The choice of playable race in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is important for players, not just during character creation but also for unique skill bonuses and powers. Skyrim recently celebrated its tenth anniversary in November. Even with the game’s age, there is plenty of content many Skyrim players haven’t experienced yet. Whether a player is new to the game or jumping back in after several years, one of the most critical choices they will make during their adventure is their character’s race.

Race choices in Skyrim go beyond just a cosmetic difference. Choosing a race because of its aesthetics or lore can lead to new discoveries and context for events in the game. Other players may want to select the best mechanical race for their build. Regardless of what motivates a player’s choice of race, the decision will affect their whole playthrough of Skyrim.


While any race can theoretically work for any playstyle in Skyrim, some races offer advantages over others in different circumstances. This edge is due to the various starting bonuses each race has and that race’s unique ability. Knowing the bonuses associated with each race can mean the difference between victory and death by dragon fire, an important advantage considering how much time players may spend with their Skyrim character.

Each Skyrim Race Gets Unique Skills

Each race in Skyrim gets skill bonuses, a unique skill, and possible starting spells. These increased skills only impact the very start of the game, as, over time, players can max out any skill, regardless of character race. The unique skill for each race, on the other hand, is exclusive to that race and cannot be gained by the other races. Altogether, this means that besides aesthetics and lore, the main driving factor for choosing a race would be this unique skill and any unique traits.

Argonian Racial Bonuses

  • Starting Skills: Lockpicking (25), Light Armor (20), Sneak (20), Pickpocket (20), Restoration (20), and Alteration (20).
  • Starting Spells: Healing, Flames.
  • Ability: Histskin – Invoke the power of the Hist to recover health ten times faster for 60 seconds.
  • Traits: 50% Disease Resistance, Waterbreathing
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Breton Racial Bonuses

  • Starting Skills: Conjuration (25), Speech (20), Alchemy (20), Illusion (20), Restoration (20), and Alteration (20).
  • Starting Spells: Healing, Flames, Conjure Familiar.
  • Ability: Dragonskin – Absorb 50% of the magicka from hostile spells for 60 seconds.
  • Traits: 25% Magic Resistance

Dark Elf Racial Bonuses

  • Starting Skills: Destruction (25), Light Armor (20), Sneak (20), Alchemy (20), Illusion (20), and Alteration (20).
  • Starting Spells: Healing, Flames, Sparks.
  • Ability: Ancestor’s Wrath – For 60 seconds, opponents that get too close take eight points per second of fire damage.
  • Traits: 50% Fire Resistance

High Elf Racial Bonuses

  • Starting Skills: Illusion (25), Conjuration (20), Destruction (20), Restoration (20), Alteration (20), and Enchanting (20).
  • Starting Spells: Healing, Flames, Fury.
  • Ability: Highborn – Regenerate magicka faster for 60 seconds.
  • Traits: +50 Magicka

Imperial Racial Bonuses

  • Starting Skills: Restoration (25), Heavy Armor (20), Block (20), One-Handed (20), Destruction (20), and Enchanting (20).
  • Starting Spells: Healing, Flames.
  • Ability: Voice of the Emperor – Calms nearby people for 60 seconds.
  • Traits: Increased gold found.

Khajiit Racial Bonuses

  • Starting Skills: Sneak (25), One-Handed (20), Archery (20), Lockpicking (20), Pickpocket (20), and Alchemy (20).
  • Starting Spells: Healing, Flames.
  • Ability: Night Eye – Improved night vision for 60 seconds.
  • Traits: +15 Unarmed Damage

Nord Racial Bonuses

  • Starting Skills: Two-Handed (25), Smithing (20), Block (20), One-Handed (20), Light Armor (20), and Speech (20).
  • Starting Spells: Healing, Flames.
  • Ability: Battle Cry – Targets flee for 30 seconds.
  • Traits: 50% Frost Resistance

Orc Racial Bonuses

  • Starting Skills: Heavy Armor (25), Smithing (20), Block (20), Two-Handed (20), One-Handed (20), and Enchanting (20).
  • Starting Spells: Healing, Flames.
  • Ability: Berserker Rage – You take half damage and do double damage for 60 seconds.
  • Traits: While not technically a Trait, Orc player characters can enter Orc-controlled settlements without becoming Blood-kin.

Redguard Racial Bonuses

  • Starting Skills: One-Handed (25), Smithing (20), Block (20), Archery (20), Destruction (20), and Alteration (20).
  • Starting Spells: Healing, Flames.
  • Ability: Adrenaline Rush – Stamina regenerates 10 times faster for 60 seconds.
  • Traits: 50% Poison Resistance
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Wood Elf Racial Bonuses

  • Starting Skills: Archery (25), Light Armor (20), Sneak (20), Lockpicking (20), Pickpocket (20), and Alchemy (20).
  • Starting Spells: Healing, Flames.
  • Ability: Command Animal – Make an animal an ally for 60 seconds.
  • Traits: 50% Disease Resistance, 50% Poison Resistance

As players explore the hidden secrets of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the traits and unique power of their chosen race will aid them in their adventure. Skilled adventurers will be able to leverage this strength to save the world of Tamriel.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is available on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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