Activist, feminist, bartender; Britta Perry is a lot of things, including one of the most likable characters in Community. Likable to the viewers, that is, because at Greendale, the opinion on her is mixed. Even her fellow study group members aren’t always her biggest fans.

While a lot of the time, their mistreatment of Britta seems unfair, there are legitimate reasons not to like her as she has a litany of undesirable personality traits that would annoy anyone. But she’s not all bad, as she has an equal number of good qualities that those closest to her seem to forget.

10 Best: Passionate About Her Beliefs

Regardless of how much she changes throughout the show, Britta remains passionate about her beliefs and ideals. Often at study group meetings, she will mention a cause that she strongly believes in or an establishment that she hates.

The activist doesn’t always directly help said causes, and sometimes she even comes off as a virtue signaller. But whenever she can, Britta fights the good fight.

9 Worst: Against Everything

It’s really cool that Britta has so many beliefs and is willing to rage at anything that she deems as negative.

Although, occasionally she goes overboard as it seems she’s against pretty much everything, including fairly innocent things like Christmas, marriage, and make-up. Jeff perfectly summarizes her beliefs when he states, “she is pro-anti,” as she does seem to enjoy disliking things for the sake of it.


8 Best: Strong

Britta doesn’t have the easiest of lives. When she was younger, her parents weren’t the best, and there are plenty of hints that she suffered some serious trauma.

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In the timeline of the show, Britta’s life isn’t much better. She spends some time homeless, she feels like a sell-out, and her closest friends regularly do horrible things to her. Yet, it doesn’t keep her down. Britta is keeps her head held high and is always moving forward. She’s an inspiration.

7 Worst: Loves Attention

There are several occasions during the show where Britta proves how much she craves the attention of others. A primary example occurs at the start of season 2 when Greendale sees her as an icon for professing her love for Jeff. She loves the admiration and spends the rest of the episode trying to keep it going, while Jeff tries to sabotage it.

Even when she does good things like shouting about unfair political issues or trying to bring an end to the MeowMeowBeanz hierarchy, her motivation partially stems from her need for attention.

6 Best: Loyal

From the first to the last season, Britta is one of the few mainstays in the study group turned Save Greendale Committee.

Throughout all she’s been through with the group, the loyalty she shows is admirable. Plus, it’s not like her friendships with the others are the worst at Greendale.

5 Worst: Her Bizarre Decrease Of Intelligence

The thing that changes most about Britta throughout the years is her intelligence. In the first few seasons, she’s one of the most smartest people in the show, but then suddenly she gets a lot dimmer.

This abrupt character change leads to most of her mistakes. While this is more a fault in the show’s writing than Britta herself, it’s still one of the worst things about her.

4 Best: Compassionate

While Britta isn’t the world’s greatest activist, she still proves her compassion in smaller ways. Usually, it revolves around her friends, like when she helps Jeff confront his dad or the time she aids Abed while he freaks out about Troy leaving.

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Even Britta’s constant attempts to use her questionable psychology skills can be seen as her way of trying to lend a hand. She truly cares about her friends and their well-being.

3 Worst: Judgmental

Arguably, Britta is the most self-righteous person at Greendale. Her activism and real-world experience sometimes make her think she’s better than those around her — and she’s always quick to judge them for it.

One of her most common complaints is about how Annie dresses. If she is wearing something tight or revealing, Britta often questions her friend’s feminism. And Annie isn’t the only one she judges either. Britta also takes shots at Shirley’s religious beliefs, Jeff’s materialism, and Troy and Abed’s immaturity.

2 Best: Hilarious

As is expected of a comedy, Community has an abundance of humorous characters. Still, Britta’s comedic talents are far above most of the others.

At times her humor takes the form of silly physical gags such as the famous dance she does when a pizza arrives. Other times, she simply delivers excellent zingers and one-liners. Either way, she’s a constant source of entertainment and one of the most well-rounded characters in the series.

1 Worst: Hypocrite

Britta isn’t always the most self-aware person, and this leads to many situations where she criticizes people for things she also does. Jeff is often on the receiving end as she regularly picks apart his faults without realizing that they’re similar people.

An early example of Britta’s hypocrisy is in the pilot when she lambasts Jeff for his lack of honesty, yet a few episodes later, she cheats on a test. It’s a frustrating aspect of her personality that sticks around for all six seasons.

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