As Snowpiercerseason 3 begins, Andre Layton (Daveed Diggs) and Josie Wellstead (Katie McGuinness) are using their stolen 10-car pirate train to prove Melanie Cavill’s (Jennifer Connelly) theory that the Earth is warming correct. But the fact that Mr. Wilford (Sean Bean) still controls Snowpiercer weighs on Layton’s mind since it means his unborn child with Zarah Ferami (Shiela Vand) is in danger.

Screen Rant took part in Snowpiercer season 3’s press junket and spoke to Daveed Diggs and Katie McGuinness about Layton and Josie’s romance, Josie coping with her immunity to the cold, and Layton’s mindset against Mr. Wilford going into season 3.


Screen Rant: Let’s start by talking about Layton and Josie. You had a romance in the Tail in season 1 but now there’s Zarah about to give birth to Layton’s baby. Obviously, Layton and Josie still have feelings for each other. Can you guys talk about your characters’ relationship in season 3?

Daveed Diggs: You said a lot of it. We definitely still have feelings for each other and I’m definitely having a baby with somebody else. (laughs) Who Layton also cares a lot about. I think it feels like a very common, real-world situation we get to see played out in a very uncommon, dystopian future.

Katie McGuinness: I think for Josie, at the beginning of the season, she’s decidedly put her feelings for Layton in a box. Because there’s bigger fish to fry at the moment. But feelings have a habit of popping up at unexpected times, don’t they? Despite your efforts to stamp them down.

Daveed, the show has really centered on Layton’s rivalry with Wilford. Democracy vs. authoritarianism, which is quite relevant to the real world. Looking ahead to season 3, can Layton and democracy beat Wilford and his cult of personality?

Daveed Diggs: I think what’s interesting about the battle that is going on between those two ideologies is that both of them have huge blind spots in them. We get to see more of that play out. The rigidity of both sides of the argument is not really figuring out how to survive on a train together. There’s more of the same battles but also, I think for Layton, things start to get a little more nuanced and a little more personal because of the addition of [his] child. Things arise about what is best for society and what is best for my child? Those things aren’t necessarily the same and what do you do about that? It’s one of the interesting wrinkles that Layton has in his ideological basis this season.

Katie, Josie is the cold woman now, the new Icy Bob. Can you talk about Josie in season 3? Is she going to explore her cold immunity further?

Katie McGuinness: She’s had these cold powers forced on her, really, [by Wilford]. But she’s kind of embraced them and made peace with that. She’s using this unique opportunity that she has to help [Layton’s] team and find a better future for everyone on the train. But things aren’t necessarily functioning as well as they may seem at the beginning for her. And that plays out through the season.

Snowpiercer Season 3 airs Mondays @ 9 pm on TNT.

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