Players will need to decide to Shoot or Pay Royce during the Pickup Mission in Cyberpunk 2077. This guide will help players learn what happens with each decision and which is the best to go with. Cyberpunk 2077 has been one of the biggest games to release in 2020. The game has been a bit controversial since its release as the developers have come forward and admitted to releasing the versions on the last generation as unpolished and incomplete. Patches will release in the future but it becomes hard for players on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One to want to jump back into the game. Regardless, during the main campaign, players will be given an ultimatum during the Pickup mission. This guide will show what will happen between both options.


While the main campaign of Cyberpunk 2077 is the real meat of the game, players can spend countless hours exploring Night City and assisting its residents with optional sidequests. The game also comes along with a wide variety of customization options. The Pickup Mission is present fairly early in the game and gives the player the chance to change the story based on their decisions. To unlock the mission, the player will need to finish ‘The Ride’ quest for the option to appear. The player will receive a call from Meredith Stout about a new deal the player can make. Here’s what happens towards the end of the mission if the player decides to Shoot or Pay Royce.

Cyberpunk 2077: Shoot or Pay Royce (The Pickup Mission)

This is the final decision players can make during the mission. Here’s how each of the options breakdown.

  • Pay with Militech chip Militech’s on your trail/Money’s on this: If the players chose to hack the credchip at the start of the mission, this option will appear. Militech will scan it and request that the player follow them. If the player did not hack the chip, this will trigger a boss fight with Royce.
  • Shoot Royce “I’ve had enough.”: Royce dies and then the player will need to take out all the Maelstormers. Players will then need to escape All Foods. Players can loot Royce’s body for neat weapons.
  • 10,000 Eurodollars Pay with own money “As we agreed.”: The player will spend the money. At this point in the story, it’s unlikely that the player has enough cash for this transaction. This is basically the “go broke for nothing” option.

Cyberpunk 2077 will add more fixes throughout the next year via patches. While the game was delayed several times, it’s unfortunate to see how broken of a state it released in. It becomes challenging to recommend the game to players outside of PC and new console generations. The developers behind the game need to do a lot not only to save the game but save face with the public.

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Cyberpunk 2077 is available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC.

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