Cyberpunk 2077 has received a massive update to its content in Patch 1.5, including more than a dozen new attachments for weapons. Update 1.5 has completely revamped Cyberpunk 2077, building upon various mechanics, graphics, other complaints that the game received when it first launched in Dec. 2020. In addition to the major quality of life improvements, players are able to equip new attachments to their weapons in the form of muzzle brakes and scopes.

Similar to weapon mods, other attachments, and weapons themselves in Cyberpunk 2077, all of the new muzzle brakes and scopes can be found in Wilson’s 2nd Amendment store in Megabuilding H10. Additionally, players may be able to find each attachment simply by looting the streets of Night City and its more aggressive NPC residents. The former option is going to be the easier way to find any and all of the attachments, as players can skip time by a full day just outside of Wilson’s 2nd Amendment store to reset his inventory.


The Cyberpunk 2077 update 1.5 has included five muzzle brakes for handguns and five muzzle brakes for Assault Rifles and SMGs. When a muzzle brake is equipped to a player’s weapon, that weapon receives reduced recoil, reduced bullet spread, increased ricochet damage, and an increase to the ricochet angle and chance. Additionally, the update to Cyberpunk 2077 has included four new types of scopes, each with a distinct effect on visuals and range when aiming down sights, and they affect the ADS speed as well.

The Best New Weapon Attachments In Cyberpunk 2077

One of the important things to keep in mind for weapon attachments in Cyberpunk 2077 is that each attachment will have randomized stats, even at the different rarity levels. The consistent aspect of weapon attachments is that higher tier rarities are always the better option, but, for example, two of the exact same rarity muzzle brakes could have slightly different stats. Fortunately, no matter the rarity, all of the new muzzle brakes in Cyberpunk 2077 will have set inherent traits that remain consistent amongst the different rarity tiers. With this information in mind, the best muzzle brake attachments from the Cyberpunk 2077 update are:

  • RC-7 Aswang (SMG/Assault Rifle): Increases ricochet angle and chance, and reduces bullet spread.
  • RC-7 Yokai (SMG/Assault Rifle): Increases ricochet angle and chance, and increases bullet damage.
  • RC-7 Liger (Handgun): Increases ricochet angle and chance, and increases bullet damage.
  • RC-7 Kutrub (Handgun): Increases ricochet angle and chance, and reduces bullet spread. 
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While the six remaining muzzle brake types all provide an increase to ricochet bullet damage in addition to some of the benefits mentioned above, they all cut the critical chance of every shot by half. No matter how high the ricochet damage percentage is, even in the instances where a muzzle brake provides a 150% increase to ricochet damage, that benefit doesn’t outweigh the halved critical chance. Considering all of the enemies players take on in various quests throughout Cyberpunk 2077, players should rely upon weapon accuracy and damage over ricochet chance and damage.

The new scopes, on the other hand, are based more on preference, though the Kanetsugu short scope, Handyman short scope, and Jue long scope are all great additions to Cyberpunk 2077. Each scope provides a clear picture of where the attachment’s sights line up, and they’re unobtrusive as well on Handguns, SMGs, and Assault Rifles. Additionally, while the Gaki sniper scope doesn’t provide benefits to the range, it does allow players to see enemies clearly for the close-ranged sniper encounters in Cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Google Stadia, and PC.

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