Although Community finished a long time ago, the world still hasn’t given up hope that there won’t be a movie as fans want to know what the characters have gotten up to since the finale. They are especially curious to see where Alison Brie’s Annie Edison ended up since she had just gotten an internship with the F.B.I. and was about to start a brand new chapter in her life.

Even if a movie never comes, Dan Harmon and the other writers could have created a short spinoff for Annie that followed her adventures in Washington D.C. as she did have the potential to lead (especially since she quickly took on a more prominent role in season 5 and 6). It would be great to see her legacy continue as, out of all the characters, she did seem to have the best development and some of the greatest quotes.


Annie’s Steps Up When It Matters Most

“Minor Head Wound. If There’s An Abrasion, We’ll Clean It With Iodine And Apply Ice.”

While Jeff might have been the glue that held the group together, it was because of Annie’s great organization skills and resourcefulness that they ended up accruing much success. It’s no secret that the study group members weren’t very motivated and could be fairly reckless, which is why Annie came prepared for any situation.

Whether it was bringing extra pens, keeping them on top of their studies, or using her medical expertise to fix any injuries they may have (as evidenced by the quote), Annie proved that she was a reliable person and would step up if anyone needed her too. She’s definitely one of the characters Community fans would love to be friends with.

Annie Can Deliver Her Own “Winger” Speech

“Since When Do Human Beings Decide Which Dreams Are Worthwhile […] We Have To Respect Each Other Enough To Let Each Other Want What We Want.”

Although Jeff’s speeches are one of the best parts of Community, many fans were quite happy to see that Annie also managed to come up with a few of her own. A huge part of Annie’s storylines revolved around her insecurities (particularly about her age and immaturity) so it was great to see her evolve and grow wiser as the years went on.

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In fact, by the season 5 finale, she even managed to come up with her own “Winger” speech that was just as profound and resonating as the lawyer’s. Considering how she initially would do what the others told her to, it was amazing to see her grow more confident and refuse to compromise her morals/beliefs (even if it meant upsetting her friends).

Annie Not Afraid To Stand Up For Herself

“Hey Guys. Thanks For Getting Involved In My Love Life. That Was Super Cool And Mature Of You. Oh, And Since You’re Both Clearly Idiots, I Should Let You Know That I’m Being Sarcastic.”

Annie might be the youngest member of the study group (which was the main reason why they were so protective of her), but that doesn’t mean she will tolerate any of them patronizing her. When the study group decided to make important life choices for Annie, such as where she should live or who she should date, Annie would stand her ground and confront them.

Most of the time, the writers tried to do it in a comedic way, with Annie usually coming prepared with a sarcastic comment or witty line (as evidenced by the quote). However, her methods did prove to be effective as the sharp and direct deliveries made sure that her point was heard.

Annie Becomes More Mature And Responsible

“You Guys Know You Are Bad With Money. I Padded Your Rent By $10 And I’ve Been Putting It Into A Savings Account That Yields 4%.”

Annie didn’t exactly make the wisest of choices sometimes (as evidenced by the quote, where she secretly upped the rent to help Abed and Troy save some money). However, everyone knew that her heart was in the right place as the study group wasn’t that responsible or mature.

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Abed and Troy certainly got themselves into a lot of wild shenanigans, so it’s not at all surprising that Annie wanted to protect them. As they were roommates too, it made sense that she would end up becoming even more mature and responsible since Troy and Abed’s schemes could get out of hand as well. It might not have been an ideal situation, but Annie, Abed, and Troy did become closer after learning one or two things from each other.

Annie Keeps Her Friends On The Right Path

“[To Jeff] I Gathered Some Materials. Tomorrow Morning, Before Class, I Need To Verify That You Know Enough To Teach.”

Despite them all making jabs at the ridiculous classes at Greendale, the study group did try their best to make of a bad situation and succeed. However, there were times when they did slack off and didn’t care, which was why Annie always tried her best to keep them on the right path.

Whether it was making sure that Jeff was teaching his classes (as evidenced by the quote), helping Troy study for his astrology exam, or organizing their class projects, Annie’s persistence and routine did help the study group get one step closer to achieving their dreams.

Annie’s Caring And Compassionate Nature

“You’re Afraid You Don’t Fit In. You’re Afraid You’ll Be Alone. Great News! You Share That With All Of Us, So You’ll Never Be Alone And You’ll Always Fit In.”

Throughout the six seasons of Community, the viewers had seen each study member go through a lot of hardships. However, the study group did try their best to support and offer a helping hand if need be.

With Annie being one of the kindest and most compassionate characters on the show, it wasn’t surprising that she was one of the first people who tried to cheer her friends up. Whether it was by offering a sage piece of advice, a friendly ear, or simply choosing to hang out, Annie made sure that her friends knew they were never alone.

Annie’s Belief That Greendale Is A Great Place

“We Need To Make People Aware That Greendale Exists And Needs Help.”

Greendale might not be the best community college, but one person that did believe it had the potential to be better was Annie. She hated it when the study group made it look like a joke or put it down because she knew that it could become a great institution if they (and others) all put a bit of effort in.

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Although it took a while, Annie was certainly right. She not only helped to improve the conditions of the school by becoming a great leader for the ‘Save Greendale Committee’ but she also managed to get most of the issues fixed on her own.

Annie’s Sarcastic Sense Of Humor

“I’ll Just Blow Off Walking. Now I’ll Just Blow Off Standing […] Maybe I’ll Blow Off Talking Language. Blee Blue Bluh Bluh Bluh Blah.”

When it came to the Greendale Seven, each character managed to make fans laugh in different ways. Jeff and Britta were great with coming up with sarcastic one-liners and Troy’s quotes were a lot more sophomoric. However, Annie’s lines never failed to make the viewers laugh since they were so dramatic and exaggerated.

The writers might have done this to illustrate how Annie was still developing as a character, but it certainly created comedy gold (especially when the viewers can see Joel McHale or Danny Pudi trying not to break). Alison Brie had great chemistry with all the actors, so that really helped in making the scenes more hilarious and natural.

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