Before Dawson’s Creek premiered in 1998, characters like Joey Potter were few and far between. Here was a teenage girl who had no parents, relied on her best friend for emotional support, and dreamed of leaving her small town behind. She was smart, independent, fiery, and always had a witty comeback at the ready. And she was definitely content to spend time with a book, which wasn’t really seen on teen shows up until that point.

Katie Holmes did a fantastic job with this role, making Joey tough but still kind and warm if she was comfortable enough with someone. But a lot of things about Joey seem strange today. Here are 10 things about this character that wouldn’t fly in 2020.

10 Has No Curfew And Her Sister Doesn’t Set Up Any Rules

Not every teenager has a curfew, but parents like to know that their kid isn’t hanging out at a friend’s house until midnight. Joey has no curfew and what’s even weirder is that her sister doesn’t set up any rules for her.

Joey really does come and go as she pleases, and that’s odd behavior for someone who is a high schooler. Today, she would have more guidelines.

9 Takes Off With A Total Stranger

In the season 1 episode “Kiss,” Joey takes off with Anderson (Ian Bohen), a total stranger who is super rich and visiting Capeside. Joey goes sailing with him and they spend an afternoon together on the beach.

Is this the best thing for a teenager to do? Not really. This could have been a very dangerous situation for Joey, but she doesn’t have any parental figures looking out for her. It’s hard to see this happening in 2020 when people have less of a carefree attitude.


8 Almost Dates Her College Professor

David Wilder (Ken Marino) may be dreamy and literary, making him a logical person for Joey to date… but then there’s the fact that he’s her college professor.

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The fact that Joey gets close to dating a teacher really wouldn’t fly today because it breaks so many rules. It’s also not something that fans expect from Joey since she’s usually such a rule follower.

7 Isn’t Realistic About Her College Desires

Before the fourth season episode “Admissions,” when Joey sees the hefty price tag attached to her dream college, she seems to assume that of course she’s going to go to a fancy college. She doesn’t seem all that realistic about her future plans, which is strange since her parents aren’t around, she lives with her sister, and they don’t have much money.

If Joey was a character on a 2020 teen drama, she would be agonizing about the finances attached to college much sooner.

6 Agrees To Sail On Pacey’s Boat For An Entire Summer

One of the most famous storylines on Dawson’s Creek is when Joey and Pacey sail for an entire summer together. This experience helps them fall in love and it also helps Joey further separate from Dawson.

But this is pretty crazy when fans think about it, right? What teens can do this? Isn’t it dangerous? Wouldn’t their parents have something to say about it?

5 Isn’t Careful Enough When Emailing Dawson

It’s true that the gang on Dawson’s Creek aren’t great with technology, at least not by 2020 standards. So when Joey emails Dawson and ends up emailing everyone at her college, students and teachers included, it’s a humiliating moment.

People are much more careful when emailing or texting in 2020 since everyone is so used to using phones and computers 24/7. This scene is pretty innocent, and it begs the question of why Joey wasn’t more careful and didn’t slow down a bit.

4 Says No To A Year In Paris… For Dawson

All Joey has ever wanted is to get out of Capeside and see the world… so it’s definitely strange that she says no to going to Paris for a year. She turns down this opportunity for Dawson… because they kissed.

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This sounds a lot like when Lauren Conrad turned down Paris on The Hills. This wouldn’t fly today because Joey would realize that she couldn’t possibly turn down such a big opportunity, and if she and Dawson were truly meant to be, things would work out.

3 Doesn’t Come Clean With Dawson About Pacey Early Enough

Now that it’s 2020, people are tired of playing dating games, using dating apps, and not being clear with their communication. Joey doesn’t come clean with Dawson that she’s fallen for his best friend Pacey, and that wouldn’t work today.

If this show was made now, Joey and Pacey would sit Dawson down and tell him what was going on. Or they would at least try a little harder to make him see the situation from their perspective.

2 Wears A Wire So She Can Catch Her Dad’s Admission Of Guilt

It’s heartbreaking that Joey’s dad is in prison and in the second season when he’s free, Joey wears a wire so she can catch an admission of guilt from him for drug dealing.

Would a high schooler really do this today? It’s hard to see that this would be deemed appropriate or realistic. Joey’s too young to get involved in her dad’s criminal life.

1 Dates A.J., Who Is In College

A.J. (Robin Dunne) is a season 3 love interest for Joey and since he’s already in college, this definitely wouldn’t fly today. It’s too big an age gap.

Wouldn’t more characters have an issue with this and tell Joey that A.J. is too old for her? It seems weird that he’s even a love interest for her at all.

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