Though the main goal of Cozy Grove is to bring color back to the island by completing quests and discovering certain secrets all over the island, there is also a lot of side content and activities to engage with, including adopting animal friends as pets. Cozy Grove’s daily activities offer plenty of tasks to keep the player busy. This includes collecting materials, making money, and placing decorations to make the area more visually appealing.

Cozy Grove also allows player characters to care for creatures like spirit deer, spirit birds, and spirit rodents; these animal companions often reward spirit essence and certain types of food when they are well taken care of. Most of these pets can either be earned as quest rewards or bought at stores like Kit’s Canteen or Beastly Charms & Curios. The cat is slightly different from these other pets. Cats are the only indoor pet in the game so far, and they cannot be bought. They must instead be lured into a spirit guide’s tent.


The first thing players need to do in order to attract a cat in Cozy Grove is to upgrade up their tent to at least level four. At this level, the first room of the tent will receive a “cat beckoner,” which is exactly what it sounds like and is vital for adopting a pet cat. The beckoner can hold up to three food items, and the type of cat attracted to the player’s home will be determined by the food the player leaves out. Regardless of the food type, players who want a cat will only need to check the filled beckoner roughly every 24 hours or so to see if a cat decided to wander in.

Develop a Tent in Cozy Grove for Spirit Cats

Pet cats in Cozy Grove come in 10 color varieties, but as far as cat dislikes are concerned, cat rarity is what players should be concerned with. A cat’s happiness is heavily influenced by the décor in its room. Cats of the more common variety are noted to only like one type of décor, while epic cats do not dislike any type of décor. Players should bear in mind that, regardless of the cat’s rarity, all cats dislike other cats. They will need to make sure every cat is assigned its own room where it can roam around by itself.

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The general rules for obtaining a certain cat type in Cozy Grove are easy enough to follow. To attract a common cat, players should fill the cat beckoner with common, unprocessed ingredients like eggs, fruit, seeds, and roots. To attract less common cats, they should try adding cooked items like cocoa tarts and cob salad to the cat beckoner. It is not yet clear what specific combinations of food items players must use to always attract a certain kind of cat, so players will need to experiment with the cat beckoner to collect every cat type.

Cozy Grove is available on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation 4

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