Season 10 of Curb Your Enthusiasm ended in a blaze of mischance – with Larry’s beloved spite store burning to the ground due to numerous fire safety failures. Fans of the show are left wondering what season 11 would bring; perhaps another spite store, or a completely new project of Larry’s, maybe new characters or old rivalries rekindled.

As fans eagerly await whatever shenanigans season 11 will bring, some viewers might remember highlights from season 10 that took Curb Your Enthusiasm to new heights. Here are five things audiences loved about season 10 along with five things they hope to see in season 11.

10 Loved: Spite Store Phenomenon

Ever since this episode aired, one can’t help but wonder when they see two similar restaurants or stores in close proximity to each other, or in the same plaza or strip mall: “Is that a spite store?” In the latest season of Curb Larry takes his petty feud with Mocha Joe to the next level by opening a coffee shop right next to his purely out of spite. This spite store was the result of the bitter rivalry coming to a head between the two men – a rivalry that started way back in season 7 when Larry refused to tip Mocha Joe.

Latte Larry’s might seem like a relatively normal coffee shop at first glance- complete with tables that didn’t wobble and coffee that was always hot. But Larry quickly points out the bizarre features he added – including tableside coat wracks and downright unsettling toilets and urinals in the bathroom. Some of these oddities would ironically lead to the coffee shop’s demise later in season 10.

9 Hope For: Continued Rivalry With Mocha Joe

While the Mocha Joe arc has spanned over several seasons, it never ceases to entertain. While the spite stores were both destroyed, there’s no doubt that some viewers are hoping for a continuation of the rivalry between Larry and Joe in some form. In the last episode, it’s revealed that Mocha Joe and possibly Alice bought a “spite house” next door to Larry so they could continue to exact their revenge and annoy him with loud parties. It will be interesting to see what Larry’s next move will be – whether he’ll engage as a spiteful neighbor, take on a new project to get back at Mocha Joe, or finally accept defeat.


8 Loved: Richard Lewis

Along with Jeff, Susie, Leon, and Cheryl, Richard Lewis consistently brings comedic brilliance to the main cast of Curb Your Enthusiasm. His antics and banter with Larry have contained some of the best bits from the show since season 1. So when the news broke that Lewis would be sitting out this season to recover from surgery, some fans were saddened but understanding. Despite issues with debilitating back pain, Lewis still shined in season 10 and his absence will certainly be felt in season 11.

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7 Hope For: More Scenes With Leon

As Curb Your Enthusiasm blazes on into the 2020s, there’s a lot of great supporting characters to look forward to in season 11, even with the absence of Lewis and beloved Funkhouser, portrayed by Bob Einstein who passed away in 2019. Leon Black became one of the main cast members later during the show’s run, but fans quickly fell in love with him and his role as Larry’s confidant was solidified. After the rest of Leon’s family moved out after Larry broke up with Loretta, he opted to stay living in the house with Larry and their friendship grew stronger.

6 Loved: Guest Star Side Characters

Guest stars have always been a part of Curb Your Enthusiasm’s later seasons, but Season 10 seemed especially jam-packed. Along with comedic actors like Fred Armisen, Abbi Jacobson, and Nick Kroll, other guest stars with both comedy and dramatic acting backgrounds also made an appearance. For example, Mila Kunis and Jonah Hill both headed their own spite stores and Jon Hamm shadowed Larry to prepare for an acting role. Overall, the guest stars added a lot of great little moments to the show.

5 Hope For: More Of Jeff & Susie

While it’s always entertaining to see guest stars and new characters, some of the greatest comedic moments of the show happen between the main cast as they bounce improvised lines off of each other. Jeff and Susie’s dysfunctional dynamic always galvanizes the plot and often shakes things up for Larry. Their relationship has never been great and they’ve each had extramarital affairs; some fans might wonder whether Jeff and Susie will separate again, or even get a divorce now that Sammy is married and out of the house. However, it’s likely that viewers will continue to see them hate-loving each other under the same roof come season 11.

4 Loved: Plenty Of Social Assassin Moments

Back in season 8, Jeff deemed Larry a “social assassin” for his uncanny ability to call others out on annoying behavior without shame when others wouldn’t. But there’s also been instances before and since where Larry’s own bad behavior is called out.

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Fast forward to season 10 and there are plenty of times that Larry presents himself as a crotchety old man, sometimes causing others to distance themselves from him. He’s blunt, rude, indifferent, and completely absorbed into getting the upper hand on his enemies. Larry seems to have lost what little tolerance and patience he had in the past and as a curmudgeon, he is constantly at odds with both his enemies and sometimes even his allies. One could argue this is one of the reasons Cheryl divorced Larry, and while this aspect of his personality is entertaining, it will be interesting to how much father he can take as time goes on.

3 Hope For: More Larry David Moments

On the flip side of that, Larry’s character can be representative of a schlemiel. In Yiddish culture, a schlemiel is someone who’s foolish, awkward, and gets into uncomfortable or unfortunate situations. While in season 10 there are plenty of times that Larry gets into trouble with his bluntness or rudeness, earlier seasons have shown that he’s also prone to uncomfortable or awkward situations through no fault of his own – just as a result of bad luck. It’s just as important for the audience to sympathize and relate to Larry when he gets into these types of situations, and it’s possible that viewers will see him victimized more often in season 11.

2 Loved: Scenes With Cheryl

Cheryl Hines played a larger role behind the scenes in season 10, directing the third episode “Artificial Fruit”. Her character still made appearances on screen much to the delight of fans, despite her relationship with Ted Danson keeping her somewhat outside of Larry’s inner circle. One of the highlights of this season was “You’re Not Going To Get Me To Say Anything Bad About Mickey”, in which Larry pesters Cheryl for a toothbrush and Ted Danson walks in to see him awkwardly brushing his teeth in Cheryl’s room.

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1 Hope For: New Long-Term Love Interest

Larry clearly struggles whether he’s single or in a relationship, but his dating life seems particularly bleak by the end of season 10. His personality as a married man is definitely a contrast to his personality as a bad-tempered bachelor. Larry’s hilarious dynamic with Cheryl gave viewers some great comedic moments, and there’s no doubt that some wish that he would be luckier in love in the seasons to come. Much of Curb Your Enthusiasm is loosely based on reality, and since Larry David remarried in 2020 it’s possible that a new long-term relationship is in the cards for season 11.

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