From the first episode of Dawson’s Creek, it was clear that Joey Potter and Dawson Leery were soulmates. Joey struggled to find her identity outside of her feelings for her best friend, and falling in love with Pacey taught her a lot about love, friendship, and growing up. Fans enjoyed watching Joey get older and learn more about the world, and it was clear that she would find success once she left Capeside.

While Joey rolled her eyes and complained a lot, and sarcasm seemed to be her main mode of communication, she had many moments in the series when she seemed like more of an adult than any of the other characters.

10 Typical Teenager: She Fought With Bessie A Lot

While fans see Joey as an intelligent person, she made some wrong decisions, like when she treated her older sister Bessie badly during her high school years.

Bessie was doing the best she could to take care of Joey, but Joey resented the fact that she didn’t have any parents. Her mom died of cancer and her dad was in prison, and she could have appreciated Bessie’s love and support, but she was harsh toward her for a long time.

9 Wise: She Worried About Paying For College

Joey is known for her work ethic and all those hours focusing on homework paid off in the season 4 episode “Admissions” when she was accepted to Worthington College in Boston.

While this was a dream come true for Joey, she quickly realized that she couldn’t afford such an expensive school, or any school, really. Thanks to her sad family situation, there was no savings account ready and waiting when she got her acceptance letter. Joey was wise beyond her years here, as while she was bummed out, she knew she had to be realistic and face facts. Mr. Brooks left Dawson money and he gifted it to Joey so she could go to college, which was incredibly kind.


8 Typical Teenager: She Was Jealous Of Jen Right Away

Joey’s behavior after Jen moved to Capeside was definitely that of a typical teenager. She hated Jen immediately and treated her really badly.

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While Jen just wanted a fresh start and some new friends after her parents kicked her out for having sex in their bed, Joey didn’t care about the new girl’s feelings. She was jealous of her beauty and the fact that Dawson liked her, and she didn’t want their dynamic to change. While these two eventually found a way to get along, Joey acted like the world revolved around her, and Jen didn’t deserve her sarcasm and biting comments.

7 Wise: She Spared Dawson’s Feelings About Her Relationship With Pacey

It was a shock when Joey started falling for Pacey, as viewers assumed she would only be interested in Dawson, and this new romance ended up being one of the most compelling parts of the whole show.

When Joey lost her virginity to Pacey, Dawson asked her if they had sex. While it wasn’t any of his business and he definitely shouldn’t have brought it up, Joey wanted to keep his feelings from getting hurt. She lied and said no, that didn’t happen. She might have regretted this later, as honesty is usually the best policy, but in the moment, it felt like the right thing to do. This was a moment when Joey proved her wisdom and maturity. She knew that if she told Dawson the truth, he would have been emotional for days, or he might have taken it out on Pacey.

6 Typical Teenager: She Told Gail She Knew She Was Cheating

The first season of Dawson’s Creek saw a lot of drama in Dawson’s home, as his mother Gail cheated on his father with her co-anchor. Joey found out about this big secret before Dawson did, and Joey told Gail she was aware of her cheating.

Joey wasn’t very nice about it, and if she was going to talk to anyone in the Leery household about this, it would have been better to go to Dawson, her friend since childhood. Instead, Joey showed her age by missing the nuance and pain of the situation, and she gave Gail a lecture. While Joey could be mature, she didn’t do the right thing here.

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5 Wise: She Knew High School Parties Were Usually Bad News

Dawson’s Creek had some storylines that fans disliked, and there were also a few episodes that weren’t great but explored typical high school settings like parties.

In the third season episode “Valentine’s Day Massacre,” Pacey wanted to bring Dawson to a party, and Joey was upset. While Pacey got angry because he thought Joey cared too much about how Dawson spent his time, she was definitely right to worry. She was wise and knew that high school parties rarely lead to any positive outcomes.

4 Typical Teenager: She Got Mad At Dawson For Sharing That Her Dad Was In Trouble Again

Joey and Dawson always had a close friendship but when they started dating in season 2, drama ensued. Besides the typical jealousies and worries that TV teenage couples go through, there was the extra element of Joey’s sad family life.

In the episode “Parental Discretion Advised,” Dawson told Joey that her dad was dealing drugs and in trouble again. While she went to the police to turn him in, she let Dawson know that she was furious and that things between them would never be the same. This was incredibly immature as Dawson was in an awkward and difficult position, and he wasn’t trying to hurt Joey.

3 Wise: She Tried To Help Principal Green From Being Fired

In the early years of Dawson’s Creek, Joey explored her love of art, and that was one thing that she connected with Jack over. She painted a mural but a student named Matt vandalized it. In the episode “To Green, with Love” Joey supported Principal Green, who was in trouble for punishing Matt.

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Joey was wise by trying to stop the school’s principal from being fired. She thought that this was a huge injustice and wanted to do something about it.

2 Typical Teenager: She Was Annoyed When Pacey Was Trying To Help

By the third season, Joey was a bit nicer to Bessie, who was starting a bed and breakfast. In the episode “A Weekend in the Country,” everyone wanted to help out so it could open.

Pacey asked a critic to come stay, trying to do a nice thing, but Joey took it the wrong way and freaked out, saying that it would be a disaster. This was another time when she acted like a typical teenager, as she let her emotions and worry get the best of her, choosing anger instead of appreciation. Despite the issues that weekend, it was a great opportunity they might not have otherwise had.

1 Wise: She Could Tell College Wasn’t In Pacey’s Future

Joey and Pacey have a fan-favorite relationship, and it was devastating to watch them break up at the end of the fourth season.

While their relationship was genuine and full of love, it was often on shaky ground because there was one big problem that loomed ahead: the future. Joey was off to college, but she could tell that Pacey wouldn’t be going down the same academic path. She could tell that his grades weren’t college material, and this was a wise realization. Just because Pacey wasn’t going to pursue higher education didn’t mean he wasn’t smart, of course, and Joey always respected him despite their differences.

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