Inventory management is a make or break component for every role-playing game, and Cyberpunk 2077is no exception. CD Projekt Red’s recent release offers players a host of crafting options to create powerful items, but the game’s clunky inventory menu makes selling and dismantling loot a chore. That could be remedied with the addition of one simple feature.

Currently, Cyberpunk 2077’s inventory menu only lets gamers bulk sell and dismantle their Junk. This makes clearing that specific inventory tab a breeze, but every other tab requires that users individually select each item they want to sell or dismantle, which eventually turns into a slog. CDPR should add a multi-select option for selling and dismantling items to vastly improve Cyberpunk 2077’s inventory management system.


This could be as simple as adding a new button command to the menu to let players enter a “Select Mode” where they can highlight all of the items they want to sell or dismantle. Then all they’d have to do is hit a “Sell Selected” or “Dismantle Selected” button to rid their virtual pockets of their extra guns and armor.

Why Cyberpunk’s Loot Problem Is Disappointing

Since Cyberpunk 2077’s controversial and buggy launch on December 10, players have been loathing its inventory system. Gamers on sites like Reddit have called everything from “clunky,” “messy,” and “horrendous,” which is yet another testament to the game’s obviously rushed release. But there’s some hope for the future of the long-awaited RPG. CDPR recently issued yet another batch of hotfixpatches for the PlayStation, Xbox, and PC versions of the title on December 18 and 19. These changes included a handful of inventory improvements, like making silencer-equipped weapons easily distinguishable among other modded weapons.

For now, the Polish developer will likely be focused on smoothing out all of the game-breaking bugs in Cyberpunk that players have come across over the past few weeks, but once those have been resolved, quality-of-life improvements seem like a natural next step. Unfortunately, CDPR neglected to add a multi-selection tool in their previous release of The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. The fact that the developer hasn’t added a Select Mode into its revered fantasy RPG might cast some doubt on whether a multi-select option will ever make it into Cyberpunk 2077. However, the fact that the company has been forced to issue refunds for Cyberpunk 2077 because of the game’s unpolished release might make CDPR more receptive to players’ suggestions this time around.

Until then, players will need to continue to sell their endless supply of Copperhead assault rifles that litter the ground of Night City one by one.

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Cyberpunk 2077 is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PC, Google Stadia, and last-gen consoles.

Source: Cyberpunk/Reddit

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