Aside from both appearing on the pages of Teen Titans, Cyborg and Deathstroke don’t have much in common at first glance aside for penchant for exotic eyewear. After all, one is a stoic killing machine while the other is a hero who proves to be more man than machine. However, despite these superficial commonalities, both Cyborg and Deathstroke are literally made from the same metal.

Cyborg first appeared in DC Comics #26 as a teenager maimed in a lab experiment conducted by his scientist parents. Meanwhile, Deathstroke first appeared in New Teen Titans #2 as a highly-capable assassin and mercenary with enhanced healing and reflexes. While the two were both pivotal characters in the series, they typically didn’t share too many pages. However, there’s a major connective tissue between the two – they both use the fictional element promethium.


Promethium is essentially DC’s answer to Vibranium, capable of absorbing limitless amounts of energy. However, unlike Vibranium, promethium can be both depleted and volatile, with its volatile state often used to trigger metagenes in humans, granting them superhuman abilities. The alloy had been used to create a team of supervillains known as the Hybrid. It’s also been mentioned somewhat recently as one of the five metals capable of accessing the Dark Multiverse.

Cyborg’s machine side is constructed with depleted promethium – and he’s actually not the only Titan to wield the powerful substance. Arsenal’s costume is also made from a promethium and Kevlar weave. Similarly, Deathstroke uses quite a lot of promethium in his own bag of tricks. Both his sword and staff are forged from promethium, and much like Arsenal, his armor is promethium as well. Unlike Victor Stone, however, Deathstroke’s weapons and armor are derived from volatile promethium.

Interestingly enough, promethium is a real element outside of the comic books. While it doesn’t grant superpowers, it is used in a variety of ways, including batteries for everything from missiles to watches. It also could eventually be used to eventually generate X-rays as well.

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In addition to this surprising commonality between two of DC’s most iconic characters – one hero and one villain – this detail also explains why Cyborg and Deathstroke are both forces to be reckoned with. After all, Deathstroke’s armor is composed of an unstable alloy capable of absorbing near-limitless amounts of energy, while Cyborg is partially made from the exact same substance. This also means that a match-up between Cyborg and Deathstroke might be a closer call than anyone ever realized.

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