For much of her teen years, Joey Potter was in love with her best friend. Dawson Leery was mostly oblivious. In Dawson’s Creek, the two tried dating, but like all of Dawson’s other relationships, it didn’t work out. By the end of the series, he had a successful career as a writer/director, but he ended the series, as far as fans know, without a romantic relationship. He and Joey, instead, were termed platonic soulmates.

There were, however, a lot of characters that could have made a great long term match for Dawson if the show’s writers had pursued them outside of brief love triangles. The series also included a lot of characters that could have been interesting for a story arc or two, but might not have worked out with Dawson long term.

10 Audrey Liddell

Audrey and Dawson didn’t actually spend a ton of time together despite them sharing literally all of the same friends. The most significant time spent together involved Audrey starring as Dawson’s fictional version of Ms. Jacobs when he finally set about making the pitch for a movie about his high school years.

Throughout the show, as Jen pointed out early in the series, Dawson kept Joey on a pedestal, but he was always drawn to women who were a bit less restrained. It’s surprising that he didn’t show any interest in Audrey at all. Audrey had an understanding of how the film industry – and the world of the rich and powerful – worked. She could have helped Dawson follow his dreams much sooner. Likewise, Dawson had a lot of experience in the friend-drama department by the time they met. He could have helped Audrey through her turbulent twenties.

9 Natasha Kelly

When Dawson made the decision to pursue a career in Hollywood with or without a college education, he got jobs as assistants on various movie sets. One, in particular, saw him connect with an actress named Natasha. The audience didn’t like her much at the time, but she certainly wasn’t as hated as Eve.

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The truth is that Natasha was incredibly career-focused. She was willing to go to great lengths to achieve her dreams, just like Dawson. If the two had found a way to work together, their relationship could have flourished instead of being relegated to a quick fling.


8 Jen Lindley

When Dawson’s Creek began, Jen Lindley was the new girl in Capeside that Dawson believed embodied everything he ever wanted. Jen thought he could offer her a fresh start. The two tried numerous times to make a relationship work on the show but always found excuses to walk away.

Dawson, much like her grandmother and Jack, was actually a pretty stabilizing force in Jen’s life. He helped her see she could talk about her problems instead of acting out, and she helped him realize that the world wasn’t as black and white as it seemed. In reality, it’s rare for someone’s first big high school romance to withstand the test of time, but it would have been nice for these two to make things work.

7 Abby Morgan

Dawson and Abby never would have been soul mates. They definitely would have been fun to watch though.

Abby Morgan was the mean girl in Capeside because she allowed her boredom and her unhappiness to rule her actions. She gave in to most of her impulses and didn’t care about the consequences. Abby could have completely turned Dawson’s world upside down – or Dawson could have made her realize that Capeside wasn’t the worst place on Earth.

6 Amy Lloyd

Amy Lloyd doesn’t appear in very many episodes. In fact, some fans might not even remember the character’s name. She was a film critic Dawson met and enjoyed a connection with.

Amy was a bit older than Dawson, but her knowledge of the film world really drew him to her. Dawson likely would have had a fulfilling relationship with someone who had the same passions he did, so it’s a shame the two couldn’t have a longer relationship.

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5 Nina

We don’t know Nina’s last name since she only appeared in a single episode in the first season. When Dawson and Pacey took a road trip with Jen’s ex-boyfriend, they met her in a bar. Like Amy, Nina was a bit older, and also like Amy, Nina was a movie buff.

Most of the people Dawson connected within the series were from his hometown or people he met while working on movies. Nina is the one person set apart from Capeside and Dawson’s history. Maybe someone completely outside of his comfort zone would have been good for him.

4 Todd Carr

The series never had any indication that either Dawson or Todd were interested in the same gender. If they were, however, they would have made for one very interesting couple.

Initially, Todd was supposed to be Dawson’s mentor. With Todd too busy partying, that didn’t work out. He did, however, become a friend in the industry once he cleaned up his act. Once the two were on an equal footing instead of Dawson trying to force Todd into a mentor role, they could have made a formidable match.

3 Nikki Green

In Capeside, Dawson was very much an outsider. Not many people in his town genuinely believed he would become a famous filmmaker. The only person in Capeside who truly understood his dream was Nikki Green.

The daughter of Capeside High’s Principal Green, Nikki wanted to make movies as well. They even attended a film festival together. It was clear that Dawson was interested in Nikki, but they were never more than friends as the Greens left town. Nikki was one of the few people Dawson was friendly with who would give him an honest critique on his work instead of telling him what he wanted to hear. They could have had more open and honest of a relationship than any other one in Dawson’s life if given the chance.

2 Pacey Witter

Who better to romance than the best friend that knows you inside and out? The two people that knew Dawson best in the series, Joey Potter and Pacey Witter, ended up together in the end after years of a love triangle. Pacey and Dawson were never interested in one another’s affection, but if they had been, the last two seasons of the show would have been very different.

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Dawson’s friendship with Pacey hit a lot of roadblocks, usually with Joey placed right in the middle of them. If their feelings for Joey hadn’t been a factor, the two might have been able to work through their differences a little bit faster. They also might have learned to support one another more instead of walking away when things became difficult.

1 Gretchen Witter

One of Dawson’s best, if brief, relationships in the series was the one he had with Pacey’s big sister Gretchen. When Gretchen had a tough time away at college, she came home for a break. She and Dawson, surprisingly to the two of them, reconnected and started dating. 

Gretchen was someone who was as world-weary as Jen. Dawson was practically made of optimism. The two tended to balance one another out. It’s a shame after their relationship ended, Gretchen never returned to Capeside and the two never had a chance to try again.

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