Warning! SPOILERS ahead for Cowboy Bebop season 1.

Netflix’s live-action Cowboy Bebop season 1 ends with a twist that’s very different from the anime and now showrunner André Nemac is explaining why. Cowboy Bebop has not yet been officially renewed for a season 2, but the show is already laying the groundwork for what the future narrative will look like. The show stars John Cho, Mustafa Shakir, Daniella Pineda, and Elena Satine as Spike, Jet, Faye, and Julia respectively. The adaptation has been in development since 2017 and was delayed for several years due to being unable to find a distributor, Cho injuring his knee, and the COVID-19 pandemic.


Cowboy Bebop follows the lives of Spike and his friends on the spaceship, the Bebop, as they hunt bounties and explore the universe. Those familiar with the Cowboy Bebop anime on which the Netflix show is based were likely shocked when Julia, femme fatale and focus of Spike’s affections, becomes a villain in the new adaptation, shooting Spike in the season 1 finale. In the anime, Julia existed as more of a memory as she was a character from Spike’s past who haunted him and only appeared in flashbacks. When she does actually appear in the anime’s final two episodes, she’s almost immediately killed.

Executive producer and showrunner André Nemac in an interview with the Los Angeles Times has discussed Julia’s evolution in the story, saying Julia in the anime existed more as a plot device than a character with a purpose. The change to make her a villain is reflective on Spike’s idea of her that hadn’t changed, where she herself has changed a lot since their time together. Read Nemac’s full quote on Julia below:

“The more we talked about [Julia] in the writers room, the more it became clear that we had this amazing opportunity to birth a villain. To see this woman — who has been put into this environment and, through her desire to escape the environment, [is] inculcated into its horror, into its violence — realize that [she can] take the reins now.”

Nemac also touches on Faye’s role in the finale, talking about how she rescues Spike and Jet from big villain Vicious before going off to Earth to follow up on the mystery of her past. He also briefly talks about the introduction of Radical Ed, a child prodigy hacker and popular character from the anime seen in the very end of the last episodeWith Spike’s confrontation with main villain Vicious being the climax of the original anime’s story, and only the climax of the first season of the live action series, it seems that the writers are reinterpreting characters and events from the canon to make a new story with an unknown continuation.

Cowboy Bebop‘s negative reception can be attributed to the writers trying to retread the anime’s plot points without anything new to add to the story. With Julia’s new development as a villain, it’s clear that the writers are already trying to break away from the anime’s influence, with many changes to the character’s backstories seen throughout the season. With Cowboy Bebop‘s first season leaving its characters separated, it remains a mystery what the potential second season will hold for the Bebop crew. One thing is clear, though – the future of the series will look vastly different than the anime on which it is based.

Source: LA Times

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