Curb Your Enthusiasm is known for Larry David, the character. The main protagonist is a fictionalized version of show creator Larry David, presented with the exaggeration of the real-life actor’s worst qualities. Larry is a difficult person and surrounds himself with a variety of people.

Some of them like Jeff Green are similarly unsympathetic while others like Cheryl David contrast his abrasive behavior. The more affable people in Larry’s life reveal themselves as some of the Curb Your Enthusiasm‘s best characters. However, Larry’s unfeeling nature tends to rub off on his friends over time.


Ted Danson

Ted Danson appears pleasant in Curb Your Enthusiasm. Ted is often shown bearing a smile and is friendly to those he meets. Ted is Larry’s buddy but reveals himself to be a villain thanks to his unlikable behavior.  Ted does some unsavory things throughout the show, and his negative qualities come out in his relationship with Larry.

The two are chums but don’t act like it. When Larry wants to switch his signature sandwich at his favorite deli Leo’s with Ted, he refuses. Ted even puts up his money for Mocha Joe’s cafe instead of Larry’s shop Latte Larry’s. Ted’s selfishness is put on display most clearly when he begins a relationship with Cheryl behind Larry’s back after their divorce.

Jeff Greene

Jeff is hilarious, but he isn’t someone most fans would want in their lives. Jeff’s duplicity makes him unlikable, and fans get to know all of his deceit through his close relationship with Larry.

Jeff consistently lies to his wife Susie Greene, covering up his affairs without a hint of guilt. Jeff even sleeps with his friend Marty Funkhouser’s sister after he’s asked to keep an eye on her. Jeff Garlin, who plays Jeff Greene, once told Buddy TV he thinks the character is a “pretty evil guy.”

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Larry David

Larry is the hero in Curb Your Enthusiasm, and fans love to watch him in the series. However, Larry is not only unlikable but also his selfishness is the very crux of his character. Larry looks out for himself over anyone in his life, and he crosses others to avoid even the most minor inconveniences.

Fans see him get into dozens of petty arguments and perform big betrayals like taking flowers from Ida Funkhouser’s memorial because it’s easier than finding his own. Some fans think stealing from his friend Marty’s mother’s memorial is one of the worst things Larry does in Curb Your Enthusiasm. Larry’s goofiness makes him more likable than other main characters, but his actions put him low on the list.

Richard Lewis

Richard is one of Larry’s oldest friends. Furthermore, fans know Curb Your Enthusiasm wouldn’t be the same without Richard. Audiences get to know Richard through his frequent lunches with Larry, often telling him about his latest girlfriend. Richard berates Larry for his shortcomings but displays a similar variety of negative traits. Richard is funny, and his entertaining conversations with Larry make him someone fans enjoy seeing.

However, his selfishness makes him less likable than some other main characters. For example, Larry ends up on life support after donating his kidney to Richard under duress. Richard takes another girlfriend he is infatuated with on vacation instead of staying by Larry’s side in the hospital. Richard’s one-track mind often puts others on the sidelines.

Marty Funkhouser

Marty is one of Larry’s good friends. Larry enjoys Marty’s company, often welcoming into the room with one of his nicknames like “The Funk Man.” He is generally positive and good-natured, but his pushiness makes him less likable than some of Larry’s other friends.

Marty is stubborn and doesn’t take no for an answer. He insists on Larry sponsoring him for a charity benefit, making him sign up during dinner. He also shows up to the Seinfeld reunion filming against Larry’s repeated warnings against it. If Marty was more easygoing, he’d be more affable.

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Susie Greene

Susie is hilarious, and the show benefits from her brash voice and actions. Fans appreciate her honesty and creative endeavors that are often underscored by her vibrant and unusual outfits. However, her angry temperament makes her less likable than some of her peers.

Susie’s rage-filled tirades are entertaining, but sometimes they can come across as cold-hearted. She consistently yells mean comments about Jeff’s weight, and sometimes bans his best friend Larry from her house. Susie even plots to kill Jeff by causing a heart attack in what some fans call one of the best episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm. She is quick to jump down others’ throats when things get tough, making her less pleasant than some other main characters.

Cheryl David

Cheryl is one of the most likable characters in Curb Your Enthusiasm. While most people in Larry’s life share his cartoonish abrasive nature in some way, Cheryl is always in control. Unlike Larry, she is pleasant, mellow, and cheerful.

Cheryl isn’t without flaws, and she and Larry get into spats throughout the series. However, her patience with Larry and thoughtfulness for others, shown in her frequent charity work, make her one of the hardest characters to dislike.

Leon Black

Fans of Curb Your Enthusiasm love Leon. He is one of the show’s funniest characters, and Larry David (the actor) nearly breaks character in every scene they appear in together. Furthermore, he has many qualities that make him likable.

Leon is upbeat and often tries to help Larry through his daily struggles. Leon gives Larry advice in nearly every aspect of his life, from romance with partners like Cheryl to business pursuits like his coffee shop. Leon’s bright attitude and funny banter make him perhaps the most likable character in all of Curb Your Enthusiasm.

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