Warning! Spoilers for Darth Vader #4 below!

Darth Vader is on a quest on Naboo to find out how his former wife, Queen Padmé Amidala, had died, and who kept him from his son, Luke Skywalker. That journey already proved difficult with Sabé orchestrating a revenge plot to kill him – and it’s not to get any easier for the Sith Lord.

Darth Vader’s journey to Naboo to get answers on Padmé and Luke led him directly to Queen Amidala’s double, Sabé. She tells him that he can get more answers via previously lost video recordings and the pair (along with her security team) head to an underwater Gungan base. That’s when Sabés actual plan is revealed as her revenge plot to kill Darth Vader is sprung into motion as she activates a button that sends a massive fish capable of swallowing the entire base whole with them all inside. It appears Darth and Sabé will get out of the deadly trap in one piece, as previews for Darth Vader #4 show the Sith Lord making a visit to Padmés tomb.


In a new preview for Darth Vader #4 by Greg Pak, Raffaele Ienco, and Neeraj Menon, Darth Vader is out of the Gungan trap and it fighting Naboo citizens with Deathtroopers by his side. The Sith Lord doesn’t hold back, killing everyone in his way. As he kills one soldier, he says “for Padmé!” to which the dying man tells him “for Anakin.” Once they clear out the attack, Darth and his troops end up at the Queen Padmé Amidala’s tomb. As Darth Vader takes it all in, Sabé and her handmaidens show up ready to fight. Sabé tells him she will not allow him to desecrate her grave.

The handmaiden’s defending Padmés place of rest is honorable. But, trying to stop Darth Vader will almost certainly be a losing battle for the group. Will Padmés tomb unlock any new secrets? Will her body he even be buried there? Darth Vader will soon find out, but in order to do so, he might have to kill the one person who most resembles Padmé – that won’t be easy.

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Check out the preview pages for Darth Vader #4 as well as In-Hyuk Lee’s cover.

  • Darth Vader #4
  • Written by Greg Pak
  • Art by Raffaele Ienco
  • Colors by Neeraj Menon
  • Cover Art by In-Hyuk Lee
  • WHO HUNTS THE HUNTER?DARTH VADER continues his terrifying quest for vengeance against everyone who hid the existence of his son from him.But on NABOO, the DARK LORD OF THE SITH faces a deadly new challenge as his focus turns from LUKE to PADMÉ, the wife of the man Vader used to be.  And what secrets lie in the tomb of PADMÉ AMIDALA?
  • In comic book stores and online on August 12, 2020.
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