Crowfall, a newly released MMORPG from ArtCraft, brings a new world for MMO fans to explore. Crowfall borrows a lot of features from other MMO games while adding new aspects of gameplay to be excited about. Like most other MMOs, character creation involves choosing a race and class.

Classes in Crowfall are separated into three categories: Mage classes, Fighter classes, and Rogue classes. Mage classes, like the Cleric and the mystical Frostweaver, provide long-range support in the form of spells. Rogue classes, like the looming Assassin and swift Ranger, use shadows and other unconventional tactics to succeed. Finally, Fighter classes, like the Knight and the Myrmidon, take the fight straight to the enemy with a bone-crushing style. This guide details the best Myrmidon builds in Crowfall.


The Best Builds And Promotions For The Myrmidon Class In Crowfall

The Myrmidon class can be played as the Half-Giant, Minotaur, and Stoneborn races. Myrmidons have access to axes, maces, and leather armor. Myrmidons are known as pit-fighters, mercenaries, and barbarians, and their subclasses reflect these brutal occupations. There are three different Promotions for Myrmidons: Titan, Conqueror, and Battlerager. Utilizing each of the classes and their promotions to the fullest will ensure a quick leveling up process.

Titan Promotion

Titans are a cut-and-dry melee DPS class. Titans gain extra attack power, critical damage, physical armor, crushing penetration, and slashing penetration. Titans get a damage buff every time they hit a bleeding target, which stacks up to 25 times. Titans’ altered Berserk adds bonus damage every second damage done and heals based on damage caused. Titans’ altered Whirlwind has increased damage and grants a stackable fury regeneration buff per hit. Titans also get the move Pulverize that allows players to prevent crash damage by casting the move while the crash ends. Titans have access to the War, Battle, or Wind domain. The best major disciplines for Titans are Master of Axes, Master of Maces, and Dazzler. The best minor disciplines are Stay in the Fight, Restoration Strike, and Underdog.

Conqueror Promotion

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Conquerors are a melee, AoE crowd control build. Conquerors gain increased attack control intensity, hard control intensity, movement control intensity, and attack power. Conquerors’ altered Neck Slash inflicts suppression, while their altered Berserk and Whirlwind grant crowd control immunity. Conquerors have access to the War, Battle, or Justice domain. The best major disciplines for Conquerors are Speed Demon and Slasher. The best minor disciplines are Stay in the Fight, Thornshield, and Restoration Strike.

Battlerager Promotion

Battleragers are a melee tank build not unlike other tank builds such as the Knight Secutor. Battleragers can wear mail and plate armor. Battleragers get increased HP and overall resistance to attacks. Battleragers’ altered Neck Slash heals when used against a bleeding target, while their altered Whirlwind applies a barrier when activated. Their altered Berserk prevents all damage taken while in effect and accumulates it as crash damage at the end of the berserk window. Crash damage can be prevented by applying enough bleed to enemies before the crash window ends. The best major disciplines for Battleragers are Speed Demon, Master of Maces, and Master of Axes. The best minor disciplines are Sturdy, Thornshield, and Underdog. Whichever Myrmidon promotion Crowfall players choose, the MYrmidon will be an effective asset on the battlefield.

Crowfall is available on PC.

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