FX’s acclaimed legal thriller series Damages had no shortage of shocking moments. Firm partner and legendary attorney Patty Hewes would stop at nothing to win her all-important civil cases, including betraying hard-won allies and sacrificing innocents. The series began with Patty hiring young lawyer Ellen Parsons for the sole purpose of getting close to her fiancé’s sister Katie, and this betrayal set the precedent for much of Patty’s behavior over the show’s five seasons.

Whether she was prosecuting billionaire Arthur Frobisher or private security firm High Star, winning was always what mattered most to Patty. But of all her most terrible acts, which was the worst?

10 Allowed Katie To Perjure Herself

A recurring plot point across Damages‘ six seasons was the tension between Patty’s self-serving and heroic tendencies. She notoriously hated her clients accepting a settlement and demonstrated an almost feverish desire to see her cases through to trial.

In Season 1, she allowed Katie to perjure herself, repeating false information given to her by Gregory Malina during a deposition. In classic fashion, Patty double-crossed Katie to make it appear that she lost her key witness, all in order to spur Frobisher to withdraw his generous settlement offer. This meant that Patty would be free and clear to wage a courtroom battle against him. Although Katie felt rightfully betrayed, she should have known that with Patty it could have been much worse.

9 Bribed Daniel Purcell

Midway through Season 2, Patty’s history with her client (the prime suspect in a murder case) was revealed. Patty’s first-ever case with her own firm found her sitting opposite her former lover, scientist Daniel Purcell, who was the key witness for a corporation being sued.

It turned out Patty used photos of their son Michael to bribe Purcell into tanking his deposition, which allowed her to easily win the case. It was a clear example of misconduct that would get Patty disbarred if it came to light, but it wasn’t nearly as harmful as many of her other actions.


8 Gave False Evidence To Her Own Client

In Season 5, Patty represented Rachel Walling, the daughter of a murdered whistleblower who the public mistakenly believed had died by suicide. Although Patty’s wrongful death suit against Ellen’s client Channing McClaren was going well, with Rachel intent on accepting a proposed settlement, Patty wasn’t satisfied.

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Both she and Ellen wanted to face off in court, so they agreed that Patty would give false evidence to Rachel. Just as Patty had hoped, Rachel changed her mind and refused the settlement from McClaren, now believing (to Patty’s glee) that justice could be better delivered in trial. Lying to your client for your own gain (and swindling them out of a settlement) is practically the definition of malpractice, but still not one of Patty’s worst offenses.

7 Alienated Her Son

One of Patty’s greatest mistakes, and certainly among her greatest regrets, was the way she alienated her son, Michael, over the course of several seasons. Although she didn’t believe he was a fit father to his own child, she should have understood that Michael was understandably bitter over her betrayal of his partner Jill.

In the end, Patty’s unwillingness to give up custody to Michael inadvertently resulted in his death. In the series finale, when Patrick Scully, Michael’s key witness in the custody trial, tried to skip town, Michael threatened to reveal his crimes as a hit man. Unfortunately for both Michael and Patty, this threat resulted in Michael’s death. Although the outcome was downright terrible, it wasn’t directly Patty’s fault, but rather the result of years of alienating her son.

6 Had Katie’s Dog Killed

In the show’s pilot, viewers discovered that Katie had catered for Frobisher in Florida (when the executive suspiciously sold his stocks in his own company) and that’s why he’d offered to help her finance a new restaurant.

For her part, Patty wanted Katie to be a witness in her case against Frobisher. In order to convince Katie to turn against her investor, she had Uncle Pete break into Katie’s apartment and kill her dog, knowing that Katie would assume Frobisher was behind the attack. It was Patty’s first horrible act in the series that would foreshadow many more to come, and it showed that she wasn’t above taking lives.

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5 Endangered Chris Sanchez

In Damages Season 4, Ellen struck out on her own and attempted to try a case against High Star, a security firm contracted by the military whose employ left her old friend Chris Sanchez suffering from PTSD. But when Ellen realized that Sanchez was being held hostage by High Star on a mission, she negotiated with CEO Howard Erickson and agreed to drop the case to ensure her friend’s safe release.

Patty also swore that she wouldn’t pick up the case, but by the next episode she reneged on her promise, betraying Ellen and nearly causing Sanchez’s death. After four seasons of ups and downs but an undeniable and years-long connection, it was a massive betrayal of Ellen for Patty, and this shocking storyline allowed for Rose Byrne to showcase some of her best-ever acting. Nonetheless, Sanchez survived, making it not quite as bad as some of Patty’s other acts.

4 Had Jill Arrested

Patty was never happy with Michael’s relationship with the much older Jill, and for good reason – but she inarguably went way too far in getting her out of the picture. When she found out Jill was pregnant, Patty offered her a lump sum in order to leave Michael, but Jill accepted the money and used it to buy a car and an apartment for her and Michael.

When Patty realized she had been double-crossed, she took ruthless action and had Jill arrested for statutory rape. Just as she wanted, Patty gained custody of her granddaughter, but at a horrible cost: Jill was incarcerated for an unknown amount of time, Patty’s granddaughter was torn from her mother, and Michael’s burgeoning family was destroyed. Although it wasn’t murder, it was definitely reprehensible.

3 Sacrificed Rutger Simon

In the middle of Season 5, Patty’s case against Channing McClaren wasn’t looking too good – that is, until McClaren’s right-hand man, Rutger Simon, approaches Patty and offers to be her key witness. Simon proposed that his testimony against McClaren, Princefield CEO Bennett Hereshoff, and McClarenTruth.org’s chief financer Helmut Torben would both secure Patty’s victory and allow him to become the sole architect of the whistleblowing website.

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But Patty double-crossed Simon, giving Ellen her witness list (including Simon) early so that Ellen would tell Torben. The ruthless businessman unsurprisingly had Simon killed. It was a particularly twisted manipulation on Patty’s part, since not only did she allow her ally to die, but she also deliberately made Ellen sink to her level.

2 Blackmailed Ray Fiske

Damages is renowned for its gripping legal thrills, and one of Patty’s choices that haunted her the most was blackmailing Frobisher’s lawyer Ray Fiske at the end of Season 1. When she and Ellen discovered his connection to Gregory Malina and that not only his client, but also Fiske himself, had participated in insider trading, Patty confronted him with the evidence.

She told him to deliberately tank the trial, and later promised that she would hire him afterward. But after assembling a plan to flee the country with his wife, Fiske made a last-minute decision to take his own life in Patty’s office. For several seasons to come, Patty grappled with her guilt over Fiske’s death. Fiske even appeared in later seasons to haunt Patty, demonstrating that even Patty truly thought what she had done was unforgivable.

1 Tried To Have Ellen Killed

After she and Ellen blackmailed Ray Fiske in Season 1, Patty was wracked with guilt but also knew she could never admit as much. When she sensed that Ellen doesn’t have the same resolve to keep their actions secret, she shockingly took out a hit against her protégé.

It was perhaps the most shocking example yet of Patty’s willingness to sacrifice anyone and anything in order to keep her career and reputation intact.

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