Japanese film production company Shochiku has released the first trailer for their upcoming remake of the cult-classic science-fiction thriller, CubeCube was originally released in 1997 as an independent Canadian film from director and co-writer Vincenzo Natali. The film follows a motley crew of mismatched personalities as they attempt to make their way through a deadly maze consisting of cube-shaped rooms. Despite the film’s minuscule production budget, it proved to be a massive success that spawned a cult following as well as countless parodies and knock-offs (even providing the very overt inspiration for an episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars). Now, the Shochiku Company appears to be the latest to take a stab at the unique premise.


Shochiku’s latest trailer for their Cube remake seems to stay extremely true to the original filmmakers’ vision. The cube-shaped sets remain simple in design, but boasts an intimidating lineup of traps like noxious gas, razor wires, and flamethrowers that trigger at the drop of a shoe. According to the trailer, the film is set to release on October 22 in Japan – however, there is still no word on an international release thus far.


It is promising to see that Shochiku is staying true to the lower budget aesthetic of the original Cube. Much of the charm of the 1997 film comes from the claustrophobic, surreal atmosphere created by the confined sets. If the trailer is anything to go by, horror aficionados have a lot to look forward to with Japan’s take on the cult-classic film.

Source: Shochiku

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