Larry David’s version of himself on HBO’s Curb Your Enthusiasm is lucky in life but not so lucky in love, especially since his TV wife Cheryl (Cheryl Hines) filed for divorce at the end of season 6. David’s distrust of the world always seems to ruin his romantic aspirations.

Cheryl was good for Larry, but she wasn’t the only one. Season 6 introduced Loretta Black (Vivica A. Fox) who came with her family to stay with the Davids after the Blacks’ home was destroyed. While annoyed by the intrusion into his home, Larry and Loretta began to develop a spark, one that would fully ignite after Cheryl moved out. Here we explain how Cheryl and Loretta were each significant love interests for Larry David.

10 Cheryl Takes Control Of The Domestic Side

Larry is a millionaire. He lives in a lavish house in California. However, Larry is much too occupied with pointing out the wrongs of the world to worry about his house, yard, etc. Cheryl is smart in creating for her liking.

She knows Larry is only half listening when she mentions design ideas and contractors, so she gets to do it all her way. Cheryl created a home that is aesthetically pleasing for them both. While doing it all her way, she still made sure Larry could be comfortable.

9 Loretta Opens Larry Up To Another Side Of Life

The Blacks are a working-class family which, a life that Larry David never experienced as an adult. Loretta did what it took to support her family, which included her mother and two kids and brother Leon.

Larry being Larry, he figured that this family would be an intrusion but came to respect how Loretta handled herself and her family. He soon learned that she wasn’t looking for a handout and was using the good graces of her time with The Davids to better her situation for herself and her family.


8 Cheryl Keeps The David Name In Good Social Standing

In all honesty, there is no financial reason for the character of Cheryl David to take on any manner of regular employment. Cheryl is involved in environmental and social issues including becoming a member and popular fundraiser for many important groups that work to make the country a better place.

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Cheryl forces Larry to become involved in greater issues than himself and appear at many important fundraisers and functions that keep his reputation manageable even when he has alienated so many. It also makes Larry proud of his wife which puts him in touch with truer emotions.

7 Loretta Showed Larry What A Close Family Is All About

While Larry loved Cheryl, he had no time for her family, nor his own. He was always annoyed with having to go to family dinners and functions or, god forbid, have them stay at his house. At first, Loretta and her family annoyed him simply by living in his house.

Larry wanted his huge house with many extra bedrooms to be for Cheryl and himself exclusively. Loretta’s closeness to her family endeared her to Larry and his selfishness would occasionally be put on the back burner.

6 Cheryl Forces Larry To Right His Wrongs

Larry David fights back against what he perceives to be injustices and rationalizes his side of righteousness. When Larry is wrong or out of line, Cheryl never lets him get away with it.

As his dutiful wife, Cheryl will force him to make an apology be they big issues or small. From turning him around when Larry comes downstairs in a mismatched outfit with a simple “No!”, to forcing him to return flowers stolen from a roadside memorial, Cheryl is always steering Larry in the right direction.

5 Loretta Could Make Larry Realize How He Was Wrong

Unlike Cheryl, who would usually be left to pick up the pieces well after Larry had screwed something up, Loretta had no time for his foolishness. Cheryl would call Larry out and he would apologize while still trying to make her see his side, but Loretta would put her foot down in a wall of defiance.

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She didn’t suffer foolishness from Larry and would call BS on his issues. From his use of the “N-Word” when quoting someone else’s racism to traumatizing her young daughter by not checking a birthday cake that turned out to be in the shape of something sexual, Loretta never let him get away with his feeble apologies.

4 Cheryl Is A Patient Lover

Having no children, one would imagine that the intimate life of The Davids would be worry-free. This is far from the truth. On many occasions, “romantic interludes” have been ruined by Larry’s preoccupations. Be it worry over the cut-off time to make a phone call, an unfair ultimatum by a neighbor, or a small wine spill, Larry’s focus shifts at the most inopportune moments.

Sometimes she waits patiently for her husband to return to the “matters at hand” or she simply tells him that the moment has passed. Yet she is never angry at him. She knows who she married and, while her patience is tested, she accepts Larry for being Larry.

3 Loretta Opened Up Larry’s Social Views

While Larry David is certainly far from a racist in any manner, he is prone to be susceptible to certain stereotypical behavior with any culture. What Larry may have seen as stereotypes as an outsider, he immerses himself into when he spends more time with Loretta, as she shows him how to have more fun and not be afraid to enjoy his surroundings.

At the end of season 6, a montage of Larry hanging out with Loretta and her family shows him, with the welcoming eyes of Loretta, having fun at her kid’s soccer games, enjoying time with her mother, loudly reacting to the movie screen at a local theater, and happily participating in a family holiday card. Things that he would’ve balked at if Cheryl suggested, he is happy to participate in due to his affection for Loretta.

2 Cheryl Loves Larry Unconditionally

Being married to the character of Larry David is certainly no easy task and before she finally could take no more by the end of season 6, we have seen Cheryl come to her breaking point many times. You always see the love in her eyes, and therefore her disappointments hit hard when Larry would mess up.

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In the craziest of situations, Larry could always make Cheryl smile and laugh, after she calmed down that is. Until the end, Cheryl’s love was clear and obvious. Even after their divorce, we see that she still loves him and wants to try. Alas, Larry David always does something to make her think twice.

1 Loretta Brought Out The Romance In Larry David

If its one thing Curb Your Enthusiasm is not known for it is romantic scenes. The show came close when Larry surprised Cheryl on her birthday morning by having a small quartet play a beautiful classical piece for her in their foyer. However, moments later he was asking to go play golf. Moment ruined.

At the end of season six, Larry takes Loretta to a Bat Mitzvah. There is a moment where he sees her sitting at the table looking a bit alone and probably feeling out of place. When he sees her, we see a look of love in his eyes and when they look at one another, we see it on her as well. Larry walks up and stretches out his hand and the two share a soft and tender dance. Never had we seen Larry in such a pure state. While we know he loved Cheryl, it was the realization of his affection for Loretta that allowed us a very brief glimpse at a real and romantic side to Larry.

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