kim.

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The next time, Shirley was at the wrong end of Annie’s wrath. Let’s also not forget how immature and childish she was when Frankie first arrived at Greendale. Sometimes Evil Annie did exist.

4 Arrogant Annie

Most people would also agree that Annie’s arrogance got a lot worse. Everyone knows that Annie believed she was the smartest member of the study group since she had the highest GPA. However, sometimes she allowed it to inflate her ego, which brought out an insufferable arrogance in her.

Remember when she refused to believe Shirley could be valedictorian because she didn’t think she was smarter than her? Or how she started an investigation into Leonard because he was on course to take the title? What about her behavior in Jeff’s class? She couldn’t stand it if someone was smarter than her.

3 Her Academic Obsession

All fans will agree that Annie’s mental state got worse when anyone jeopardized her academic career. Annie placed herself on a fast track to success, working twice as hard as any member of the study group. However, she became unbearable when she allowed her vaulting ambitions to affect her rationality.

Remember when she invited Professor Cornwallis to the Christmas party in hopes of changing their grade? Or when she fainted because she got a fail in Biology? What about the ruckus she caused because of the A-?

2 Her Moral Codes

Adding to her emotional manipulation, fans also couldn’t stand Annie’s pretentious attitude, which gradually got worse. While she served as the study group’s moral compass, viewers couldn’t help but roll their eyes when she started to get agitated over the most mundane things.

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For instance, look at the way she behaved when the group designed the butt flag. Or how she acted when they solved the Ruffles incident on a technicality. She was completely unbearable because she couldn’t cope with the fact that Greendale had given a degree to a dog. After six years at the college, what did she expect?

1 A Control Freak

When the fans first met Annie, it was clear that she was a bit of a control freak. Despite Jeff being the de facto leader of the group, Annie was the one who led the study sessions. She would also later become the chair of the Save Greendale Committee. Sometimes she took advantage of this power to get what she wants.

Remember when she refused to let the study group leave until they returned her pen? How she took a temper tantrum during the Model UN debate because no one was listening to her? What about how tyrannical she became over a bulletin board? Over time, Annie became too much…

Next10 Best Disney Channel Shows, According To Reddit

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