The six possible endings in Cyberpunk 2077 can range from depressing to mostly satisfying in the game’s final moments. Barring in-depth details of what makes each choice available to V, (some have no requirements) the setup throughout the playthrough indicates that tough decisions will be made to enact the final missions. As with most games with similar levels of choice, once a decision is made, there’s no going back – V is led to their fate. With each ending, characters left behind as the result of V’s decision leave a final message with a reaction to that decision, putting further gravity on the outcomes.


So, which choice will leave players feeling like there’s a high payoff, and which decision will leave players crushed? If players want to have the option of all six, certain Cyberpunk 2077 side quests will need to be done, and relationships with certain people will need to be built. Otherwise only a couple of endings will be available – and one isn’t very pretty. That’s the nice thing about Cyberpunk 2077, though – players are given the choice to play in the moment and have those spur-of-the-moment decisions play out naturally.

Below are Cyberpunk 2077‘s six endings ranked, so be warned of entering spoiler territory. All endings are chosen during the “Nocturne Op55N1” mission and available as determined by completed prerequisites.

#6 Worst Cyberpunk Ending – The Easy Way Out

This ending is short, and, frankly, quite depressing. Instead of deciding to go out with any sort of a bang, V decides to go out with a literal “bang” but a figurative whimper. This comes after choosing any of Cyberpunk 2077‘s basic endings. Before V confirms the plan with Johnny, there’s an option to end everything instead. V takes their own life and the credits roll, leaving friends to wonder why such a route was taken.

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Aside from the dark nature of this ending, it leaves many story beats unresolved. There’s no attempt at finding a solution for the Relic in V’s head, no wrap-up for Johnny, no potential outcome for a happy ending. Going through the game, it becomes easy to feel sympathy for V, and even Johnny, but when the ending is so abrupt and definitive, it’s easy to feel cheated without a solid resolution.

#5 Cyberpunk Ending – Where Is My Mind

Here, V has bought in with Arasaka and entrusted the biochip problem with them by going to an Arasaka outer space clinic. As the corporation is responsible for creating the biochip in the first place, it seems like the logical choice. Unfortunately for V, there isn’t much here, and the ending is a bit lonely. After a series of tests and grim hints that nothing has been solved, the returning Hellman presents two options to finish out the epilogue.

V can either sign a contract and become an engram, thereby saving themselves from a terminal condition, or V can return to earth to live out their remaining days before death comes knocking. Either option offers a short scene which pronounces the feeling that V is very alone and hasn’t much of a future to look forward to. While there are some interesting story beats and final moments leading up to the contract option, players won’t get a whole lot from this Cyberpunk 2077 ending.

#4 Cyberpunk Ending – (Don’t Fear) The Reaper

Technically a lead-up to a couple of other endings, player’s can unlock the secret ending which decides how the last mission is played. If done correctly, players will have the option to storm the Arasaka tower solo. If the player dies, the credits roll, however, if the player is successful, players can reach either the “New Dawn Fades” or “Path of Glory” endings. The main point of this option is to avoid putting friends at risk and bear the whole burden of what V is about to do. Even though this ending leads to other endings, avoiding putting certain people at risk can pay off during the credit roll – if V can pull it off.

#3 Cyberpunk Ending – New Dawn Fades

Definitely one of the happier endings, it still doesn’t quite feel right to have the game end on someone who isn’t the main protagonist. V’s body is given over to Johnny through a short series of events. Johnny gets to talk a little music, pass on some wisdom, and leave behind Night City with some small amount of peace.

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The ending elicits a sense of resolution for the rocker that had been largely absent during interactions with V. Night City seems to haunt Johnny and everything involved with the past life he led. Johnny’s given a new chance to go somewhere else and be someone else inside of V’s body. Players will feel happy for Johnny, but could easily be disappointed that V is lost to cyberspace for what is likely to be forever.

#2 Cyberpunk Ending – Path Of Glory

In this ending, V gets everything that Jackie talked about so often. In the final mission, V is a top dog merc living the good life in Night City. Living in a ritzy penthouse with a personal AV sitting nearby on the rooftop, V is called upon to perform a high-profile job that will provide eddies enough to live life in comfort. Players won’t complete the job as a final cutscene ends with V drifting toward an outer space casino, but still get a sense that whatever V’s about to do will be epic.

“Path of Glory” will make players feel that everything was worth the trouble. The biochip, Johnny, running dangerous jobs in Night City, all of it was difficult and turned V into a grizzled merc, but it all payed off in the end. V beat the odds and continues to do jobs with their newly-found fame and fortune. This ending is satisfying, involves the main protagonist, and brings a certain level of excitement, especially knowing there’s likely a lucrative future ahead.

#1 Best Cyberpunk Ending – All Along The Watchtower

Admittedly, Cyberpunk 2077 is very much about relationships and the humanity that comes with forming bonds with other people amid a world built upon the artificial. As players move through the story, it becomes easy to hope for something more for V because of all the garbage that has to be waded through. V leads a tough life that’s full of tragedy. So, it’s no wonder that reaching an ending where V is free from it all with close friends will feel like the biggest payoff of them all.

In Cyberpunk 2077’s best ending, V escapes Night City with Panam and the Aldecados, leaving Night City in the dust, along with every problem encountered during the playthrough. Players won’t necessarily feel V’s health condition has been resolved, but it won’t matter. Peace and happiness are finally reached, as players watch V stare up at the star-dotted sky with Panam outside Night City’s walls. For a Cyberpunk 2077 ending that has resolution, weight, and a sense of relief on V’s behalf, this clearly deserves it’s #1 spot.

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