Warning! Spoilers for Justice League Incarnate #5 by DC Comics

There is bad news coming for the Justice League Incarnate, as key members of the powerful Multiversal team are about to become under the control of Darkseid. In a new tease for the upcoming Justice League Incarnate #5 by DC Comics, Darkseid is seen having control over some of the greatest heroes from across the Multiverse, as a new crisis is teased.

Justice League Incarnate is a current limited series at DC Comics following the adventures of the team of the same name who is trying to stop Darkseid from destroying the Multiverse. The Justice League Incarnate features some of the most powerful heroes from different Earths, including President Superman, Flashpoint Batman, Captain Carrot, Avery Ho’s Flash, Mary Marvel, Captain Carrot, Aquawoman, and more. In addition, Doctor Multiverse recently joined the team and proved to be immediately valuable, as she can sense problems across DC’s Multiverse. Unfortunately, things aren’t about to get any easier for the Justice League Incarnate, as Darkseid will gain control of those who have sworn to take him down.


On his Twitter account, writer Dennis Culver, who writes Justice League Incarnate alongside Joshua Williamson with a rotating group of artists, shared a preview for the series fifth issue. In the preview, Culver said half the team would be under the control of “the forces of darkness” as Darkseid aims to achieve his ultimate victory. The cover by Gary Frank and Brad Anderson features Darkseid standing behind the Justice League Incarnate, as the powerful heroes have seemingly become the latest people to join his crusade (against their will) to control and destroy the Multiverse.

Culver also shared two variant covers for Justice League Incarnate #5. Jorge Fornes’ variant for the issue features Orion (with some Kirby Krackle) traveling through space which is beautifully turned into part of Darkseid’s head. Another cover from Andrei Bressan and Adriano Lucas features a closer look at the superteam.

Darkseid has once again established himself as the biggest threat heroes across DC’s Multiverse will ever face as his Multiversal quest has made him more menacing than ever. Can the heroes beat the one true version of Darkseid or are they destined to become a tool for his destruction of different universes? The preview doesn’t make things look good for the superteam. Readers will find out more when Justice League Incarnate #5 by Dennis Culver, Joshua Williamson, Andrei Bressan, Tom Napolitano, and HiFi from DC Comics comes to comic book stores later next year.

Source: Dennis Culver/Twitter

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