This article contains spoilers for Darth Vader #3.

Darth Vader is about to confirm he is Naboo’s biggest fish. Greg Pak’s Darth Vader series is set in the immediate aftermath of The Empire Strikes Back, and its first arc has seen Darth Vader deal with the emotional pain of being rejected by his son. It’s a fascinating approach to take, with Pak telling a story that’s never been told before, as the Dark Lord of the Sith deals with his inner pain in a way that would make his Emperor cackle with glee.

Darth Vader has learned he has a son, and he now knows Luke Skywalker would rather die than join him. Furious at this rejection, Vader has sworn revenge on all those who concealed Luke Skywalker’s existence from him for all these long years. Of course, the irony is that almost all of these are already dead, with Obi-Wan Kenobi slain on the First Death Star and Bail Organa killed when the planet Alderaan was destroyed. Yoda is literally the last one alive who was in on the secret, so Darth Vader’s quest is doomed to failure. It doesn’t help that he’s become side-tracked with a group of Padmé’s surviving friends, who are themselves seeking revenge for her death. They know Mustafar is Darth Vader’s home, and they’re well aware Padmé died after traveling to Mustafar. As a result, they’ve guided Darth Vader to Naboo, and to a series of traps.


They’ve offered Darth Vader the perfect bait; a holo-recording he believes could be crucial to unearthing the old conspiracy. They’ve hidden this in an old Gungan building deep beneath the surface of Naboo’s vast oceans, and in Darth Vader #3 they take Vader down into the depths. It’s a smart strategy, because Darth Vader’s enemies know the seas are full of hostile life-forms. Even better, they appear to have set up sonic emitters to draw the predators to them, and ensure they kill Darth Vader. The first attack fails, when the Dark Lord of the Sith dispatches a Colo Claw Fish with astounding ease. This isn’t the first time Darth Vader has fought underwater; he led raids on Mon Calamari, after all, where readers learned his suit can function underwater.

But this is only the first trap, because Padmé’s loyal friends have another sonic trigger in their possession – one that draws a far greater predator, one that looks big enough to consume the entire Gungan structure whole. On Naboo, there’s always a bigger fish.

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Of course, the biggest fish of all will undoubtedly prove to be Darth Vader himself. Readers already know his story will not end on Naboo, meaning the real excitement here is to see just how Darth Vader will not only survive this trap – but thrive. Naboo is about to learn that Darth Vader is the biggest fish of all, able to deal with anything the beautiful waterworld can throw at him.

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